Month: April 2017

The Lord is risen

April 14, 2017 | 29 comments

Easter is upon us, a potent reminder of the spiritual life Jesus Christ demonstrated for the benefit of all mankind. In his resurrection, Jesus taught us to never fear death, that God is our Life, in Spirit, untouched by anything

Expect something good to happen

April 13, 2017 | 20 comments

Do you expect something wonderful and good to happen today? You certainly can, for that is all God has in Mind for you. God is infinite good. God is on-going good. God is all-encompassing, all pervasive, ever-present harmony, love and

Avoid sympathetic suffering

April 10, 2017 | 20 comments

Are you alert to protect your thinking from sympathetic suffering? By sympathetic suffering, I’m talking about allowing someone else’s suffering to become your suffering. I’ve known people who were cheery and happy until something bad happened to a family member