To feel closer to God, give God the credit

September 17, 2021 | 18 comments

Would you like to feel closer to God?

One way to feel God’s presence better, is to give God credit for all the good things God has been doing for you.

I share in this vlog how to give credit where credit is due, and the benefits that come as a result.

This vlog was filmed in the Great Basin National Park, in Nevada, in May of 2021.

18 thoughts on “To feel closer to God, give God the credit”

  1. The more we focus on God and gratitude, the more good we will see. What we put our attention on is what seems to grow. The good is always there, but when thought gets mired in worldly ideas and attitudes we seem to forget or not notice. Mortal mind loves to keep us distracted. Thanks Evan for an important idea of giving credit to the One source of all our abundant good which helps us feel closer to God (Love).

  2. What a wonderful reminder: God is the source of all good, and give credit where credit is due. This requires humility. I think somewhere Mrs. Eddy says, “Humility is the genius of Christian Science.” We have to get our mortal selves out of the way to let God shine thru. The only proper use of human will is to subordinate ourselves to Truth.

  3. Thank you Evan for the wonderful reminder who gives us all things! I appreciate the comments from Barbara and Rose too, Less we forget where our Joy, love, happiness, and all good really comes from and if we can begin each day with a song in our heart praising God for all the good we already have, we will receive more. Just what I needed to be reminded of today. Hymns 280 to 283 in the Christian Science Hymnal are all about praising God. The first line in Hymn 283 states: “Praise we the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever. Let us extol Him with joyous and loving endeavor. Come let us sing, Praising our God and our King, Should we be silent? Ah, never.” What a wonderful way to begin each day. Thanks again Evan for the reminder who gives us all good things every moment of every day. May we all begin each day with a song of praise to our Father-Mother God.
    Blessing to all today and every day.

  4. Thanks to everyone.
    “Giving God the honor due, every day will be an Easter filled with benedictions new.” The last two lines from hymn #171 , A poem by Frances Thompson Hill.
    The Hymn rings of today’s prayer to remember what the true ego is. Our accomplishments are perfect when we are guided by God’s direction.
    Science & Health, page 167:7
    “We apprehend Life in divine Science only as we live above corporeal sense and correct it.”
    Material sense may say “Look what a fine thing that I have accomplished.” While in actuality we are the servants of God’s eternal source of inspired living.
    Today is an Easter for me, because I saw Evan’s vlog quite clearly and heard it clearly for the very first time.
    Eyes and ears aren’t material sense, but spiritual apprehension of the divine idea. From our heavenly Father, God giving us from His infinite source the True idea. Through his inspired word from all here on today’s Spirit View.

  5. “I am the place” – Author Unknown

    I am the place
    Where God shines through,
    For God and I
    Are one, not two;
    She wants me where
    And as I am,
    I need not fear
    Nor fret nor plan;
    If I can relax
    And just be free,
    God can work out
    His plan through me.

    I might have sent before. This version has She, I
    .said He as a child. A few other words are
    different but I was young when I learned it.
    We are one with Father/Mother/Love

  6. Just had to thank you for this wonderfully clear message today, Evan!

    ‘How can I feel closer to God?’ is definitely a question I’ve been asking a lot recently (as I’ve been doing a lot of complaining to God and not as much rejoicing as I should be!), so your answer is most timely,

    As a business owner myself, it’s very easy to feel that the successes (and failures) in my business are all down to me, which is such a heavy burden to carry around. In particular, a lot of my work (as a photographer) is dependent on the sun, and here in the UK it’s a rare and wondrous sight when it actually comes out! But I put myself under such pressure to make the right decision about when to book in shoots based on the latest forecasts, and so often the forecast will say one thing and the weather then does something else, it can be so frustrating, and I always beat myself up if I’ve made the wrong decision or if the weather doesn’t work out in my favour,

    So as well as trying to acknowledge God as the source of both my supply of work, as well as of all the good that’s happening in my business, I will try to quietly listen more to God as to when is the right time to do my work / book in shoots.

    I love this hymn but I rarely make the time to start with it each morning … something else I will try to do more often now!

    “This is the day the Lord hath made; / Be glad, give thanks, rejoice; / Stand in His presence, unafraid, / In praise lift up your voice. / All perfect gifts are from above, / And all our blessings show / The amplitude of God’s dear love / Which every heart may know. /

    The Lord will hear before we call, / And every need supply; / Good things are freely given to all / Who on His word rely. / We come today to bring Him praise / Not for such gifts alone, / But for the higher, deeper ways / In which His love is shown. /

    For sin destroyed, for sorrow healed, / For health and peace restored; / For Life and Love by Truth revealed, / We thank and bless the Lord. / This is the day the Lord hath made, / In praise lift up your voice. / In shining robes of joy arrayed, / Be glad, give thanks, rejoice.”
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 342:1–3)

    Thank you again Evan, and for all the the other people who have left comments here

  7. This vlog is perfect today, as are the comments and references to hymns. The first hymn that sprang to my thought was, “All good, where’re it may be found, its source doth find in Thee…” (number 224). I saw a meme a few years ago that has changed how I think of gratitude—the acknowledgment of present good, or God present—it asked, what if you woke up tomorrow with only what you are grateful for today? I found nothing too mundane to thank God for! Shoes that fit, running water, a window that lets light stream in. When things are at their darkest, hardest, most painful or stressful is right when to give God credit, right when we might mistakenly think there’s nothing to be grateful for (I think of Jesus and Lazarus). But acknowledging God, good’s presence breaks through 100% of the time.

  8. Thank you for the vlog Evan, and wonderful comments. Before we even open our eyes in the morning, mortal mind wants to shift our priorities to distract us away from God, instead of putting God first!
    – Ps. 118:24 – “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Gratitude for it being God’s day, not ours, and listening only to what God is revealing and unfolding in our lives.
    – Hymn p. 1:
    Be Thou, O God, exalted high;
    And as Thy glory fills the sky,
    So let it be on earth displayed,
    Till Thou art here and now obeyed.

  9. Oh I just LOVE this message Evan. It made me feel really happy! Something easy to remember that I can carry with me every day all the time! Thanks!

  10. Thank you very much, Angie for the two articles. Everything seems to be coming through
    very slowly at present, and I was just about to delete this SV it being the next day, when I noticed your contributions at the bottom. I have read the short children’s one – and it is lovely and also
    very good. I will read the other one later when I have studied the Lesson. Thank you Evan as

  11. Beautiful inspiration Evan and everyone. Love the message of this vlog so much. Thankyou all for the hymns and the articles. Blessed weekend to all❣️

  12. Thank you very much Evan, for your loving Vlog up here. I think all Christian Scientists want to be God nearer.
    You show us the way in that we should be grateful for all the good God bestowed on us our whole life. I also looked back and saw so much good God gave me and I am aware how much God loves me. Am grateful for that.
    But thinking about that all, the idea came that in the Bible we read that God is nearing to us, We need not do so much effort to near to Him. For instance God says in Psalms: Fear not for I am, go not apart for I am your God; I strengthen you I even help you. I hold you by the right hand of my righteousness.
    Diesn’t this verse say, that God nears himself to us? And as His creation, His image and likeness, as His loved child we cannot else but to feel being God near. There is also an admonishen to stick to God: “I am the Lord they God, though shall have no other God’s before me.” For me it says that as there is nothing else but omnipresent God, and that we live and move and have our being in Him, by being still we can feel our oneness with the allloving God.
    Thanks again dear Evan that you make us think about all the healing and inspiring toppics you give us day by day, thus making progress in spiritual understanding. ♡

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