What is God teaching you?

June 15, 2016 | 17 comments

When trials hit, it can be tempting to ask, “Why me? Why do I have to suffer?” But instead of getting discouraged or despondent, its more constructive to turn off the negative inclinations of the mortal mind and ask the more positive question, “What is God teaching me that is going to make me a better person?”

There is always something good to come out of every experience we have, and when we are willing to plumb that experience to its spiritual depth, we will find that lesson.  Be benefited by it and be taken to a better place.

For instance, if fighting with a spouse there is a deeper understanding of Love to gain that can resolve that conflict and restore harmony in the home.  Or at the very least, stop the fighting and allow a mutual agreement to surface that brings civility back to the fore.

If lacking money to pay the bills, there is a lesson in unending abundance coming from God to be grasped that can get cash flow back into the positive.

If struggling with illness, there is opportunity to learn more about the enduring and permanent status of health built into one’s spiritual being that is never lost.

Whatever the spiritual lesson is, as soon as we see it and grow with it, the trouble will resolve, and we become better for it.

Don’t fear troubles when they appear. Use them as stepping stones to greater and higher demonstrations of spiritual truth.

17 thoughts on “What is God teaching you?”

  1. Evan,
    Thank you once again for that inspiration that is so right on and a good reminder not to ask “why me” but rather “what lesson is here for me to learn”. Through our trials we do grow stronger, so I have found and continue to do so.

  2. Thank you, Evan, this is SO true. I’d like to share a snippet from a blessing my friend Pierre Praadervand has in his forthcoming book, 365 Blessings to Heal the World (and Myself) because it is so right on:

    “I bless myself in my ability to say YES THANK YOU to every person or situation that enters my life, knowing full well that it contains a treasure for me to discover, a hidden gift of divine Love to make me grow – that ultimately everything is grist for the mill to help me access the true reality behind material appearances.”

  3. decades ago a dear practitioner told me, everytime when I face difficulties to ask God “what may I learn from this”. Since then I did so. Thank you, Evan, for your loving reminder to turn seeming difficulties into spiritual possibilities to learn and step higher and be healed!

  4. During his Tony Award acceptance speech, Frank Langella quoted the following:

    When something bad happens we have three choices:

    1) we let it define us
    2) we let it destroy us
    3) we let it strengthen us

    Like many people, I had experiences in my childhood and early adulthood that were not pleasant. For a few years I let those experiences define me and almost destroy me. I felt I had “lost out” on good things that other people take for granted and that I could never recover those lost years/experiences. I called a Christian Science practitioner for help with these feelings and she lovingly quoted God’s promise as stated in the book of Joel (2:25)

    I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten

    I remember feeling so comforted by that statement. It began to dawn on me that I could never be deprived of God’s goodness. What I viewed as “lost years” was just a belief of separation from God. As I have prayed to know that I am the very expression of God, I have realized that I can never lack anything that God has. It has been a struggle at times, but through persistence I realize I have grown so much in my understanding of God and His idea as a result of “having” had to pray in this way. I am actually grateful now for being “forced” to let those experiences strengthen me! And I also have had so many good experiences since then that I feel that belief of “lost years” has been restored.

    Thank you Evan for pointing out that in place of every trial there is a lesson awaiting us!

  5. Thank you Evan and commenters for such helpful insights. Sometimes when we are going through what we consider ‘problems’ ~ challenges, they don’t seem like stepping stones to progress, at the time, but the lessons learned do help us grow and looking back on them we see, from the big picture, how they improved our lives and got us to where we are now.

  6. Oh, Thank You, Evan…..I just love this! And the Picture, too! And the Comments are Wonderful, too! “I wonder what God wants me to learn here…..” is a question I, too, am learning to ask. I’ve realized I’ve blamed C.S. for what happened to me as a child and it’s been hard to let go of that blame…..hard to separate people and their actions from the religion they professed. I think I have abnormally high expectations of what Christian Science can heal and how Christian Scientists are supposed to act and think. Harboring some anger, which needs to be acknowledged, felt and released, so I can let go of the resentment! Thank you, Evan, for always being so willing to present a topic for Spiritview that is mainstream enough to appeal to seekers in various stages of growing spiritually. Much Love and Blessings to All!

  7. Thanks, Evan and all who have commented. This reminds me of one my favorite Hymns No. 412 where it says, “He comes to give thee joy for desolation, Beauty for ashes of the vanished years; For every tear to bring full compensation, To give thee confidence for all thy fears.”

    God has certainly given me “Beauty for ashes of the vanished years.” I am currently surrounded by beauty living in Big Bear Lake, CA with a view of the mountains and trees from the deck of my house. I have had many tears over the years, especially the ones when I was a single parent struggling just to get by. My daughter is now grown and I couldn’t ask for a more loving, generous and thoughtful child. I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding and know that He will direct all my ways – nothing to fear!

  8. Evan thank you for this wonderful reminder. I, too, love the peaceful picture. Lori your last sentence is how I pray daily also. He never fails if I listen.

  9. Thank you, Evan! I love the clarity you have when talking about this kind of topic.
    Yes, we are Learners… and I am learning a lot from you and from the wonderful comments.

  10. As the saying goes…”one picture is worth a thousand words.” I love the graphic illustration
    of the clearly defined pathway over the lake! Thank you all for your comments.

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