Keep your light bright

June 21, 2024 | 23 comments

A friend was lamenting about how hard it was to keep her thinking in a positive place.  A couple of friends were constantly talking about their health problems.  Another friend was having marital troubles.  A co-worker was angry about politics in the country.  These instances were a few of many more, she reported.

“How do you keep your thought in a good place when you hear so much bad news?” she asked.

“Keep your spiritual light shining bright!”  I replied.

We talked about how evil seems real and concrete to a material sense of things, but in spiritual sense, evil is not the power it appears to be.  In spiritual sense, we perceive the omnipotence of God’s goodness which is present to wipe out evil and replace it with something better.  

We discussed further how to keep thought in a good place by not letting another person’s perceived darkness turn into our despair.  We can stay above it.  We can keep thought high in spiritual reality where the Light of God is shining bright.  

The Light we see in God, becomes light shining through us, we agreed.  

Likewise, for us all, when we hear negative reports coming from neighbors, we don’t have to mentally go where that negativity would take us.  We can keep our spiritual light shining bright that dispels that darkness and lifts collective thought to a better place.

Another person’s sense of darkness never dims our light.  Our light serves to dispel their sense of darkness, and everyone is better off.

Keep your light shining bright!

23 thoughts on “Keep your light bright”

  1. aDel Amor y de la luz y la armonía que son la morada del Espíritu, sólo reflejos del bien pueden venir.
    ((Ciencia y Salud con la Llave de las Escrituras, Mary Baker Eddy, .. Esta cita ha sido de mucha inspiracion espiritual para mí en estos días, Me encanta pensar que la luz disipa las tinieblas,y que solo.somos reflejo del Bien. cuando oramos por algo, y vemos esa luz brillante manifestada en paz, alegría y seguridad que Dios está con nosotros todo queda resuelto, es muy útil tener siempre presente la unidad del hombre con Dios en C y S pag. 503 leemos Dios, el Espíritu, que mora en la luz y la armonía infinitas de las cuales emana la idea verdadera, nunca es reflejado por nada sino por lo bueno. esa cita nos da la seguridad de que todo el universo refleja a Dios. gracias por estos mensajes tan llenos de Verdad

    1. Hi everybody, could a SpiritView friend please translate Albis’ comment?
      We all would be very grateful!:)

      Deepest thanks to you, dear Evan. Those seeming problems I also faced, when I visited my sister or the families of her sons. Though I gave once a copy of Science and Health to one of her 3 sons, the health theme is not tabu. Actually we prepare us to such visits with studying the lesson sermon in the morning and pray to see them all as God’s perfect child, so as I have to see me as well, when I come there with a cane, but by car.

      1. This is the Google translation…hope this helps..
        From Love and light and harmony that are the abode of the Spirit, only reflections of the good can come.

        ((Science and Health with the Key to Scripture, Mary Baker Eddy, .. This quote has been of great spiritual inspiration for me these days, I love to think that the light dissipates the darkness, and that only we are a reflection of Good. When we pray for something, and we see that bright light manifested in peace, joy and security that God is with us everything is resolved, it is very useful to always keep in mind the unity of man with God in C and S page 503 we read God, the Spirit, who dwells in the infinite light and harmony from which the true idea emanates, it is never reflected by anything but by the good. that quote we Gives the assurance that the whole universe reflects God. Thank you for these messages so full of Truth.

  2. “In Thy light shall we see light.”
    There really is no other Mind but the Mind of Christ, whose every image is loved, approved of, delighted in, because entirely consisting of and living and moving in the light of God’s loving being: Love’s allness. Our own fraudulent mortal images of both the dreamers and their dreams lose their power to pull us down when we realize their shadows have no reality at all, ever — that right there only God is, and has always been, the seer. Right there is God’s image, not only the seen, but someone thoroughly seeped in–cogent of–BEING what Love sees, rejoicing in God’s all-harmonious kingdom, all that is really ever there to see, feel and know.

    This understanding reflects Christ’s compassion. It banishes selfish complaint and criticism. It doesn’t merely free us from annoying discomfort, but it brings onto the scene the Comforter, Truth, right into the heart of every friend.

    In YOUR light shall they see light.

      1. I am so grateful for today’s SV post, thank you Evan!
        Thank you, Diane W. for sharing that great article. It is truly an answer to prayer, and brought so much much peace to my thought this morning.

      2. Love this chicken story. What a powerful question to ask regarding if the neighbor was the best neighbor she ever had, what would she do? Wonder what flavor that cake was.
        So one way to keep our light shining as Evan wrote about perhaps could be to ask powerful questions. Like “Father, what do You know about my friend’s problem?” I read an article about “the miracle question” that focuses on solutions. It was this: “Suppose you woke up tomorrow and you were happy. What would be different?” Experts liked the question because it focused on solutions instead of problems.
        I wonder what other Christianly Scientific questions to ask that would promote healing, spiritual growth? I have had amazing spiritual adventures when I remember to ask: Father-Mother God, what can I do for You and Your children today?” Thanks for the article.

