

I discovered blogging in 2005, and wondered what would happen if I shared my experiences with practicing Christian Science over the web through my own blog. To satisfy my curiosity, I started to post inspiration and stories that came to me from my practice of this spiritual way of thinking. To my delight an audience of enthusiastic readers began to build.

Supportive comments and gratitude from people who found healing in my content came in. Encouraged, I kept on posting, and my audience built to global proportions, and continues to grow today.

I named my blog SpiritView because it was the best title I could think of to describe what Christian Science has done for my perspective. Lifting my thought above mundane physical observation to behold spiritual reality here and now, it has revealed God to me as an immediate and ever-present power and help. It has given me a spiritual point of view that leads to healing and improves the human condition. It has helped me find abundance in the face of lack, love in the face of conflict, health in the face of disease. Christian Science has helped me experience the healing power of God in very real and tangible ways for myself and for others.

In my blog, I use personal stories, insights, healings, videos, suggestions from readers, quotes from other thinkers, and whatever else inspires me and says, “Hey, here is a glimpse into spiritual reality that reveals a spiritual truth and has the potential to heal.”

So, welcome to SpiritView! I pray that its pages inspire your point of view and bring healing your way.

Evan Mehlenbacher, CSB
Christian Science Practitioner

I was raised in the teachings of Christian Science. Having always loved the close connection to God I felt when putting its truths into practice, I saw many healings effected solely through prayer in my adolescent years. As I grew older I cherished a growing desire to help others experience that same type of healing. After graduating from high school, I wasn’t sure what a career of helping others with prayer would look like, so with a need to pay my bills, I pursued a career in business.

After graduating from Stanford University with a BA in economics, I joined my family’s farming and orchard business. The business was located in Washington State, where we grew apples, cherries, plums and row crops. It was fun and challenging to master the agricultural techniques necessary to produce a harvest and manage a demanding budget.  I got along well with my dad who owned the business, but my heart wasn’t in farming. I yearned to be more actively involved with some type of ministry work. Wanting to help with healing others with what I understood to be possible with prayer through Christian Science.

A turning point came when I visited an elderly woman who was suffering from arthritis and loneliness. I sat by her side and prayed with her. She responded quickly. Her joy began to return. Her face lit up. She could walk with greater ease by the end of my visit. She was so impressed with her physical progress that she told her friends about our prayer-time together. They called me and asked me to pray for them. Healing happened.  Soon, I had people calling me every day asking for spiritual help, and a public practice of healing others through prayer was born.

Feeling that I had found my calling, I gracefully transitioned out of the family business and went into the full-time practice of Christian Science. Christian Science is a prayer-based method of helping others find spiritual solutions to the problems they face. And I have loved my work ever since. It has been a pure joy to help others find God and discover what is possible through prayer.

I have practiced Christian Science professionally for over 34 years. I have written dozens of published articles on spirituality and healing in the meantime. Until July, 2016, I served as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.  I have traveled extensively for 20 years throughout North America, and to many areas of the world, speaking on the subject of Christian Science healing.

I live with my wife, Kathy, in Richland, Washington, USA. We keep in close contact with our two children, and now two grandchildren, which are a delight to have around.

For extra-curricular activity, I play the piano which I have enjoyed from a young age, and I love to play tennis. If you’re coming through town and have your tennis racket, give me a call.

I am listed in the Christian Science Journal as a full-time practitioner and teacher under Richland, Washington. This is where I conduct my public practice. Anyone is welcome to stop by, phone or email, if you’d like help.

And if you were wondering what the initials, CSB, stand for, they signify that I received a degree from the Christian Science Board of Education, at The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MA, and am accredited by this organization to teach classes on Christian Science.


If you’d like to donate to help cover some of the expenses involved with producing and maintaining the SpiritView blog, you can donate here.  Thank you!