Category: hope

A special story about a kitty

January 26, 2024 | 67 comments

A long-time friend was reminiscing with me about healings she had seen in her family from practicing Christian Science. One of her favorites is a time when her young daughter’s dearly beloved kitty was shot in the head with a

Questioning God’s existence

November 28, 2023 | 22 comments

A doubting teenager was questioning her mother’s faith in God. “How can you say there is a God when so many bad things happen in the world?” She exclaimed. The mother replied, “God is what gives me hope that there

Behold massive good

October 26, 2023 | 38 comments

A blog reader asked, “How do you keep a sane thought when you look out into the world and see massive evil at work all over the planet?” The daily news is often filled with atrocities happening around the globe.