Staying in the best place possible

August 11, 2017 | 22 comments

Have you ever felt like you’re in your wrong place? Perhaps in the wrong job, the wrong house, the wrong community, the wrong marriage or the wrong career? If so, you have an opportunity to redeem your concept of “place.”

Place, in metaphysics, is not a location in matter or a state of mortal existence. It’s a state of Mind, the divine Mind, where God is all.

The best place you could ever be is with God, and you are with God always.

God is Love, and Love is everywhere. Everywhere you go, everything you do, Love is there to comfort, inspire and guide.

God is Life. Life is filled with meaning, purpose, usefulness and value. Your reason for existence is to express Life to the fullest, and there isn’t anything in the so-called mortal mind world that can limit your expression of Life, which is God, for God is never at the mercy of mortality. God rules over it. And that puts you in control of it too.

God is your Home. There is no better place to be than with God, and you are always in God’s loving presence no matter what your mailing address.

God is your Employer. He keeps you profitably employed and in enjoyable work that brings benefit to you and all around you. Your #1 job is to reflect wisdom, care, usefulness, worth and value. And you can do that without limit.

God is your constant companion. He’s the best companion you could ever have! He loves you, supports you, watches out for you, guards, guides and listens to you. He knows everything about you and ensures you have everything you need to flourish and prosper.

You can never leave God’s presence or lose it. It’s a constant. It’s permanent, always here, everywhere.

When you live, work and think with God, you are in the best place possible. So, rejoice where you are! Silence all complaining. Be grateful for what you have, and prosper!

“I pray to you, O Lord. I say, “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life.” Psalms 142:5, NLT.

22 thoughts on “Staying in the best place possible”

  1. Evan Such a beautiful perspective of home “Home is heaven – as it is in heaven so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme………”. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This says it All! Can we ask for anything more? Perfect sentiments and the Truth. Thank you, Evan, for this wonderful inspiration.

  3. Such a clear bunch of messages from you, Evan! This idea jumped out at me this morning:
    God rules over mortality and that puts you in control of it too. Thank you!

  4. Thank you, Evan! What an inspiring message that we all can remind ourselves of – daily!
    Appreciate your time in sharing these wonderful thoughts with us. Recently signed up
    to receive Spiritview e-mails – what a blessing to start my days with joy! Grateful!!

  5. Yes, Nadine, you are right, have to read it many times. I printed it out and have it beside my weekly lesson sermon.

    Evan, thank you awfully for showing us the very tight oneness we have with our dear Father-Mother God in all the manyfold, various and valuable forms and expressions.

    I am very grateful for another very precious and utmost loving and healing SpiritView!

  6. Thank you Evan. More and more I’m learning to just focus on the spiritual ideas of God and appreciate the spiritual as my TRUE reality. This enables me to filter out everything else that “appears” to exist contrary to God and His idea….even to the point of ignoring what material sense sometimes claims exists because I know that isn’t real. I know that if I do this consistently, what “appears” to exist to the contrary will be replaced in my experience with what is true – one way or another.

    It occurred to me when reading this blog and the comments that even if I were imprisoned in the worst place imaginable, the solution to escaping that place is at hand by simply replacing the false belief of “bad place” in consciousness with the true idea of “place” as God knows it and as you have described in this blog.

    For example, the story of Paul and Silas being imprisoned as contained in Acts 16 has always interested me. I often wondered at how they were released from that prison. But today when reading this it hit me that Paul and/or Silas must have realized the true idea of place in that prison while they were praying and singing hymns. That right realization of “place” manifested itself in their experience as an earthquake that was so violent that it opened the prison doors but at the same time didn’t cause harm to a single person. That right realization of place must be what also caused the magistrates to have a change of heart and decide to release Paul and Silas the next day.

    So the following that Evan wrote today in the blog IS really true:

    You can never leave God’s presence or lose it. It’s a constant. It’s permanent, always here, everywhere.

  7. We will all receive clear messages
    From within… just go there
    and with reverence .. listen

    God is not a person
    We can’t comprehend the
    fullness of God

    The little we can understand
    of the presence of God
    enlarges our perspective

    As this happens
    Love becomes the predominant
    State of being of Mind
    and goodness, in all forms,
    flows into into our
    experience of Life

    This radiates from our
    deeper, truer nature
    as we identify with it
    more and more,

    All life is elevated
    by our private search
    for our Divine Heritage

    1. Hi Maximo,

      thank you for another inspired poem of you.

      On your yesterday`s comment “perfect husband perfect wife” I gave you a reply today. Perhaps you want to read it.

  8. I have a short quote I’ve saved and used a lot – “Because I am God centered, I am always in my right place.” I am ALWAYS in my right place, both mentally and physically. I can NEVER be outside of God’s ever presence.

    Thanks, Evan, and everyone who has commented for sharing your inspirations.

  9. Thank you so much for the reminder that when I am feeling “in the wrong place” I am really feeling separated from Love and Intelligence, Divine Mind in which I live and move and have my being. And since the thought of “going” somewhere or “being” something or “doing” something else within that which is eternal, unchanging good has me seeking “outside” for something that isn’t – cannot be – missing, then what I want is really seeking me! So I can just be still and know that I can Let it Be (the Beatles were definitely on to something greater) for I have the Christ in me and as Love now fills me I am loved, and as Intelligence and Wisdom now fill me I am intelligent and wise. I have discovered my true place has been here all along. There is truly no place like home (thanks Dorothy).

  10. Thank you Evan treatment. This I am putting on the refrig, the front door and in the car – after getting them laminated: “God is Life. Life is filled with meaning, purpose, usefulness and value. Your reason for existence is to express Life to the fullest, and there isn’t anything in the so-called mortal mind world that can limit your expression of Life, which is God, for God is never at the mercy of mortality. God rules over it. And that puts you in control of it too.” That would even apply to those who might be in retirement homes, etc.

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