Month: April 2011

Who matters most

April 15, 2011 | 4 comments

Here’s a thought provoking quiz. You don’t have to answer each question, but ponder them… Author unknown 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last five winners

A Game of Hope

April 14, 2011 | 9 comments

This video will warm your heart and give you hope for humanity. It’s an example of good meaning people putting self-interest aside and rooting for the greater good. And proof that unselfish and generous actions make the world a better

Sin does not control you

April 13, 2011 | 5 comments

One of the glorious truths of Christian Science is that man is not a sinner. It’s what the Bible teaches. Man in God’s image cannot sin. He has the mind of Christ, which is the Mind of God. God does

Demonstrate your own success

April 12, 2011 | 8 comments

While on court during a recent tennis tournament, it struck me somber that how well I played was totally my own demonstration. It didn’t make any difference how strong my opponent was, how weak or capable my doubles partner was,