Growing spiritual vs growing old

September 20, 2024 | 47 comments

A friend hitting her mid-seventies lamented, “I don’t want to grow old!”

I replied, “Then grow spiritual instead!”

47 thoughts on “Growing spiritual vs growing old”

  1. Biologists say that there is no physiological, chemical or other scientific reason for human beings to become less capable or less healthy or less cognitively strong as they get older.. With the science of human aging, they can see that there are different strengths, advantages, and power with different stages of development or unfoldment, but there are countless examples of people who become healthier, and stronger, more active, happier, and smarter.

    The problem seems to be an accumulation of toxins and there are ways to cleanse out those toxins in most cases. But more problematic than physical toxins is a toxic attitude that has become habitual, and that can be replaced with right thinking and right acting.. instead of fear, there can be loving gratitude. Instead of resentment, anger, bitterness there can be humility, grace, forgiveness, gratitude, caring curiosity, a commitment to learn and love and bless. Instead of closed-mindedness and closed-heartedness, there can be open-mindedness, open-heartedness, generosity, flexibility, adventurous focused learning. Instead of fear-reactive rigid defensive, black-and-white, either-or, all-or-nothing anti-thinking that is judgmental, critical, complaining, defensive, and contemptuous or us-versus-them, there can be a confident trust in our interconnectivity and unity and mutual reciprocity for symbiotic, mutually beneficial assistance, because we are each in each other’s life for our lessons and blessin’s . Instead of self-pity, there can be service with unselfish benevolence. Instead of rigidity, there can be playfulness exploration of different perspectives and methods, kind humor, and making new friends, exchanging wisdom and joy. Instead of hostile fear, there can be living love, gracious patience, and indomitable faith that inspires. Instead of opinionating, there can be empathetic listening. We can each grow better, not bitter. Grow stronger, not weaker. Grow more loving and serene while more courageously championing justice and more vigorously practicing heroic creativity.

    1. Love this perspective Edie! I, too, focus on addressing and handling the general beliefs/toxic attitudes that may come with a belief about aging.

      What a way to flip the script Evan! Thank you.

  2. Thank you, Evan. Reminds me of the need to guard thought from the onslaught of mortal mind, which seems to be coming from every angle, suggesting that we are limited mortals, with limited and eroding good. We are clearly not. We are God’s children and God, our only Father-Mother knows noting of time that would try to have us believe that aging is inevitable. Clearly, this is just another lie of mortal mind that needs to be guarded against from television commercials to daily conversations. A lie is a lie and can never rise to the level of Truth.

  3. Thank you very much, dear Evan, so so true! Growing spiritually is the remedy to seeming “aging”. I am very grateful for Christian Science, the Science of eternal Life in Spirit, all loving and guiding God!:)

  4. On page 233:6 we read “progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfill.” I love that promise. Progress NOT decline.

    1. We are rooted and grounded in LIFE, LOVE, and TRUTH.. And, each of us is precious to our Mother-Father and therefore to each other. When out with my dog I’m frequently asked “How old is he?” and my response is “ageless:!” The response universally is delight and often “i like that” or “like us!” Love to all on these posts. Let’s see everyone we meet as ageless and precious in God’s sight.

  5. HERMOSO!! Yo tengo edad ,pasé de los 80 y trabajo el día entero estudio y no pienso en los años. Porque sé que soy espiritual y por eso no puedo tener edad. Vivo me muevo y existo en el Espíritu Dios.

    1. Translation: BEAUTIFUL!! I am old, I am over 80 and I work all day, I study and I don’t think about the years. Because I know that I am spiritual and that is why I cannot be old. I live I move and exist in the Spirit God

      1. Wow dear Evan, thank you very much for this very lovely comment of you! That is so true and very helpful and comforting!

        Evan, no one answered when I asked how I can put a nice foto into this empty head.
        Could you explaine that to me and others here, please? I have a nice foto here on my smartphone. What can I do that my foto apears here? Thanks ahead for any proposel!♡

        1. Dear Evan, perhaps your SpiritView Team could explain how to transfer a foto from my smartphone to the SpiritView “blanc head”. Would be very nice; and if it’s understandable for me I am very thankful!♡

      2. Oh, I see? It”‘s the Translation of Ramona’s nice comment you translated for us, dear Evan. Thanks a lot!-♡

  6. Thank you, Evan; thank you, all.

    The following passage was divinely presented to me this morning :

    Miscellany, 146:23; “Christian Scientists hold as a vital point that the beliefs of mortals tip the scale of being, morally and physically, either in the right or the wrong direction.”

