Month: July 2015

Don’t look back

July 3, 2015 | 6 comments

Are you pursuing a worthy goal that others are nay-saying? Is it a goal you know you need to seek because it’s part of a bigger plan working out in your life? Yet, all kinds of questions and doubts nag

The Voice of Wisdom

July 2, 2015 | 10 comments

Do you ever wonder what to do next? Maybe you’re wondering where to apply for a job, how to get on top of your bills, where to live, how to get along better with others, how to stay healthy, or

Look for the blessing amidst trial

July 1, 2015 | 14 comments

Every trial we face holds within it a blessing that takes us to a better place. When faced with lack, pain or conflict, it may not seem like there is any blessing present to be grateful for. But there is!