Be a victor, not a victim

September 3, 2024 | 15 comments

Acting out the role of being a victim is no fun.  It makes one feel helpless, discouraged, maybe angry, even hopeless.  But suffering is not necessary!

God is bigger than any problem you face.  There is no situation you can ever get into that God is not already there able to give you the wisdom, understanding, strength, and health you need to master the error at hand and leave it behind.

With God’s help, you can overcome any condition or circumstance that denies God’s omnipresent Love.  You can rise above negative feelings, see the light that leads the way out, master resentment, anger, and hostility.  You can conquer the enemy trying to hold you down and claim a victory.

Be a victor, not a victim.  It’s a much happier and more successful way to live.

15 thoughts on “Be a victor, not a victim”

  1. Thank you so much, Evan. I really needed to hear your message today: “God is bigger than any problem you face.” I can’t tell you what it meant to me to read those words. Thank you. The problem I faced today was fear. It comes in many forms. This fear centered on a loved one. Through the prayerful work of a CS practitioner, the problem was handled quickly, and the fear was replaced with gratitude. (The article I’ve attached is on Victims and Victors. I found it while looking for an article on eliminating fear and its effects, and since it seemed to coincide with your message today, I am including it in my comment.) Thank you again, Evan.

  2. Thank you Evan for this morning’s SV, and to Cheryl for sharing the wonderful article. Been thinking about victor, victory, authority, dominion, etc. with this week’s Bible Lesson on “Man”. So grateful!! ❤️

  3. Thank you, Evan!! Your blogs are always so helpful!! Here is a favorite quote from Mrs. Eddy that I have been clinging to lately:

    Remember, thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where Love has not been before thee and where its tender lesson is not awaiting thee.

    Therefore despair not nor murmur, for that which seeketh to save, to heal, and to deliver, will guide thee, if thou seekest this guidance.

    − Mary Baker Eddy, My. 149

  4. Thank you, Evan, for today’s Guiding Light and encouragement .. and Cheryl,
    for the coinciding article – on being a victor, not a victim. Lovely!
    I think fear of the unknown is the biggest victim-inducing catalyst that tries to
    down our thought. What will the future bring? Climate armageddon? Famine?
    Nuclear war? Take over by chaos driven evil? Will my old car pass inspection?
    The world Seems to throw all of this at us and it can Seem rather victimizing.
    Cyber attacks … losing contact can be a fear-induced worry. Last night the
    internet was down and gave a feeling of hopelessness. But seeing ourselves
    victorious over Every challenge that mortal thinking can imagine – Empowers
    us with God’s Truth and helps us overcome any false belief that tries to have us
    fall victim to anything, that in God’s eyes – just isn’t true … we are Perfect in
    Every way, despite what mortal sense may Try to victimize us with.

  5. Oh! Dear Evan,THANK YOU!
    When I first read today’s blog, I thought “oh well how obvious”….
    And then it occurred to me that I had been wearing the disguise of a victim for quite a while. I had allowed old resentments, memories, descriptions of misTreatments and abuse to take hold and linger and define me. Although this has been something I adapted a few months ago, I realize that I had certainly taken on the mantle of being a victim, something quite unlike me.

    As i reread and pondered your message, and then read the wonderful article Cheryl included, I knew that I needed to return to my lifelong practice of declaring-insisting- that I was still God‘s beloved, protected and strong child. I had always used gratitude to move out of those tempting Trenches of old wounds.
    Thank goodness in Christian Science we do learn the TRUTH which is prevalent at all times: we are at one with Invincible Mind, Irrevocable Principle, All Powerful Love, Absolute Truth.
    I’m going to return to today’s SpiritView and linger & dwell on the lesson I’m learning through your blog today.
    It’s a true wake up call!
    I want to return to being the fearless and free person I’ve always (almost always! ) been, the one that I know is the real me,
    My heart overflows with thanks to you, Evan, and to my precious brothers and sisters of SpiritView

  6. Thank you, Evan, for this very timely blog!
    Thank you Cheryl for this article that ties in so perfectly!
    “Christian Science teaches us that mankind can be victimized only as long as they accept as true the serpent’s lies that God is limited, evil is unlimited, man is double-minded, and matter gives life, sustains life, and destroys life.”
    Say no to the serpent’s lie, as God is the only power that will lead us thru all of our challenges.
    Thank you also Holly for
    Mrs. Eddy’s quote that is so right on.
    I’m so grateful for this blog, Evan. And grateful for all who are part of this community!

  7. As mentioned above, this all ties in so well with this week’s Lesson on “Man.” Have fun finding words related to “conquer” throughout the Lesson. Let’s be conquers, not victims!

  8. Thank you Evan for yet another very relevant topic. Also wonderful comments and a great article from Cheryl, many thanks to all. An unspoken/secret source of victimization is domestic violence. It happens in my neighborhood, affects many families in other communities and it’s in the news. It also has no socioeconomic or gender boundaries. I can’t help thinking what a comforting place SpiritView is for anyone experiencing this. It is so helpful and healing to look at life from a spiritual vantage point.

  9. Wow, dear Evan, is that a healing treatment you give us so lovingly with today’s SpiritView. Thank you very very much for it!
    I embrace this great hopeful Truth very much. Reading this over and over I feel God’s narrow nearness to us. I am aware of God’s omnipresent Love, and with this allpowerful Love we can overcome any conditions or circumstance we have to master like for instance anger as Evan assures us.
    I get often angry when something drops down to the Floor. Then I say loud to me that anger doesn’t belong to me as God’s reflection. As a child of God I’m always a Victor as LOVE is always the Victor!

    I am very grateful for Evans wonderful SpiritView and for all your helpful and healing comments. Thanks a lot Cheryl for that article about victims and victors♡

  10. Victim and Victimizer are different sides of the same coin. When someone tries to hand us the coin with the Victim side up, we can learn not to take it. Once I was being bullied by a boss and a co-worker had a talk with me. He said I was being abused, but I was turning around and treating others in an impatient irritated way myself. I was stunned and horrified. I had not consciously realized what I was doing. If you take the victim coin, put it in your pocket, it can “flip” and victimizer is the result. Doesn’t this explain why Jesus taught us to love our enemies? Refusing to identify as a victim also means refusing to identify another as a victimizer. In my work scenario I diligently changed my behavior towards my co-workers, and had more compassion for my boss. I became his close assistant and we worked together harmoniously many years.

  11. The photo above exemplifies the power and strength of divine Love, when we
    see ourselves as God has created us – whole and perfect in every way. We
    are victorious over challenges that would seem to limit our abilities, as mortal
    sense testimony often tries to do. With God/Love as our Creator and Maintainer
    of all things spiritual, we express these wonderful qualities and can never see
    ourselves or others as victims, because we are all victorious in God’s
    omnipresent Love – Always.

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