    1. Thanks for quote. The scale concept Mrs. Eddy writes about is useful. Sometimes I draw a scale. I know there are beliefs and fears on one side, so it’s helpful to write enough truths on the opposite side until there is a sense of peace or joy to outweigh them.

  7. Each one of has contributed something Important to dwell on. Thank you, loved ones.❤️
    CRL Quoted the oft-repeated “ Progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfill.” We’ve read or heard this 1000 times. The words DEMAND and CERTAINLY jumped out at me. Mrs. Eddy is giving us her command~~ this is the LAW, not just a good idea!
    Love and joyous life ahead for all of us!

  8. So grateful for this today! The opposite of “old” is not “young” — it’s “new.” And God makes all things new. New every morning! We can out off the “old man with his deeds (which could be material limitations related to age) and put on the new man….”

    1. Great blog today. I love Candace’s insight that the opposite of old isn’t young, it’s new! Wow! So helpful in redirecting thought. Much love to all.

  9. When it come to the aging issue, I love what Clint Eastwood once said “Don’t let the old man in”. This applies to our thinking, Reject the false belief of the “old man” and only identify spiritually, ie., “there is no life, truth, intelligence, etc. …”

  10. Evan thanks for the idea of growing spiritual vs growing “old.” How can Spirit be old? And as Spirit’s (God’s) reflection, how can we be old? We can’t. But it can sure seem like it to material sense and it’s so-called evidence. But as Candace rightly says, we can grow NEW, with fresh, new, right thoughts flowing from God.

    Mrs Eddy said in S&H, “An improved belief cannot retrograde” (p. 442). She also wrote, “In Christian Science there is never a retrograde step, never a return to positions outgrown” (p. 74).

    One of error’s favorite tricks is to say that we can go forward, make progress, and then lose what we’ve gained.

    I found this article, seems to open fully.
    No Retrograde Step by Florence Wenderoth Saunders
    December 1928 CS Journal

    1. It’s a teaser and is greyed out after two paragraphs. Would prefer it just to not open at all. Would save time and not tempt to be frustrated.

      1. Sorry Kay, it opened fully on my screen and I don’t have a subscription so I thought it would work for others. Thanks to Pat W for sharing the full link!

      1. Thank you very kindly dear Pat. I thought the link I gave would work, as it opened fully on my screen with no subscription. I’m glad that everyone can now read this article. it is so clear and strong in Truth and very uplifting.

  11. Thank you Evan and everyone. Sometimes you read that we’re all on a journey….but it’s not from matter to spirituality…it’s simply our growing awareness of what is actually , spiritually real now.
    What joy full thoughts today❣️

  12. Dr. Laurence Doyle, Christian Scientist, PhD Astrophysicist, Professor, NASA scientist has stated in interviews that there is no scientific reason that the number of times in your life that the earth has revolved around the sun would produce the effects mortal mind associates with “aging.” So even from a material view, they have no case. No real proof that declining and wearing out over time is anything but a false, educated belief about our true spiritual being.

  13. The thought came to me, while reading the expansions of this topic, from 1 Corinthians 13:11,
    “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but
    when I became a man, I put away childish things.” To me, becoming more “spiritual”
    incorporates into thought – a more perfect, loving, expansive thought … from sense to
    Soul … with more additionally/growing spiritual thinking.
    On page 323, under Science of Being, Mrs. Eddy writes, “It is the ‘still, small voice’ of
    Truth uttering itself. We are either turning away from this utterance, or we are listening
    to it and going up higher. Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for
    the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false
    landmarks and joy to see them disappear, – this disposition helps to precipitate the
    ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress. ‘Blessed are
    the pure in heart; for they shall see God'”… and … “It is a warfare with the flesh, in
    which we must conquer sin, sickness, and death, either here or hereafter, – certainly
    before we can reach the goal of Spirit, or life in God.” When we see ourselves as
    created, or expressing ourselves in matter, we are not moving forward. imho

  14. Whew!! Looks like there are a more than a few other thinkers who are grappling with this big lie about Life and Its ideas! (us!)

    Evan: we all love you for sharing the Gift of SpiritView!!


        1. That is lovely, dear Rose (and Evan). Thank you. And
          oddly, the Journal article you shared above, did open for me,
          too. Thank you for sharing.

          : )

  15. O I just studied all these so inspiring and uplifting comments of you all, dear SpiritView friends. And I can’t but send much Love to you and to Evan for this healing and blessing Blog which causes all these wonderful healing comments and diskussions.

    “In atmosphere of Love divine we live and move and breathe”

    A lovely and joyful weekend to everyone!♡

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