        1. Where I used to live, there were many challenges with neighbors,
          which thankfully, when turning to the Truth about them, helped to
          get thought in the right place. One time I came home from work to
          find a flock of their guinea hens within my low-fenced (so the dog
          wouldn’t go in) veg garden. All the birds had to do was to fly back
          over the fence, like they did to get within it, but they kept going back
          and forth, over and over, trampling my bean plants that were almost
          ready for harvest, destroying every plant. I gently guided them back
          over the fence and tried to see the neighbors as they are the way God
          sees them … perfect in thoughtfulness, in the Love of caring, rather
          than inconsiderate in letting their flock out to destroy what I had so
          tenderly cared for.
          Sometimes these lessons in Truth, I guess, are necessary to teach
          us patience, trust and love, regardless what things seem to be.

  3. I love this post today , so thank you Evan . It helps us to realise that the light…our loving thoughts about everyone…must first shine from within. Just recently one of your ‘gems’ for me Evan was …’ another persons thoughts are not your truths!’…. I hold this very close many times a day!
    Thank you to all comments so far …hope the English isn’t too far from Albis s contribution Uta. Plus, the article linked via Diane w.a. Is very helpful.
    Blessings to all for a happy harmonious day❣️

  4. Thanks Evan, A dear friend told me about your link and I have read it every morning when I study our CS lesson. The ideas and thoughts are uplifting and a blessing for all mankind. Thanks to you and all that share.

    1. Welcome Charli, I’m happy to hear that you are feeling uplifted reading SpiritView messages. There is much love and wisdom and blessings here for all of us.

  5. Thank you Evan and all. Loved the insightful article from diane w.a., thank you for sharing it.

    We seem to deal with this topic every day with family, friends, co-workers, the news, etc.. I awoke this morning to the thought of impersonalizing evil.

    “Impersonalize evil—what does that mean?” (Jesus rebuked evil. But his rebuke was not directed at a person.) by Russell Luerssen:

    Light = spiritual sense, a symbol of Mind; it is enlightenment. (quote by another)

  6. Me encanta leer las palabras de Albis en español! Yo estoy aprendiendo español ahora para charlar con miembros nuevos de mí familia. Gracias!

  7. Evan,

    You changed your picture.
    Very nice!
    The colors of your shirt match your magnificent smile.
    Bright and cheerful. Thank you!

  8. Sometimes when I hear a lot of negatives I just stop and say, ok, that’s what evil is placing before me, but what do YOU want me to know Lord? What are YOU saying to me? Then I wait. Quiet. And when a true and holy thought comes I hold on to it until the next one from God. His thoughts of Love come in like a cool breeze and dispel the heat of thoughts that say good has come to an end. Loved the article shared yesterday by J about Love is reaching you. So I pray that this cool breeze of the Love of God, with its “coolness and balm” (Hymn 49) be felt by all at SpiritView and around the world today. We are under a dome of Love.

  9. evil isn’t real,’s impersonal.. (good point)…
    doesn’t own you…
    ……you’d never buy it
    nothing to return or recycle….
    the Light,..that lifts ..the truly wonderful Gift !
    Thank God ..My husband and I sat on the stoop watched our son getting married, while grandchildren played, beside the witnesses, 2 good friends. My cane could pull the branches of huckleberries within reach, like a staff that comforted more than me…the last few days of SpiritView, all wonderful thoughts were with us too, Life is a spur of the moment to Live, the spark,
    Spirit, Love is Love constantly reviving, One eye clearly viewing never stumbles….

  10. Sometimes we get so worked up over our perception of things. That Light just does
    not seem to shine the way we would like it to. We are in the darkness, like a stupid
    dream that keeps reoccurring where feeling lost and not knowing our way through
    things that seem so real, or because of our confusion, not knowing which way to turn.
    I have been putting off attempting to connect a computer necessity that I had ordered
    and has been sitting in a box, sort of intimidated by opening it, for fear it wouldn’t connect
    to an older computer. After having read many of the reviews saying how difficult
    it was and even computer savvy folks, said they couldn’t get it to work … and after not
    wanting to be tormented by the box staring at me any longer, I “bit the bullet”, so to
    speak and shone a light on it. Btw, one of the reviews that I had read After receiving it,
    said it would not work with the older system that I have, which made me even more
    fearful of it. I am happy to say that with a lot of God’s help and very little computer
    prowess on my part, it is very thankfully working! I am so very grateful.

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