Month: February 2008

Retirement revised

February 7, 2008 | 1 comment

I read an article titled, “No time to retire,” in the Washington Post National Weekly last week that stated, “Millions of boomers are headed not for endless vacation but for a new stage of work, driven both by the desire

Life of drudgery or joy

February 4, 2008 | 1 comment

  “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein I believe there is ultimately one way to live our

The potato cannon

February 3, 2008 | 2 comments

My 14 year old son is taking a science course this year that requires each student to complete a major science project each quarter. Tyler, my son, has been fascinated with things that explode, make loud noises and go ka-boom!