Master anger with love

February 6, 2017 | 36 comments

If you harbor any ire over the recent presidential election in the USA, or wonder how to deal with neighbors who do, this article I wrote for the Christian Science Sentinel (1/30/17) may help you find some useful guidance.

Its ideas apply to any instance you face anger.

“When faced with anger, choose to love”

36 thoughts on “Master anger with love”

  1. Thank you Evan for always being on the ball with dealing with current events and emergencies as they happen !!! …this is SO needed at the moment in every country in the world.
    As with a health problem, we need to get onto seeing the truth of it immediately without hesitation as the longer you leave it, the more those unhelpful or angry ideas sit in our consciousness and then you not only have the problem to deal with, but also the concept that the problem has a history and a place in your daily life.

  2. Your inspirations are so timely. I was tempted to get angry but now I chose to let go and to love instead. Its a better choice because love has a healing effect on all concerned but anger makes us feel miserable and takes away your peace and joy.
    “Love is the Liberator”. Secondly we even learn that “Love, love alone is Life”
    Most importantly God is with us when we choose to love. So any day love is a better proposition than hatred.
    If we think of Christ Jesus when we are tempted to get angry, we will always calm down and choose to love instead. God’s all power helps and heals and sets us free.

  3. Thank you. I was reminded of an old article in the C.S. Monitor in 1965!! Kept it all these years. Helped me when I was in C.S. Nurses’ training. DON’T GET INTO THE DREAM. When tempted to believe what I saw or heard or even felt which was not from God, Love…I would remind myself not to get into the dream. Especially someone else’s dream. Though, in reality , we are awake !! 🙂 We all, as children of God, are Love’s expressions. Love is our true nature.
    Thank you, again, Evan.

  4. I loved what Diane said about meeting challenges quickly so we don’t have to “work out” also that they had a history or a place. Good reminder!

  5. The problem for me is how to pray and view things rightly, and yet to maintain a state of peace and balance while taking human steps such as calling, writing my senators, marching with my community, etc. It feels odd to me to just pray and hope that others will raise their voices and take those steps for me. So how to do both holding to love?

    1. Thank you Evan! Yes, excellent article! Mark Swinney’s article in the Feb. 6 Sentinel directily addresses your concerns, Anna. It’s titled “Prayer and ‘God’s Disposal of Events'”.

    2. Prayer always leads to action. That’s the purpose of prayer, to hear God’s direction to know what to do. Sometimes the action happens directly from divine Mind, and sometimes the voice of wisdom has us play a role in implementing the change. Listen and follow. And act in Love.

    3. I have had the same question, Anna. Staying informed, yet not overwhelmed, staying peaceful, loving, and calm, yet doing the things which I feel need to be done

  6. Thank you, Evan, for your Wonderful Article in the Jan. 30th C.S. Sentinel. It has helped me a lot! What I have discovered is that it takes a lot of willingness to let go of Anger as a motivator for change and to Choose Love instead. Anna, I, too, have struggled with how to do both…..Pray and Take Peaceful Action. A good friend of mine is holding a Peaceful Event on the Beach in S.F. this Sat. and he just recently realized that it would be better to use the word “Resist”, instead of “Revolt”. Peaceful Resistance has been used to great effect for change – i.e. look at Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. They both were Men of Prayer and they both used Marches and Peaceful Resistance as a means for Action and Change. We do have the right and the power to Peacefully Resist anything that is hurtful and harmful!

  7. Knowing Christ

    Can we know Christ …?
    Can we know Jesus…?
    Jesus the Christ
    Christ Jesus
    The master of all masters
    Unimaginable significance
    In a point in time… his- story
    Yet available as promised
    With Jesus as
    Brotherly love…
    Personal ….caring ….
    We will know him not in the flesh though….
    We will know him in the Christ….
    Which he embodied
    so completely….
    Identifying this state of divine awareness
    with such clarity…
    And his divulging of the Truth
    That the same is True
    of each and everyone
    of us….
    Understanding his promise
    We know the Christ as Jesus did…..
    And in so doing….. the all is realized as one……
    Can we know the Christ ?

    The question does not actually exist….
    For the answer is a present reality….


  8. There is a reason why love wins. It is not self destructive as is hate. Wonderfully written article Evan. Thank you for making it today’s post. No matter where one stands politically, God, eternal truth, is never subject to mankind’s erroneous thought or whatever political spin mankind can conjure up for the public. Personally, I would like to see the conversation of ideas brought forward as the expressions of Soul where all mankind can be benefitted by divine love as a never ending source of substantial ideas for guidance.

  9. Thank you for opening up this subject, having permission to say “something”!!! I don’t know all the ramifications of the turn of events in this country, metaphysically or otherwise. I don’t think we are dealing with anger though. We have watched as the Government, as we understood it, disappear as a man unable to carry out the duties of President in any kind of logical or ethical manner runs unchecked. It seems there is something far more sinister going on behind the scence; as in we don’t have some vital information and are unable to make any sense out it. Fear and confusion is probably the “culprit.” I pray for understanding that I might know how to proceed in my Prayer work. I share with a lot of people this feeling of , “What is going on here !!!???. “What Happened!!!???” The thing I hear most is,” It’s unbelievable.” One benefit I have gleaned from these events, I must recommit to being radically reliant on God for my understanding and well being. To look to God,” from which my help commenth.” I don’t hate anyone nor am I angry. Frightened perhaps but I don’t hate.
    As I think might be the case for most people.

