Category: perseverance

God can

June 13, 2024 | 25 comments

The list of “I can’t do this” in the minds of many people, often grows long. “I can’t keep up with work.  I can’t get along with my spouse.  I can’t find the answer I need.  I can’t find peace

Eliminate chance

May 30, 2024 | 42 comments

Out on a camping trip, my wife and I were ready to hike up a mountain trail for the day.  It had rained recently, so the terrain was slippery.  As we begin the walk, a voice within tells me, “This

Practice until you can’t get it wrong

May 6, 2024 | 21 comments

A reader, who is an accomplished musician, shared this thought with me: An amateur practices until he can play it right whereas a professional practices until he can’t play it wrong. I love this truth when considering the practice of

Keep rowing

April 3, 2024 | 27 comments

If there is no wind, row. ~ Latin Proverb The “wind” you need is inspiration coming from God. And it’s blowing your way whenever you need it. Keep rowing.

Don’t give up. Keep on surfing.

March 29, 2024 | 20 comments

Are you ever tempted to give up because a demand on you appears too hard to complete? In this video, I share ideas on how to conquer that temptation, put disappointment behind, and move to success. This vlog was filmed