The best companion

February 14, 2017 | 22 comments

If you’re looking for a companion to love and be loved by, you can start with valuing the very best companion you could ever have—Christ!

Christ keeps excellent company.

Christ is the understanding ear of God that hears your every need and is quick to meet it.

Christ is the tender touch of love that is always there to comfort.

Christ sees all the good in you and sees only good in you.

Christ thinks you’re a terrific person to be around.

Christ supports you 100%, all the way, and in every way.

Christ is intelligent, smart, witty, fun to be around and the best company you could ever have.

Christ always acts in your best interest, never working against you, but always for your success.

Christ is rooting you on, cheering you on, boosting you up, and confident that you can be everything that God created you to be.

Christ brings out the best in you.

Christ always has an encouraging word to offer.

Christ acts in your best interest.

Christ wants you to have the very best and ensures that you receive the very best.

Christ loves you no matter what.

If you mess up, Christ is still there for you.

If you forget to be kind, Christ forgives you, and knows you’ll do better next time.

If you are ungrateful, Christ knows the better side of you that will be grateful.

If you get sick, Christ will be there to make you healthy again.

If you feel weak, Christ will strengthen you.

If you feel despair, Christ will give you hope.

There isn’t anywhere you can go that Christ won’t go with you. There isn’t any place you can be that Christ isn’t already there.

You will never be alone with Christ, for Christ is always with you, always loving you, caring for you, watching out for you, conversing with you and protecting you.

Christ is very best companion you could ever have. And you have Christ’s companionship now!

Enjoy the company.

“I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” Jesus Christ, Matthew 28:20.

22 thoughts on “The best companion”

  1. Oh Yes, for our companion, who could be more loving, more caring, more sweet, more faithful, more dependable than Christ??? Only Christ can be with us alway, even unto the end of the world. I cherish this thought Evan and would love to consider and accept Christ as my best, my ever friend…Thank you so much for your lovely posts.

  2. When I read this, I substituted “the conscious awareness go God/Good with us” as a clear representation of Christ….the ever-present activity of our being expressed in action. Thank you for the reminder of this lovely grace that leads and progresses us as one in God’s love.

  3. Thanks for this, Evan. These last few days I have been thinking about Jesus Christ and what He’s done for me and what He means to me now. I recently started reading the gospels in the Bible with renewed and revived interest in Jesus’ life on earth. Evan’s message today sums everything up perfectly!

  4. Happy Valentine’s day to all. Knowing Christ is our constant companion is a wonderful reminder of who governs all experience. Thank you Evan for this soulful treatment.

  5. Happy Valentine’s Day, Evan, and All! I Love that the Christ is with us Always! From C.S. Hymn #412: “The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking, unloosing bonds of all captivity.”

  6. Absolute truths are so comforting! Thank you, Evan. Many of us need these Reminders of What IS. I will endeavor to stay alert and awake to Ever-Present Divine Perfect Love
    Today… knowing this will bring more light into the world-I-believe-is-in-such-need-of-love, of Love, God. If I wake up to this Great Fact of Love’s Allness and Goodness, I will see others so doing. That’s the way spiritual law works, huh!

    Loving you, SpiritView Valentines! :-)))

  7. When I went shopping I took with me the best company there is, CHRIST – and on my backway home I was protected. When I turned round a corner with my car I just could make way for a car coming from the other side and dangerously came over to my side. I really thanked God for the Christ leading and protecting me. Here it is 6 o`clock pm. The whole day I knew the Christ is with me – thank you so much Evan for reminding us that we are never without the Christ never alone – am very grateful for your SV!

  8. What manner of love the Father has bestowed up on that we should be called the children of God! (I John)
    Now that’s LOVE!

  9. Forgot to say THANK YOU, Evan. This is very special. The reminder that the Christ Truth, the Comforter is always present to love us each step of the way, well, it’s just LOVELY!

  10. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. What greater gift of love can we have than to be with Christ, our faithful ever-present companion?

  11. “Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message
    from God to men speaking to the human consciousness.”

    Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

    I often refer to this definition when confused about the word, Christ. It clarifies things immediately. We listen for Truth’s good messages, to Christ, and are comforted, healed.

    Thank you, God!

  12. My Valentine to all of our Spiritview family..

    Lovely cannot describe…
    Grace in motion
    only adorns you…
    You are so much more
    than anyone knows…
    Yet not more than I imagine
    This is Love…. my beloved

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Oh wow, yes Christ is the best tennis player of all! Christ is the perfect man, so Christ is the perfect tennis player. When I look to play tennis with Christ, I find wonderful people around me who love to play tennis and are very good at reflecting Christ’s presence on court. They are the most fun players to play with of all. And they are that way, because of Christ.

      Keep looking for Christ all around and you’ll find people good at manifesting that Christ presence. Man is the presence of Christ. Christ is the presence of God’s man, the best companion you could ever have. A tangible, meaningful presence…

  13. Great ideàs. Christ is our constant companion. There is no spot where Christ is not! There is no greater Love.

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