Month: March 2023

Believe in God, not in disease

March 31, 2023 | 18 comments

God is infinite good, eternal Love, omnipresent harmony, order, peace, and good health. Disease is the opposite of God. It is evil, mental darkness, ignorance and fear. Disease has nothing in common with God, and God has nothing in common

God gives the understanding you need

March 30, 2023 | 15 comments

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. ~ James 1:5 If you’re ever tempted to believe you don’t have enough understanding to be healed, quickly reverse that false belief with the truth

Know your purpose

March 29, 2023 | 24 comments

Would you like to be more confident in your decision-making? If so, perhaps it’s time to better understand your purpose. I explain in this video how understanding your purpose in life leads to clearer thinking and better decisions. This vlog

Married to the perfect idea

March 28, 2023 | 24 comments

If you ever have trouble getting along with a spouse, it can help to see beyond any picture of mortal imperfection before you, to the man and woman of God’s creating. In seeking a perspective that heals, Mary Baker Eddy

Stay open to improvement

March 27, 2023 | 17 comments

If a friend informs us of a fault, do we listen patiently to the rebuke and credit what is said? ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 8. It’s okay to admit one is