Finding friends

June 20, 2024 | 28 comments

If you’re looking for more friends, be sure to pal up with Christ.

Christ is the Love of God.

The Love of God is what puts a smile on your face, gratitude in your heart, a gleam in your eye, a bounce in your step, and words in your mouth that inspire others to listen to what you have to say.

The Love of God is positive, uplifting, joyful, attractive, beautiful, graceful, out-going, always friendly. 

The Love of God sees all the good in others, relates to it quickly, understands it, acknowledges it, honors it.

The Love of God is instant to forgive, never holds grudges, complains, criticizes or puts another person down. 

The Love of God is immortal.  It commands admirable attention because it stands out above the mundane and mortal.

The Love of God is what unites two into one.  It builds bridges and finds common ground.

The Love of God is what builds friendships.  It is the substance of relationships that last.  

If you’re looking for more friends, or just one friend, start with appreciating the company of the Best Friend ever—Christ—the Love of God!  

When you appreciate what you already have, your eyes open to see more of the same all around.

28 thoughts on “Finding friends”

  1. Thanks Evan:
    God is my constant companion. when there is noone around omnipresence is there, guiiding and protecting His chid.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful reminder, WE are not only NEVER alone, but always have the VERY BEST friend beside us always! Such a comforting way to start every new day!

  3. In loving all of the wonderful friends here at Spirit View .. we all are “pals of Christ”
    (Love that!) …. and what a blessing!
    Most of my mortal “human” friends have passed on to higher planes of thought, and
    with the pandemic, have been shunned by some. Two friends in nursing homes, I
    can not visit, because of restrictive rules from the pandemic and the mortal world
    seems so matter-oriented, talking about ailments and such, which is why Spirit View
    is so very precious.
    Although not “close” friends locally, so many great people (friends) I know as neighbors,
    workers in the grocery store, delivery persons and all are part of God’s universal family
    of divine Love.
    Like flowers in a bouquet, we are all friends in the garden of Life. The Love of God
    includes all of us – so special are we!!!

    1. Amen Carol, the people we interact with in our daily lives can be friends in the larger sense, as you aptly said, “all part of God’s universal family of divine Love….friends in the garden of life.” That is very important to acknowledge, and as we express our natural God-given flow of love and goodness towards everyone, we are equally blessed in return and our world expands. And yes our dear SV friends are very cherished indeed.

  4. This is a comforting message. God is our best friend, who cares for us and gives us guidance, and inspiration. It’s good to address any feeling of lack or insufficiency (or any problem at all) by starting from the Truth of God, not by starting from the “problem.” If I feel I don’t have “enough” friends or if I feel isolated from people or don’t seem able to keep in touch with people as much as I’d like, I can start from the “spirit view” that reminds me I can bask in the love of God, and let Him lead and direct all my relationships.

  5. Thank you Evan and all! Love these ideas and “pal up with Christ” made me smile. 🙂

    “Christ, the true idea of Love, dispels the illusion of a distance between God and man.”
    from “Love reaches us” by Jan Keeler”:

    (AUDIO 11:11 mins) ” Being what we wish to see expressed” by Grace Channell Wasson:

    Hymn 224:
    O Lord, I would delight in Thee,
    And on Thy care depend;
    To Thee in every trouble flee,
    My best, my ever Friend.

    1. Thank you very much, dear J for this article on LOVE, and it’s a real delight to listen to the author. who reads her article.♡

      1. I love this article too J. Once I was walking a dog and he seemed to pass on. I had felt something was oppressing when we started the walk and had been praying constantly, but no peace. When he had the trouble the thought came “Well, he went peacefully and doing what he loved.” BUT, all the praying had me on a high level and that thought was just evaporated by the cool breeze of realization of Love there. I turned to him and said his name and then “You are OK.” As I petted him he revived, After a few minutes he got up and was his happy self. He went home and had dinner. (Jesus said a few times after healings “give her something to eat” showing everything WAS ok.).

    1. Dear ,J, This World of Infinite Love by Julia Johnson in Journal 55. Could you have time to find this article in JSH and send us the link, please?
      It might be of interest. Lots of love and thanks!♡♡

      1. Hi Uta, sounds like a very interesting article. I Googled the title/author and searched on JSH-online, but I did not have any luck finding it. Maybe someone else will be able to find it.

  6. Dear Evan, for years, I’ve kept a collection of various definitions of Christ, or the Christ.
    I’ve never heard it defined as “The Love of God.” How simple, perfect.

    Recently, I heard Nat King Cole sing “Nature Boy,” a short, hauntingly beautiful song from 1948 that ends with the idea that “the Greatest thing you’ll EVER learn is just to love and be loved in return.” As a Christian Science student, I immediately thought of the “what or who” one would love to be God. Then God would be the same as who or what would be loving in return. Mrs Eddy answers the question of how to heal by saying to love, love, love. To learn, just to love, love, love God, and be loved in return, is truly a great thing.

  7. Dear Evan, thank you very much for your lovely new Foto here! I like your pretty shiny shirt and it’s a joy to see your very nice smile!♡
    Thank you for your today’s helpful and healing SpiritView about real friendship which is a wonderful and most valuable expression and gift of God and therefore spiritual!
    Thank you dear J for hymn 224. It’s one of my favorite verses in the old hymnal book saying, that we can see God as our best friend. Because of this I always loved that song. And lots of love for the article you gave us today. Will read it now.
    Thank you Carol for your lovely comment. And I am very very grateful to a l l for your inspired comments.
    I like to see us all as SpiritView Friends, whether we comment or whether one just thankfully reads SpiritView each day!

    Thank you very much, Evan for SpiritView!♡

  8. Thank you, Evan, and all the lovely replies and articles suggested. I so enjoy and appreciate SpiritView each day. Viewers’ comments and suggested articles are so helpful, too.

    Much gratitude to all!

  9. People wake up and want to hear from their friends online almost instantly. In Psalms 19 we read in the responsive reading this week: “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge”. The speech is God’s voice. The day is communicating to us. The day and all its details are God’s word speaking to us. The day is our friend! God’s word spoken to us tenderly and joyfully right where we are. Today I had a rather long conversation with my husband about some trivial thing. We ended up looking it up on the internet. I felt really empty after this. It seemed harmless, but it was not filled with the “friends” of joyous, positive, thoughts but on the mundane and mortal side. Not communicating with these “friends” within, makes me less of a friend to those around me and also those who just come to thought. Thanks for these thoughts on how to protect our precious friendship with the Love of God.

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