Category: home

Stay fully employed

June 28, 2024 | 20 comments

Employment is all about demonstrating usefulness, value and worth.   If a company eliminates your job, they haven’t eliminated your employment.  Your employment is still the same:  using each day as an opportunity to demonstrate usefulness, value, and worth. If one

A happy home

November 9, 2023 | 23 comments

A happy home is a home filled with love! A driver keeps his car filled with gas so he can go places. A mother works to keep her refrigerator filled with food to feed her family. Why not keep the

The home that goes with you

February 8, 2023 | 19 comments

Are you looking for a home? Where’s the best place to find one? In this video, I share a spiritual view of home that goes with you wherever you go, and can be found wherever you happen to be. This

How to love someone who hates you

October 20, 2022 | 39 comments

Is there a way to love someone who hates you? I tell how love conquers hate in an article published by my local newspaper, The Tri-City Herald, titled “How to love someone who hates you.”

Always a place to go

July 26, 2022 | 11 comments

If you’re looking for a new place to live, start by seeking in God’s house for that special room you seek! God is All. God is Love. God’s “house” is divine Love. There is spacious room in divine Love for