Be honest with what you’re hearing from God

March 26, 2015 | 14 comments

One truism you can accept as fact is that God is always speaking to you and letting you know which direction to go, what to do and how to do it.

When we don’t feel like God is talking to us it can help to ask the question, “Am I being honest with what God is telling me to do?”

The human mind has a selfish tendency to ignore God’s guidance. It wants to hold to its own ideals, old habits, and self-serving ways. So, when God speaks it often turns a deaf ear or comes up with reasons to ignore what its hearing from above.

For instance, the glutton may frequently hear, “Let’s hold off on eating so much food and demonstrate more moderate eating habits.” But the human mind with its selfish want of more food ignores the direction and keeps eating too much anyway.

Or the individual struggling with too many expenses, many very well be hearing the voice of wisdom suggesting areas of spending to cut, but it resists the instruction because it doesn’t want to sacrifice.

Or the person embroiled in conflict with another could be easily hearing the voice of Love encouraging him to be more patient, understanding and compassionate, but he refuses to obey because he is stubbornly determined to remain offended.

And the list goes on.

When God is speaking to us, we need to listen and obey. We need to be honest with what we’re hearing, even if it hurts. And what hurts? It’s only pride, ego and self-righteousness which suffer, which need to be wiped out anyway. Any dissolution of the selfish ego is a healthy outcome!

So, if you’re feeling lost and uncertain about what to do, be honest with what you’re hearing inside. Silence all your opinion, wants and outlines, and really listen intently for what God is telling you to do. You will hear the voice of wisdom deep in consciousness speaking to you and telling you exactly what you should be doing to progress. The voice is there. And when you are honest with it, you’ll know what to do and how to do it for the best result. God is always right.

14 thoughts on “Be honest with what you’re hearing from God”

  1. Evan, you’re doing an excellent job listening to God because the ideas you share with us are so very helpful and inspiring. Thanks

  2. So true Evan and so hard to demonstrate because of what the false ego is tempting you. I try by asking God to show me the difference between the material false ego and the spiritual God like ego and then tred on that. I find the WINNER, GOD!

  3. We continue to keep our Gods Thoughts guiding us and I first need to let God know and open up to him and I am ready to acknowledge Him. Sometimes I wonder if I am concentrating on Him and not focusing on my thoughts on my needs first?

    Realign my thinking?

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