Category: children

Stand up for your rights

April 10, 2024 | 20 comments

Do you stand up for your rights?  If you own an acre of ground, and a neighbor decides to dump their garbage on your land, do you stand by and let it happen?  Or do you exercise your right to defend

The effective prayer of a young girl

February 29, 2024 | 24 comments

The beloved kitty of an eleven-year-old girl became sick. The mother encourages her daughter to pray for the kitty, which the youngster is happy to do. Heading off into another part of the house with her kitty to quietly pray,

Listen for God’s voice

January 9, 2024 | 33 comments

The world is filled with voices. Family members voice their opinions. Neighbors voice positions. Doctors voice medical observations. The media is filled with voices expositing political, social, and economic views. There are audible voices and inaudible voices. An angry co-worker

Love your relatives

August 18, 2023 | 21 comments

Do not nurse hatred in your heart for any of your relatives…love your neighbor as yourself. ~ Leviticus 19:17,18, NLT If you have any relatives you find it hard to love, there’s a way to turn that around and love

Respond with love

August 8, 2023 | 42 comments

Have you ever felt stung by another person’s comments? Perhaps they said something that felt cruel, unwarranted, inappropriate, or offensive? Often these comments catch us off guard, seem to come out of nowhere, and leave us wondering, “What happened?” We