  10. Come on everyone… What Evan has written for us is so wonderful and basic…
    Metaphysics 101…. Easy…. what so hard to understand….
    Rely on God completely…

    If we declare any desire
    more important than our desire
    to know and love
    God ….
    with our complete compliance…
    This desire, unmasked,
    is a ‘ false god ‘…….


  11. Brian, thanks for the link….it works and thank you Evan for a very timely article. Perfect in all ways!!! Love all you do.

  12. “The World will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing Anything.” Albert Einstein

      1. Maximo, There is no evil. Tell that to someone in a Refuge Camp or whose children have been stolen from them to be used as Sex Slaves or Homes have been burned…

        1. Charlat… I believe those are the mortal issues that we need to help correct, both spiritually and materially… in not letting atrocities such as that take over our mental or mortal ‘homes’… thought. What a lot of people don’t seem to understand, our new President has promised to Help these people, by helping to create a safe environment for them in their areas, where they can live a better life that we All deserve.

          1. Carol, Not a place for a Political debate. Sorry I commented at all on that. We will never agree on that because from where I’m sitting Trump is the biggest threat we have to our safety and well being. You think quite differently about that. That’s Okay. As for “evil” Mrs Eddy talks a lot about how she spent her life fighting the world’s hatred of the Truth. Let’s not be telling people who have suffered the ravages of some atrocity there is no “evil.” Please, don’t do that. That’s all I was saying.

      2. Well then , how about this….
        Hatred of perceived ‘ evil’
        does not eradicate it….
        It creates more of it

        With respect

  13. ‘ Take the rock from
    Your mouth,
    Tell me what you know…

    Tell me of your journeys
    and your scars from
    head to toe…

    Tell me what it means…
    To be alone for
    all these years…

    Explain again how tears
    are used…. to wash
    away all fear…

    How loving hearts
    emerge……. as
    pain begins to fade…

    How loving hearts
    the price
    they have to pay…

    Beyond the story
    of human love…
    You say a deeper
    mystery comes…

    An enigma in
    a radiant form…
    That only simple hearts


  14. Oh, how our country/world needs Harmony!! I think there is a latent error underlying all of this that only LOVE can heal. Are we feeling we are “victims” and having to protest what? In following GOD’s law, we already have Peace ~ We already have Everything we need. We ALL do …Everyone, Everywhere. Is there perhaps an infiltrating error, a trojan horse, if you will, that is trying to divide us from within? Who is behind many of these “violent” protests? Are we channeling harmful thoughts towards someone we may not understand completely, who, if understood, might be trying to do what is Safe for our freedom of religion, our Christianity, our right to believe what those who have fought for our liberties, our GOD given rights, our moral values? Is what we are striving for GOD’s law?… which protects all of us as Equals, does not harm the vulnerable, women and children, which other laws that others who may wish to harm us, believe in. Just mortal and spiritual food for thought, imho. Are we listening to All points of view, doing our homework, spiritually and mortally, using wisdom or are we just listening to, letting human emotions take over and having our lens only focussed on what is Wrong with what is going on, rather than what GOOD things are being accomplished? Are we being Supportive of the Truth? I think sometimes we get so caught up in labels and words and mortal beliefs that are not always true and do not see GOD’s bigger picture. Thank you, Evan, for letting us try to come together in Harmony over all of this.

  15. A reminder to all that God’s government of the universe, including man, is supreme. He is always present everywhere at all times.

  16. Thank you, Evan for referral to your excellent article.
    I am no fan of our new president but remind myself to give him a chance. He too is a child of God. Mind speaks to him the same as to everyone else. If and where he is wrong in decisions Divine Love is very capable of setting it right.
    Mrs. Eddy included in Christian Science versus Pantheism “In a prayer for Country and Church” she urges readers to pray “that the divine presence may still bless our chief magistrate, those trusted with his executive trust, and our national judiciary; give to our congress wisdom, and uphold our nation with the right arm of His righteousness.” (p. 14)
    In I Tim. 2: 1,2 we read “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authoriyt; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty”

    Thanks to all commenters and love and blessing to all.

  17. Today is the first time that I’ve left comments on this site. Thank you all for your comments. You have touched on things that I have thought about, been troubled about, prayed about in these past weeks. I so appreciate today’s article and all of your input. God bless!

  18. Thanks Brian you always come through.
    The evidence we are provided is slanted by both sides. I see the President as a person who is truly concerned about our country. He has watched for years how nothing gets done. He wants to correct all these things. This country has fallen behind in so many ways. He is a beacon of light to those who have been written off. But where I see a good man you see a bombastic monster. The
    Hatched job done on him by pummeling him for over a year have made you see what you see this evil person. You’ve been mesmerized with hate and fear. This man wants to provide you with safety, a good job and and religious freedom. Wake up. One side is doing everything in its power to destroy him. They are shooting mental arrows of destruction daily. Planting seeds like impeachment,assasination out into the public. That is evil! We know how mental malpractice works! Before you become part of this evil sinister plot you better look behind the veil and see what is really behind it. I pray daily for his safety and place him in Love’s hands. God is on the field and God is in control. Let us know that our total trust in Divine Mind will solve anything that needs to be corrected.

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