Month: August 2024

Look for the good

August 23, 2024 | 33 comments

You’re always looking for something.  Look for the good! God is good, and the universe God made for us to live in is wholly good.  The more you look for God’s goodness, the more of it you see. When conversing

Look at Christ more

August 22, 2024 | 18 comments

When it comes to seeing beyond pictures of failing mortality around us, a friend cited me a rule she likes to follow: For every one time you look at error, look ten times at Christ! Christ is the perfect man

Disease never changes you

August 21, 2024 | 43 comments

I was cleaning the exterior of a picture window in my office.  As I wiped away the filth on the glass with window cleaner, I saw an analogy to how disease is wiped away from the human experience. And it

Make peace

August 20, 2024 | 19 comments

Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you are, something you do and something you give away. ~ Robert Fulghum


August 19, 2024 | 22 comments

The world is filled with people voicing opinions.  Some opinions are inspiring to contemplate.  Others are highly suspect, even grossly misleading.   What to make of them all? I find this statement by Mary Baker Eddy instructive on how to classify