Grand outcomes in working with others

October 11, 2024 | 17 comments

No one can whistle a symphony.  It takes an orchestra to play it.

~ Halford E. Luccock

17 thoughts on “Grand outcomes in working with others”

  1. I find this a really excellent analogy – I love it.

    A symphonic work needs the voice of every instrument in the orchestra to perform it. Each
    instrument has a different part to play in the piece, and as the instrumentalist knows what is his/her part, everything and everyone performs together in perfect harmony with each other and produces a perfect result. They already know what the perfect piece sounds like in its perfect performance,, because\they have studied and practised their parts.

    The performance has a conductor who who directs the work, He/she know everything about the work – every instrument and instrumentalist, all the needs and expressions, the speeds etc. and
    the feelings that need to be expressed. and the perfect capabilities of all the performers. He works
    with them to bring all this into the performance.The Conductor oversees and upholds the whole activity, and all the performers are in obedience to this one Musical Director, concentrating on
    playing their own part, but at the same time listening to all the other parts that bring out the harmonious performance.

    I see how this relates to our ability to work together in joint efforts for our community and world.
    As Christian Scientists we have one work to perform, and that is found in following Christ Jesus. As we practice each day the laws of Truth and Love, and looking out for where we can contribute to participating in the spiritual harmonious symphony of God’s perfect creation, the Christ gives us the part for us to play in this Holy Work of Truth and Love that needs to be expressed in our community and world. This heavenly symphony includes in the performance all the synonyms for God in every way. as expressed individually by every Christian Scientist.. The Director in this case in the Christ, who directs the work, knows the capabilities of every one of us, and all the qualities which God has given to each of us for this purpose.. Even what seems to be the smallest offering of love, like the triangle in the orchestra, has an important part to play. However small our contribution is for this purpose, it is vital and helps to bringing out more of the beauty and harmony and perfection of God’s wonderful creation. It has the effect of dissolving all the false erroneous sickly and sinful beliefs of materiality, and becomes a revelation. As all who have participated in
    playing in an orchestra know, it is a wonderful and rewarding. experience.

    We don’t have to even try to whistle the symphony ourselves, we all work together in harmony
    with each other, as one with God and His Christ, and are triumphant.

    I look forward to hearing other contributions on this topic.

    1. Beautifully put Maggie…I wouldn’t have the right words in me to express this as well as you have.
      The only thing I would add is that we all have to be willing to attend this magnificent symphony of Christ, divine Love…encouraging one another when and wherever possible…

    2. Maggie thank you for this, “Even what seems to be the smallest offering of love….has an important part to play….. it is vital and helps bring out more of the beauty and harmony and perfection of God’s wonderful creation.”
      I think sometimes I (we) don’t fully acknowledge that even seemingly “small” things I do, like a smile, or some little kind or encouraging gesture or having a good thought about a person or situation is really very powerful.
      SpiritView is a good example of a Community of Love where we all play a part each day, whether we just read, comment, ponder, pray, bless or as with Evan, allow the day’s perfect message to come through and be shared to uplift and inspire us.

      The Love and Peace of God to All.

    1. How important it is that each one must play our part.

      What if the little rain should say,
      ‘So small a drop as I
      Can ne’er refresh a drooping earth,
      I’ll tarry in the sky.’”

  2. Thank you Maggie and Rose for your comments. It does make a difference for sure to smile more, to include everyone in our thoughts and prayers for our world. I had not attended an in-person church service for at least two years although I have listened to The Mother Church services every Sunday and Wednesday. In September we received two invitations to “Back to Church Sunday” from church members I knew for years, and my husband and I attended the service, Folks there were glad to see us attending. I certinly felt embraced as did my husband and old friendships were renewed. Yes, it does take the full orchestra to make a concert. I look forward to once again being a part of the orchestra.

  3. Although not seeming to be a part of a lot of community activities these days,
    being more isolated, I remember when in school, playing with an orchestra
    with my violin and also in high school band with my clarinet. Each person
    in the band, like those of us here on Spirit View, helped to be a part of the
    Christ Spirit. One time, years ago, Doc Severinson from the Tonight Show, had
    played with our band and my dear friend and I went backstage afterwards to
    thank him. He had given my friend (who is now in more heavenly places), his
    flower from his lapel that had been given to him. He had given me the pin
    from it .. very special at the time and a lovely remembrance of my friend who
    lives on in my heart. Thank you all, for your contributions.

    1. Memories of playing music from age 4, piano begging our visiting teacher to teach me too, to elementary school playing Dad’s old flute, to junior and senior high school playing a new flute in the concert and marching bands, to college, studying music/playing the flute on stage when the orchestra performed, to the civic band of the VFW in Michigan with grandpa whose instrument of choice was the piccolo while I stuck with flute. Lovely to see the subject discussed again including special encounters with famous participants, along the way.

  4. Thank you Evan, for this very important message. Thank you Maggie and Rose (and all) for your comments. Maggie, I appreciated your depiction of the orchestra and all parts being important. “Even what seems to be the smallest offering of love, like the triangle in the orchestra, has an important part to play.” I remember when I was part of the college orchestra my senior year, I played a teeny triangle in one of the pieces. While it could not be heard singly, it did contribute to the overall expression of the idea of the piece. So every prayer and good thought we contribute to the world community goes out, .adds to the good fruit being expressed, and accomplishes good. All of our whistles together can add to the good.

    Have a symphonic day all.

    1. I enjoyed reading all your comments, thank you. … and thank you Pat W.
      for the perfect example by your playing of the tiny triangle – so necessary
      for the complete performance. And isn’t it wonderful to be a part of it.

  5. Thank you Evan, Maggie, and others. I don’t comment very often but would like to add to the conversation. For several years a group of couples & families including children of all ages from churches in our area have traveled to Mexico to build a small house. It is done over a 4 day weekend. Our conductor/director is in the construction business and happens to pastor at one of the churches.
    A few others and myself have had some experience in building houses. None of us could build this house by ourselves let alone in 4 days. We always started the day with prayer, at noon before
    lunch, and again before dinner which was at the campground. We all worked harmoniously for
    2 and a half days building the house from pouring a concrete floor to ending up with a secure roof
    and a stuccoed exterior. There was no plumbing or electricity available. One could refer to these houses as a God Send compared to their current dwellings. I recall one of the recipient fathers referring to all of us as angels come down from heaven. The last day we would finish up with a short ceremony where we would present the new owners with the keys to the house and a Holy Bible. Needless to say there were tears in most of our eyes. Thank you Jesus. Thank you God

  6. Thank you all for this much needed symphony of thoughts here. It helps with a healing
    blend of divine purpose and more peaceful feelings. God is like the Great Conductor
    guiding us with connection through what we each have to offer to the whole. We are
    each equal in a symphony – combining our talents. Although sometimes it would seem
    some are more adept, like in being a king, president, CEO, having a following, whereas
    others may be more meek or poor or not as “important” in our hierarchy of expertise in
    mastering who we are in God’s plan. but we all are unique and worthy and perfect in
    Truth’s harmony.
    Sometimes we may seem to fade into the background as others are highlighted, but that
    doesn’t make any person, instrument or thought any more or less deserving or notable
    in Spirit’s view, or part of completeness or acceptance. God’s view (spiritual view) has
    eyes closed to what the physical senses that would try to mar our original core/care
    values of peacefulness and helps with a pure sense of Soul and unity.

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