Drop grudges and love instead

September 17, 2024 | 19 comments

Life is too short to hold a grudge, also too long. 

~ Robert Brault

19 thoughts on “Drop grudges and love instead”

  1. Thank you, Evan, for aiding me to see better…and these are thoughts that came to me :

    The grudge comes from my belief, the wounded dear ole me, with only a finite view of things, and solely self-centred.

    Love comes from God and is Truth, and the sustaining infinite.

    My grudge blesses no one, God’s love blesses all.

    Evan, this is a beautiful adjustment you presented to us today, thank you !

    John B

    1. I love “my grudge blesses no one! My love will bless every one my thought goes to.
      Thank you today for this thought.

    2. John B thanks for mentioning that a grudge blesses no one and God’s love blesses all. I am re-reading the book, The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand. He describes the act of blessing others as a spiritual practice. At the beginning of the first chapter is the quote from Matthew 5:44- “Bless them that curse you.”
      Another quote from the introduction, “…blessing will bring you a deep joy and lasting calm, leading you to a richer, fuller happier life, Of one thing I am certain — it will unseal inner fountains of healing and bliss. Once they start to flow, they will grow with every sincere blessing.”

      1. Thank you for this post, Evan. Thank you for your comments, John and Rose. I love the quotes. I know that grudges hurt the one who holds them as hate hurts the hater. It is a blessing to know that that the blessing will come: Once they start to flow, they will grow with every sincere blessing.”

        Rose, I bless you for sharing the hymn website yesterday. What a treasure!! I love the scenery, the hymns, and the fact that the words are on screen to sing along with. Thank you again. I am pasting in the link in case any one missed it.
        lso same message in the beautiful Hymn 457

        1. Thank you Pat for your kind words. I’m so glad you were blessed by Hymn 457. I also love very much that YouTube version of it with the lovely singing voice, nature scenes and words on screen. Thanks for posting it again.

  2. It seems a grudge only hurts the one who is holding it, for that person is not
    seeing others as God has intended, for us to love everyone, regardless of what
    the apparent reasoning is behind the grudge. God knows nothing of it so therefore
    it isn’t true. So, why hurt ourselves? in thinking our grudge is hurting someone else?
    Love, Love, Love …
    : )

    1. Well said, Your explanation resonates, to rise above any untoward assault on our “selves”, by changing what we’re thinking about others, in order to”HOLD” a grudge. This thinking is moving me up to listening better, to NOT make note of thinking a grudge on another, person, place, nor thing, nor animal. I LOVE thy FREEDOM LORD, to know thee better is my WILL.|

  3. This is a reminder of our alertness to not bear false witness, to not judge, condemn, influence or be influenced erroneously. Just love!

  4. This is great! I love everybody’s observations: nit holding a grudge is a treasure, a blessing; we mustn’t hurt ourselves; our alertness to duty; and of course, our Rule for motives and acts- such wise instruction!
    I’ve carried grudges at times. They are so heavy to lug around, so painful & oppressive… But as it’s been pointed out, these grudges only weigh me down, cripple me, and distort my view.
    God only loves. God.IS Love.
    I think I’d much rather just love! It’s so freeing!!!
    This morning, I began with Love here for all of you

    1. Oops, also meant to add this from Christie: “If we see someone as a personality, then we’re, in effect, seeing them as having a personal power from a source other than God. If we’re distracted by thoughts about someone else needing to change, or even that we’re not getting it…. we’re harboring a false view that we could somehow be disconnected from divine Love.”

  5. p.s. on a purely mortal level, and thanks to my dear wife for mentioning this to me back before we had discovered Christian Science :

    “Harbouring anger toward someone – aka holding a grudge – is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.”

  6. The implied humor in “expecting the other person to get sick.”, reminds me of being a child again, wishing my brother and sisters loved me more, so I could hold sway with them, as two of them were older. Now it is time to let by-gones be by-gones, and LOVE, Love, love, more. Thank you John B for your contribution of NOT holding any grudges, no matter what the reason or when they were encountered. I AM FREE to LOVE GOD, more and more.

  7. “Are we related to Love?” today’s Daily Lift, goes well with this.
    Many thanks to Evan and all for this quote and healthful comments❣️

  8. Years ago, there was reason to “hold a grudge” that my friends all agreed was
    warranted and justified and they couldn’t believe how I could forgive. Even relatives of
    this person never forgave and couldn’t understand how I could. Like mentioned
    above by Pat W , hate hurts the haters and I just didn’t want to be a part of holding
    on to mortal reasoning and justification. I tried to convey that message, but everyone
    has to come to their own decisions on things. Divine Love is the healer of every
    supposed ill.

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