Month: July 2007

Seeking divine justice

July 16, 2007 | 5 comments

An inquirer was quizzing me about how Christian Scientists view the awful atrocities that occur in history over time. For instance, the millions Stalin murdered, or Hitler incinerated, or that civil war ravages in the heart of Africa. I said

Looking through a straw

July 12, 2007 | 5 comments

The statement that “Spirit is real and matter is unreal” is a concept that sometimes causes consternation amongst seekers striving to understand Christian Science. I find it easy to accept the unreality of matter. For me, if something is truly

No lost little ones

July 6, 2007 | 4 comments

Monica from Atlanta sent in the below experience her family had on the 4th of July. It reminds me to never give up when searching for solutions, because God always has an answer—even very unique ones at times! We were

Looking for an exit door?

July 5, 2007 | 2 comments

A woman commented to me recently that her business was locked into a debt repayment schedule that had no exit door for her company in the event income temporarily dwindled and a payment was missed or late. She feared losing

Making sense out of a mess

July 3, 2007 | 2 comments

Have you ever felt like your life was a mess? Like the pieces were not fitting together, and you had little or no evidence of completeness to show for your efforts? What’s the point of continuing? You might begin to