Hearing God’s voice

March 29, 2018 | 22 comments

God is speaking to you. Are you listening?

If you attend a large party and dozens of guests are milling around, talking with each other, laughing it up, telling stories, elbowing for attention and raising their voices to compete with other partiers, you must focus on listening to the person you want to hear to hear them. The noise level in the room may be so high, that it’s difficult to hear the words of someone standing in front of you.

The same rule applies to hearing God’s voice.

At times, there might be competing voices in consciousness for attention. Voices of fear, worry, anxiety, false belief and anger muddy perspective and lead to confusion, uncertainty, and doubt. If we stay in this muddied state of thought, we may not be sure which way to turn and what decision to make.

To hear God’s voice, it helps to shut out the din of mortal mind and hone attention to divine Mind’s point of view. What is God saying? What does God want me to know? These are healthy questions to ask.

You know you’re hearing God’s voice by the effect it produces in your thinking. Concerns will resolve, fears will dissolve, peace settles in and takes over.

If there is any impatience, anger, resentment, self-righteousness, or contempt, then God isn’t being heard yet. Mortal mind still has the upper hand.

Keep praying. Keep listening. Humble mortal mind, shut it down, and stay focused on what God is telling you. His message will get through.

You know you’ve “arrived” when a deep peace settles in and the mental storms are gone. God’s voice has been heard.

“…You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left” Isaiah 30:20-21, NLT.

22 thoughts on “Hearing God’s voice”

  1. Thanks so much. Just this evening in Wednesday testimony meeting we were listening to readings about the theoretical to the practical Christianity. Your step by step on Listening is helpful in a practical way.

  2. Great reminder that in God I live and move and have my being, while in me God lives and moves and has expression – that the “voice of God” is in me as the real me to hear and trust and safely follow!

  3. Yes we need to be still i.e. quiet our thoughts and acknowledge God’s power and presence. It’s such a soothing presence. Then we do get the messages from the divine presence. The need is to be absolutely calm, pure and peaceful.
    The messages from God guide and govern the day so wonderfully, that we get a taste of heaven on earth.
    Thanks do much Evan.

  4. Thanks! This is exactly what I’ve been working on. (Of course, it’s what we’re all REALLY working on, isn’t it?)

    I have a talent for figuring out how things work. Unfortunately, I also tend to try to figure out what I should do, rather than listening for what God wants me to do. Having realized that was much of the battle! I’m now making an ongoing, conscious effort to stop trying to figure things out intellectually, but instead listen for guidance.

    And it’s working much better!

  5. Thank you Evan. This is exactly what I have been working on lately, to be more aware and not bow down to mortal mind’s noise makers. I often turn to 2 Chronicles – “Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you.” Also, from the same chapter “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

  6. Good morning dear Evan and loving group. Silence the mortal mind, silence the five senses and … we rise silently to the mountain … to pray … to listen … and there the voice of God. Once at the top, we only have God consciousness and we see everything with a Divine perspective. Our beloved Jesus always did it. Blessings to all.

  7. Thanks, Evan. I’ve had several experiences of God telling me exactly what I should do, but one that I thought of now I’d like to share. I lived about 15 miles from the university I was attending, sometimes taking the bus, and sometimes the car. I had the car, and as I left school I thought, which route shall I take? I usually didn’t have that question pop up. I couldn’t decide so I pulled off the road, got quiet and listened. I went the way I was told, and it went past the office where my mother worked. I parked the car and went in, and Mom said, “Oh, I’m so glad to see you! I don’t feel well, and you’re my answer to prayer.” I took her home, and I was so grateful to have pulled off the road and listened for God’s direction. God speaks; we just need to listen.

    1. Daphne, I just loved hearing you tell of your experience. Starting from the point of expansion in thought, your experience included all good available, and then added more good to do, right where God needed you. Exquisite. Thank you.

  8. Thank you so much Evan! We focus on the voice we want to hear when there is other noise around… That’s just he way to to hear God’s voice, focus on it, and you will hear it! That explanation is so lovely!

  9. Wonderful, thank you Evan!
    And thank you Daphne, for sharing your testimony… how important it is to be obedient when God speaks.

  10. Thank you for your reminder that God is always speaking to us and that we can hear the message needed. It is so important to be persistent in quieting the mortal senses, static, distractions and the error message that “I just can not hear God”, and to mistakenly believe that we are not worthy of hearing or able to really discern God’s loving care for each of us. That static or suggestion must be dismissed and shut down! Sometimes we must demand of ourselves that indeed God, our dear Father-Mother loves us enough, is patient enough, is persistent enough to continue with His divine message of good until we do indeed hear it and “get it”. What a joy to know that God’s messages are 24/7 and ever present!! “Peace be still and know that I am God.”Love to all!

  11. Thank you very much for all your inspiring, generously uplifting blogs, Evan! They engender much gratitude and appreciation, and help me to be more loving and more patient with not just others, but with myself as well.
    Thank you too, Sue. I found your comments very helpful.
    Thank you everyone.

  12. Thank you Evan and all contrbutors for this wonderful advice.
    Sometimes God’s voice isn’t so small and still. I recall a time when I was driving Down a residential street looking at the lovely spring flowers, not paying enough attention to driving on the quiet, apparently unoccupied road. Suddenly someone shouted “Stop!”. I did instantly! The car stopped about 6 inches from a boy of about 9 or 10 years who was running across. Had I not obeyed this demand (there was no one else anywhere around except God, the boy and me). I would certainly have hit him.
    I drove about a block and stopped to shed tears of gratitude for our Father’s precious love and care.
    Most of the time our Father’s voice is small but very convincing but He can indeed make Himself heard loud and strong when needed.

  13. Dorothy,

    I love your story! I’ve heard that loud voice at times too. God knows how to get our attention when needed!

  14. Oh that is right, Dorothy and Evan, “the still small voice is heard in quiet places and in the desert as if a Lyon roareth”. I remember that Mrs. Eddy wrote that in SH on page 559.

    Sometimes it is like I experienced today: After I studied your SpiritView of today, Evan, I started immediately to pray and listen to my Father-Mother God, how to proceed with the day, how shall I start and what shall I do next. First I studied the weekly lesson sermon. Then I prayed again what to do now. I went out shopping, but was not so sure that that was the clear answer.

    Then I called a member of my church to tell her some informative things, and we talked about our church statutes etc. Suddenly she asked me (I am clerk of our church): have you already written the records of our last board meeting? The bell in my mind rang quite loud, and now I new that was God`s advice what to do most important today.

    I want to say with this, that also the voice or simply the answer of our praying and listening can come from another child of God. Meanwhile in Germany it is one o`clock am the 30th of March. And I just finished writing the records. Thank you dear God for your clear answer and for today`s for me wonderful experience.

    Thank you dear Evan for today`s so helpful and blessing SpiritView! 🙂

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