No unfinished business with God

April 21, 2017 | 26 comments

No unfinished business with God
One cool aspect about living eternal life is that you will have every opportunity necessary to get everything right in your life. There is no unfinished business with God.

For instance, if a loved one passes on unexpectedly and you wished you had told them how much you loved them before they left, fear not. You still have that opportunity. Do it! Death does not separate you from them. They are alive and well in the one Mind of God, just as you are. When inspired by the one Mind of Love, what you know to be true about them, they know to be true about themselves, for they hear what you know.

If you botched a relationship in the past and harbor regrets about how you handled the situation, worry not. You’ll still have opportunity to rectify the error. Maybe not with the same people but with someone. God will give you another opportunity to get love right. It always happens. God doesn’t allow us to receive partial good in our life. He keeps working with us to make sure we fully understand how to love, how to give love and receive it without limit.

If you feel you made a mistake in judgement and got headed down a path you wish had been avoided, fret not. God will ensure you have a chance to adjust course and head down the most productive path possible for you. It’s inevitable. God never forsakes us. God is always with us. His hand is constantly in ours leading us forward to progressive unfoldment of good.

The sooner we understand that God blesses us with ALL good, the quicker we find path adjustments or opportunities to improve on yesterday. God is not stingy in His blessings. He is a forgiving God. He wants us to have all good and He does everything necessary to ensure it happens. He never lets the past get in the way of the present, and He works to make all things right in our life. And we have all of eternity to get His plan figured out and live it to the fullest.

So, don’t waste valuable mental time ruminating about days gone by. Open your eyes to abundant good in the present and the opportunities already sitting on your doorstep to act on and prove that everything in your life works together for good.

Life is eternal. It never ends, and neither does your opportunity to experience the infinite blessings of Life to the fullest. Go for it! There is no unfinished business with God.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” Romans 8:28, NLT.

26 thoughts on “No unfinished business with God”

  1. Thank you so much for this post, Evan. It has helped me a lot over something from a long time ago and with apparently no way for me to rectify it.
    When I was a young teenager I very abruptly ended a friendship of many years. It wasn’t until many years later that I realized how much I must have hurt my friend’s feelings and I have longed to apologize to her, but we lost all contact when we finished high school.
    I love the idea that I can still make amends, even if it isn’t my old friend. It’s enough that I now know to treat friends more kindly and to forgive others that may have seemed to slight me.
    Thank you.

  2. Thankyou Evan, this is really good and I have just read it twice…some good thoughts there. And we know too that guilt is no part of our true being as God created us.

  3. This is absolutely beautiful about the God of mercy, grace and infinite love, allowing us every opportunity to right our errors and to benefit in unlimited. divine and holy good anytime, anywhere. Thank you, Evan, for your deep communion of heart and mind with this God of freedom.

  4. Thank you, Evan for these inspiring thoughts. These ideas are especially helpful in my role as a prison chaplain to share with the inmates.

    Thank you also for all your selfless blogs which
    uplift and inspire to many others.

  5. Beautifully expressed. Your post instantly brought to my thought the understanding that life is eternal and never for an instant separated from our maker. All human existence is supported by that infinitude of the infinite expression of oneness. While the material world may at some future time vanish from all experience, the spiritual will never be lost and thus life eternal can never lose the opportunity to express the truth of being whole, complete, divine, harmonious love expressing being, truth. We are all united by this eternal expression.

  6. We, so blessed,
    as are all.
    Some are passed
    yet all are called.
    Yet in time
    the Lord has said,
    All will share
    His daily bread

  7. Oh, Evan, thank you for this reminder. Your uplifting message(s )lifted me up when my beloved husband passed on 6 years ago. One thing you told me was to stop trying to see him with my physical eyes (materiality). See him with “Eyes: Spiritual discernment” (understanding )—from S &H— and “he is as close to you as water is to wet.” I have carried this divine message with me all these years and although it has been a struggle it has brought me much greater peace. Today’s message has reaffirmed my ability to spiritually communicate with this man and I truly rejoice that he and I both know the “real us” are always together and communicating our care and love. Divine Love pulls us together in Love. Thank you, dear Evan.

