See like a prophet

June 14, 2023 | 23 comments

What are you seeing today? Are you seeing Spirit or matter; health or disease; good or evil?

If you’d like to see something that has a healing impact, be a spiritual seer. See like a prophet sees.

I love this definition of prophet from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy:

PROPHET. A spiritual seer; disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth (p. 593).

For healing, see beyond any suggestion of life in matter, to Life in Spirit. That’s where the view grows clear, health is apparent, and Life is a joy.

See like a prophet. See what God sees.

23 thoughts on “See like a prophet”

  1. Evan says, “See what God sees.” God gives us the ability, the power, the understanding to see what He sees. I often pray to see myself as God sees me, to see others and all situations as He sees them. P. 393 S&H “RISE in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man.” We can reject what is unlike good, and understand spiritually WHY we can do so. Then Truth is all that is left in our consciousness.

    I love the butterfly picture above. There is a class at my local public library about the endangered status of the Monarch butterfly. We used to see so many of these delicate, beautiful creatures years ago but we have almost wiped them out. Butterflies are said to represent growth, transformation, hope, endurance. There is a lot we can do to protect all the pollinators that serve us so well.

    1. Dear Rose, I really appreciate your metaphysical sharing and I also love butterflies (who doesn’t?) I like bees too. I do support human work to help them, but I’ve long thought that the most help would be to create a metaphysical org or committee, such as those dedicated to “save the bees” (or butterflies or any other creature or good thing in the world), but devoted to work wholly metaphysically for the desired cause!

  2. Thank you Rose! I do pray the same way you explained, you do. And surely God enables us to what we desire very much!

    I am thankful for Evan`s today`s SpiritView. My understanding says that through Christian Science, through our earnest study of it leads us to higher understanding and seeing. This study and praying with it makes us to prophets, seeing the eternal Goodness and Everpresence of God, who always only creates Good and protects it forever in Truth and Love!

  3. Thank you very much, Evan. A profhet only sees the good, the pure and the holy forever and ever. I just needed that for today! God-with-us.

  4. Oh, I love this topic today! Butterflies are such amazing creatures
    of God’s perfection. Their transformation is a wonderful expression
    of transforming our thoughts from material sense to spiritual.
    I have many quotes about butterflies and hope these few will help
    uplift thought to, as Evan declares, “Life in Spirit ~ seeing the Good”:

    “The wings of hope [God’s divine Love] carry us high over
    the winds of life” [matter/material thinking]

    “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit
    the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty”.
    -Maya Angelou [We are Always beautiful/God created in

    “It is the darkest hour, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly”
    [In God’s realm of Perfection, there really are no darkest hours]

    “Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more
    it will evade you, but if you turn your attention to other things,
    it will gently come and sit on your shoulder” – Henry David Thoreau
    [We need to “stand porter” at our door of thought, letting in only
    the Good, with our attention always being on the spiritual goodness of
    what God provides for us, all around us]

    “Butterflies … flowers that fly and all but sing” – Robert Frost
    [What Loveliness of thinking!]

  5. Dear Evan, I am especially grateful for your post theme today. I was feeling disquieted without apparent reason (not that there’s ever a true reason for that!) and your post was like a breath of fresh air. Thank you lovingly.

  6. Thank you all dear SV family too. Carol, I love your butterfly quotes and especially your clear-view comments on them.

  7. What a lovely blog. I may have mentioned this before but my father and mother who raised me in Christian Science would take my brother and me to Griffeth Park in LA and we would breakfast and then walk through the fern dell area of the park and she would stand still, with her hand out and a butterfly would land on her hand and stay there for the longest time. We were amazed as she did this every time.
    She was very spiritually minded and now 75 years later I can understand how she was able to do this, seeing as God sees all creation good as the prophets did. Thanks Evan for another good subject.
    And thanks to all who share today.

  8. Josh Henn sings an inspiring hymn, The Only Reality, by Carolyn Kardinal on a recent album.
    The chorus ties in with today’s topic:

    Know as God knows,
    See as God sees,
    Through the spiritual lens of divinity.
    All goodness and love, light and harmony
    Are the only reality.

  9. Thank you Evan and all. A caterpillar transformed into a butterfly cannot fraternize with the caterpillar. In the same way, when man learns and practices the Truth he is like the butterfly.
    At that moment man sees like a Prophet, sees only the good, and lives it.

  10. In Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, on pg. 323:10,
    is this: “…conception unconfined is winged to reach the divine glory.” I love thinking of the Caterpillar on its way to becoming a beautiful Butterfly – no longer confined but unfolding its being and free according to God’s perfect plan.

    Also, there’s another quote regarding Butterflies that I love: “Say I love you to a Butterfly and it will deliver the message”

  11. Such Beautiful and wonderful links and thoughts expressed here
    today! Thank you all for these enlightened blessings and learnings.
    Along with the prophetic theme, as I was reading the very insightful
    lecture by James Spencer, (Lovely J, Thank you!) I was thinking of
    Mrs. Eddy’s, “The astronomer will no longer look up to the stars, –
    he will look out from them upon the universe; and it appeared within
    the article [and added … the florist will find his flower before its seed]”
    (S&H pg 125: 28-30). I love these thoughts written so many years ago
    before their ‘actuality’. Henry David Thoreau had also written in a less
    positive tone, but also insightful, back in the 1800’s, “Thank God man
    cannot fly and lay waste the sky, as well as the earth”, alluding to air
    traffic before its time.
    I like the mention of the Rev.12 illustration of the coincidence of God
    and man as the divine Principle and idea … and I and my Father are One.
    I had done a painting on glass, (reverse painting) of the angel from Rev.
    descending to earth when I was in high school art class, and in her hand ” a
    little book” , I loved it so. I still have it in my living room.
    These timeless expressions of faith are as relevant now as when they were
    written. Awesome!

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