Month: December 2006

Anonymous giving

December 10, 2006 | 5 comments

While paying bills last night, I made a couple of charitable donations to local missions and food banks that feed the homeless and care for the less fortunate. As I wrote the checks, I felt great joy well within for

Don’t be intimidated

December 9, 2006 | 3 comments

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone agreed with everything you did, fully supported your efforts, cheered you on and never complained or gave you grief about your decisions? Sound idyllic? It probably is…in this world… To survive and thrive we

Fear not

December 9, 2006 | 1 comment

“The powers of this world will fight, and will command their sentinels not to let truth pass the guard until it subscribes to their systems; but Science, heeding not the pointed bayonet, marches on. There is always some tumult, but

Comic relief

December 7, 2006 | No comments yet

I hope you don’t mind a few surprises on this blog once in a while. Several of you send me ideas, jokes, quotes, articles, links, pictures, videos, and audio clips that perk my curiosity, give me ideas to expound on