Month: July 2008

A chuckle for God

July 10, 2008 | 2 comments

I picked this bit of humor up at tonight’s testimony meeting at church. A woman was telling about how her plans often didn’t work out, but sometimes a better plan would appear that she hadn’t envisoned. In jest, she said…

Do you mind being a caterpillar?

July 8, 2008 | 4 comments

Have you ever chafed at making the most of who you are, or contrariwise, wished you were someone else? Here’s a humorous and delightful article titled, “A Path to Butterflyness,” by Dalton Roberts, that a reader put me onto. I

Always prepared

July 5, 2008 | 5 comments

Yesterday, we stopped at the local fire station to borrow a life jacket for a river outing my family was taking that afternoon. The fire department loans out jackets to community members as a public service and promotion of safety.

Independence Day

July 4, 2008 | 1 comment

Two Scottish men served in WW I together, a professor and a chaplain. During the fighting they were captured and sent to a prison camp that housed American and British soldiers. The professor was put on the American side, and

You are spiritual

July 2, 2008 | 6 comments

One of the most liberating truths Christian Science teaches is that we are spiritual right now. People are commonly taught that they are mortal, fallible, and inevitably held hostage to sin, disease and death. Human experience confirms this belief with