Category: Safety

Trusting God to meet the need

July 8, 2024 | 13 comments

God meets our need, not our greed. What God has in Mind for you, is perfect to meet the need of the moment.   As we set personal wants aside and trust the one Mind to unfold its solution, the supply

Stay on the road

July 1, 2024 | 27 comments

My wife and I were driving through some perilous weather conditions in southern Oregon last March with our pickup and twenty-foot trailer in tow.  “Stay on the road,” I kept telling myself as I made decisions about how best to

God’s will is done

June 11, 2024 | 26 comments

Here’s a thought picked up from a patient who told me she heard this thought on a Daily Lift years ago: God’s will is done.  It can’t be undone. I love it.  Whatever God puts into place, remains in place. 

Eliminate chance

May 30, 2024 | 42 comments

Out on a camping trip, my wife and I were ready to hike up a mountain trail for the day.  It had rained recently, so the terrain was slippery.  As we begin the walk, a voice within tells me, “This