  8. Thanks, Evan. I love to think of the fact that life is eternal and that we have all of eternity to accomplish our goals. It takes the pressure off. God constantly provides occasions for us to grow and learn. If we didn’t do something the “right” way, another experience will come to give us the opportunity to correct it. And our loved ones who have passed from our sight are still living joyous and productive lives, and we will see them again. I have absolutely no doubt about that, and for that I am indeed grateful. Life is eternal!

  9. Thank you, Evan…I have been reading and rereading this wonderful, comforting article all morning. The timing could not have been better or more appropriate for me.

  10. Oh – wow is that helpful for me – because sometimes I feel guilty that I was not loving enough while caring for my mother, because we argued from time to time.

    Thank you Evan, that you bring us God`s loving caring, forgiveness, His patience with our seeming shortcomings etc. so near. You show us that God straightens all error out; and in the end God caused everything to work together for good for all his loved children.

    I have to read it more than twice in order to really get Evan`s inspired
    and loving message from such an uttermost compassionate and very loving GOD. Thank you so much 🙂

  11. Oh Uta I know what you mean. I too had the same experience with my mum while caring for her and it causes so much guilt! Thank you Evan for these very helpful ideas.

    1. Thank you, Evan. This is just the perfect answer I needed to hear to quiet regret, guilt, sadness, fear, temptation to look back , wishing and hoping that something hadn’t been done initially.
      I feel washed clean. I read it twice, too.
      A real keeper.

    2. Thank you, Evan. This is just the perfect answer I needed to hear to quiet regret, guilt, sadness, fear, temptation to look back , wishing and hoping that something hadn’t been done initially.
      I feel washed clean. I read it twice, too.
      A real keeper.

      P.S. When I was growing up, no matter what happened – my daddy would always say,
      ” Everything ‘s going to be all right! ” he would stretch out the all and end gently on right,

  12. Dear Evan, thank you for this part … “If you botched a relationship in the past and harbor regrets about how you handled the situation, worry not. You’ll still have opportunity to rectify the error. Maybe not with the same people but with someone. God will give you another opportunity …” This is true for me — at times I feel so sorry that I wasn’t ‘there’ fully for my mom by not understanding the love and attention she needed. But now God has given me someone else and another opportunity to rectify how I handled the situation before … I see clearly what is important and divine Mind is showing me … thanks Evan!

  13. very nice and helpful. I was thinking after I read all the comments that understanding and knowing the truth is what is important which is why we are always given and opportunity to correct our thinking and understanding. I remember reading years ago a: comment that did not impress me until years later. A CS practitioner said something like this: that God is so encompassing or provides for everything you need He even provides the saucer under your teacup. To me it means, God provides from the smallest seemingly insignificant to the big things we need. God is the only power.

  14. SpiritView has become my daily routine. This blog post particularly hits home for me at the moment, and I have re-read it many times over the last two days. I’m grieving a failed marriage, and find myself struggling with the “what ifs” and the “whys” … literally reliving the past over and over again as I struggle with being in love with someone who chose to move on. I need to stop wasting “valuable mental time ruminating about days gone by.” Thanks for reminding me that there is no unfinished business with God; he’s already showing me the way.

    Saying prayers for the rest of you who are struggling with one thing or another. And thanks, Evan. (My mom is a daily reader, too!)

  15. The phrase that stood out to me was “When inspired by the one Mind of Love….” We’re still going to God first, with whom “all things are possible.”(Bible)

  16. Thank you so very much, Evan; his is so wonderfully helpful; because I’m always second-guessing myself about things I could have done, did not do, could have done in a different way, etc. etc. I have printed out this blog, and will keep it by me always, to continually remind me of the totality of God’s love.

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