Keep walking no matter how long it takes to get there

February 28, 2017 | 19 comments

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”

~ Unknown

19 thoughts on “Keep walking no matter how long it takes to get there”

  1. Thank you, Evan. This statement reminds me of our hymn #139, “I walk with Love along the way,”. However, I love to say, “I walk IN Love….” So comforting and freeing.

  2. This is a wonderful reminder of the importance of persistence in praying. Facing in “the right direction” could be our turning to God for guidance or healing ….and staying with it until we reach our goal.

  3. Thanks, Evan. This reminds me of Byron Katie’s idea that we just have to follow our feet. I actually find that very comforting.

  4. Yes, and look at all the good our prayerful right-thinking does for the world as we move forward towards our own demonstration.

  5. Thanks Evan and Commenters! I know a C.S. Teacher who tells his students when they get discouraged: “Just know that you’re headed in the right direction.” We won’t overcome everything all at once, but how grateful we can be that with C.S. we know we are headed in the right direction! And we can keep on truckin’!! Also, I’ve been realizing more and more that the way to overcome error, hatred, evil, whether in ourselves, in others or in our Government is basically what Paul says in the Bible: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” We don’t fight error with hatred and anger, we learn to lift our thought to the Truth and work from there to overcome wrongdoing, whether in ourselves, in others or in our current Government. I’m discovering this is a much more effective way to combat and overcome whatever needs to be healed! We never have to overlook, look the other way, or just ignore wrongdoing when we see it, but we can heal it in our own thought, as we are taught in Christian Science. God Bless and Happy Healing Thoughts to All!

  6. Heavenly Mother
    show my heart
    how to love
    every living being
    as you do
    In this I am eternally grateful
    for thee

    And also how to express
    thy Love to those
    I already love
    In this I am eternally in Love
    with thee

  7. This is an honest inquiry…
    Why did it take such a short period of time for Jesus Christ
    to ‘train’ others in the Science of demonstration..
    So the question is …How many steps does it take…
    and is the prime determining factor ones personal ‘belief’
    on how long this will take…In other words, if one believes
    it will take years and years does this make their experience of reality
    conform to this belief…
    You see with the disciples we have a precedent on this not taking long at all…
    This even applies to the primitive Christians the Disciples trained

    1. That is a great question. Jesus was crystal clear in his understanding of Truth, and was able to help his followers gain the same clarity. Although, many did not get it. Far more turned away from him than turned to him in his early ministry. It is noted by John that after one sermon, most of his followers left him. They were not ready to accept the Truth he preached. But a few stayed with him, those who did get it. So, I pray, daily to be one of those who “get it!” To have childlike trust in Truth and pure love for God that allows the deeper meaning of Truth to sink in and take hold.

    2. I think you’re right Maximo that our expectations often define our experience.

      There are SOOOOO many suggestions these days that we are bombarded with every second that try to convince us that materiality is the ONLY safe means on which to base our lives. A few years ago I started doing specific prayerful work to counteract these suggestions and that has been very helpful in my practice of Christian Science.

      But not only Jesus and the disciples were able to quickly teach others the Science of Christ, Mrs. Eddy also did this. I’ve read accounts of people that had only be through a few days of class with Mrs. Eddy being sent out by her to heal someone and they were able to do it successfully. My C.S. Teacher never suggested I try that, so I think Mrs. Eddy was very very convinced of the fact the Truth is true and therefore it’s natural for everyone to be able to demonstrate it.

      I also think people in Jesus’ day and Mrs. Eddy’s day read and discussed the Bible more so than today and thought about God on a regular basis. Someone with a good knowledge of the Bible was probably easier to teach than people these days. Most young people these days spend more time reading about and worshiping Beyonce and/or Tom Brady than they do thinking about God or reading the Bible.

  8. Wow! Great and timely SV and comments. I came to the same conclusion of just keep on keeping on and you WILL reach your goal. If you give up in discoursgementvits a sure bet you won’t reach your goal. Which side do you choose? Is there really a choice?!! Maximo, remember MBE says you know ” by the freeness and faithfulness of its (Truth’s) followers.
    Sorry it’s not an exact quote but hopefully it helps!! Thank you, Evan !!

  9. Thank you for the clear sentence and so simple to understand, Evan – for me that means “never give up”. We have a poster in the window of our branchchurch with MBEddy`s picture (head) on it. And thereunder are the letters, big enough to read it from distance: “The woman that never gave up”. Also thank you commentors for your inspiring words and Evan for the answer to Maximo.

  10. Thanks for the reminder to not give up! I immediately thought of Mrs. Eddy’s statement speaking of persistence winning the prize. In S&H 462:16 she writes: “Whoever would demonstrate the healing of Christian Science must abide strictly by its rules, heed every statement, and advance from the rudiments laid down. There is nothing difficult or toilsome in this task, when the way is pointed out; but self-denial, sincerity, Christianity, and persistence alone win the prize, as they usually do in every department of life.” As she said, this applies to everything in our lives: relationships, school, work, career. How encouraging is that!

  11. When we are walking in the right direction, very often we may encounter obstacles and obstructions which slows us down or discourages us to give up… But its worth the long walk, because we are not alone, but Christ walks with us along the way and leads us to a victory.

    If we resist the error, insist upon the Truth and be persistent with it, the walk may be at times very long and tiring, but victory, healing and joy certainly awaits us on that path.

    Thank be to God for always walking by our side.

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