Stand with the majority

September 9, 2021 | 18 comments

“Science has inaugurated the irrepressible conflict between sense and Soul. Mortal thought wars with this sense as one that beateth the air, but Science outmasters it, and ends the warfare. This proves daily that “one on God’s side is a majority.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Misc. Writings, p. 102

This conflict Eddy mentions is being waged daily around the world between mortal mind arguing for more suffering from a virus, and Science marching forward for health and peace.

To stay healthy and well, stand on the side of victory! Stand with Science and prevail.

Truth always has the final say.

One with God is one with the majority.

18 thoughts on “Stand with the majority”

  1. Thank you, Martine. I look forward to reading this article.

    I remember always what Mark Swinney said at a talk I attended a number of
    years ago. He said that one with God is a monopoly. I found this to
    be a very powerful thought – it acknowledges God as absolutely
    supreme over all that exists, and He is all good

    By accepting this, we cannot be drawn into believing that an
    unintelligent virus has any power to impress us with its puffed up
    claims. Its claims are empty. Like a balloon when it is pierced,
    it deflates and becomes useless. The Christ, Truth, pierces the
    puffed up beliefs of this virus, and it disappears into its native
    nothingness. So we can rejoice and be free of any fear of it, as
    we let ourselves be embraced in God’s love for us, and for all mankind.

  2. When we as Christians stand firm with God’s promises we can never be afraid of the fears and doubts. Man’s opinion is not God’s decision.
    We as Christian Scientist acknowledge Mrs Eddys teaching, all the healings that was done by the Christ. He know nothing of virus, therefore, we shluld’nt be afraid of these seeminly suggestions.

  3. Where could we possibly be without the recognition and search for truth as God has given us. this alone, is a huge blessing, a pearl, a spiritual foundation presented by Christ Jesus and promoted correctly by Mary Baker Eddy. With God, goodness becomes the light of the world, love the shining guiding star and truth the founding principle.

  4. I like the title of Evan’s message today, Stand With the Majority. It’s a great antidote for the discouraging belief that those who buy into world thought are the majority. At times I feel “outnumbered.” But that thought is just more baseless error. God is All, you can’t get more of a majority than that.

    There are not two sides or many sides, there is only God’s side. We side with Him and He sides with us. The quote above says that mortal mind wars as one that beateth the air; that means it is powerless and cannot win.

    The world seems to be filled with strongholds, problems that appear to hold on and refuse to yield. To material sense of course it will appear this way, because it is based on conflict and duality. But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.(2 Corin 10:4). I read this in 1 John 4:4, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Sending gratitude and love to all of you!

  5. From “Pulpit and Press” pp 3-4; “ Perchance some one of you may say ‘the evidence of spiritual verity in me is so small that I am afraid. I feel so far from victory over the flesh that to reach out for a present realization of my hope savors of temerity….’ [to which Mrs. Eddy replies], ‘Is not a man metaphysically and mathematically one, a unit, and therefore whole number, governed and protected by his divine Principle, God? You have simply to preserve a scientific, positive sense of unity with your divine source, and daily demonstrate this. Then you will find that ONE IS AS IMPORTANT A FACTOR AS DUODECILLIONS in being and doing right, and thus demonstrating deific Principle. A dewdrop reflects the sun. Each of Christ’s little ones reflects the infinite One, and therefore is the seer’s declaration true, that’one on Gods side is a majority,’”

  6. “Standing with the majority,” as “one on God’s side is a majority,” is “doing something.” I like it. Very clear and very powerful. Thanks, Evan and all for such great spiritual insights.

  7. Thanks so much, Evan and all the previous commenters, for the helpful reminders. As Rose said, it’s easy to feel outnumbered when you’re swimming against the current of world thought. But, as Carolyn pointed out about ONE, what is world thought when put up against the Oneness (and only-ness) of Mind?! So it doesn’t matter if you’re swimming against the current as long as you’re swimming with the Majority/(Monopoly)!

  8. Thank you, Evan, for continuing to blaze the trail. Thank you to all of today’s commenters for picking up and raising the torches of powerful Bible verses and forceful statements from MBE’s works. I also thank Martine for the link to the article – I gained much strength from it

  9. I remember hearing somewhere recently (Daily Lift?) that Mrs. Eddy once counseled a student who felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of her detractors, that thousands of zeros had exactly the same effect as one zero. None. No effect. Because none of the detractors were real.

    It also doesn’t matter how many claims seem to be stacking up against us. None of them have any power either, whether there are a dozen or a thousand. Not one of them can hurt us.

    1. Great reminder, Carolyn! These days it seems the number of challenges coming at one can be overwhelming. They all add up to nothing just like a bunch of zeroes.

  10. Great Comments (as always) ! Thank you all!

    What a fine Group of Thinkers. Ideas! Mind’s Ideas, all!!

    Nothing Outside of Mind and Its ideas.


  11. “It also doesn’t matter how many claims seem to be stacking up against us. None of them have any power either, whether there are a dozen or a thousand. Not one of them can hurt us.” Thanks Carolyn, this is just what I need.

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