Side with light, side with love

October 15, 2024 | 20 comments

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Be the light that drives out darkness.  Be the love that drives out hate.

20 thoughts on “Side with light, side with love”

  1. Was happy to see this quote today. Thank you! A favorite that I keep on my desk:

    “May your light so shine that others shall see because of it and be healed.”
    Accession: L04655
    Date created: 1889/02/04
    Author: Mary Baker Eddy
    Recipient: Ellen Bouton

  2. Oh, this is so perfect!! Thank you Evan and thank you Michelle for these wonderful quote.s I will add that to my desk.❤️

  3. Thank you Evan for reminding us of our purpose. I wrote this reminder on a little card many years ago. “If everyone could see your current thoughts. would those thoughts heal and bless them?”

    1. Excellent article by Milton Simon. Thank you, “diane w. a.” for posting it. Thank you, Evan, for today’s inspirational message.

  4. Thank you, Evan, for sharing your enlightened insights with all of us. And thanks also to those of you who share with us on SpiritView.

  5. Alexandre Fischer mentions light vs. darkness in his lectures. I wrote down some quotes:
    – “Embrace the presence of the infinite. Tipping point of all is darkness to light. Open thought to the presence of God and it becomes more important than the darkness, instead of heaviness in thought.”
    – “We always have a choice to yield and move away from darkness. All is harmony. Shift in consciousness and yield.”
    – “Right thoughts dispel darkness. Look at thoughts, resting in our assurance of God’s presence.”
    – “Look away from the darkness of the material senses to the light of a different, higher perspective.”
    – “Our job is just to turn to the light – let the light in. Switch on the light! Reassurance, peace is part of the light. The battle is not yours but God’s.”

    1. Thanks for the link J, and the great quotes from Alexandre Fischer. The link takes us to the official YouTube page of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.with videos of dozens of CS lectures, a good resource. You can scroll down and find what you like, and this link goes directly to Alexandre Fischer, “Finding the Light That Frees Us from Fear.”

      1. Just to whet your appetite, Alex begins the lecture I linked above with this quote from Abraham Lincoln:

        “Let us renew our sense of God, and move forward in life without fear.”

        Also yesterday Granny Ginny mentioned a piece by Katherine Yates called At the Door. It is like a children’s allegory about standing porter at the door of thought, very unusual and interesting. I had posted a fully readable link from Wikisource, but it was late in the day so for anyone who missed it here it is again. It also has links to other writing by this author.

        I found this quote from Mrs. Eddy who recommended this author, particularly another piece she wrote called On the Way There,
        ~ “ I recommend to Christian Scientists, and to all lovers of truth, to read the little book, On the Way There, by Katherine M. Yates. It is scientific, simple. It is an object lesson for each one of us to learn the meaning of this saying of our Master: ‘Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.’ Mary B. G. Eddy, Pleasant View Concord, N H August 18, 1904.”

        Wishing a day of pure Light to all.

    2. Dear J,

      Your recall of Alexandre Fischer’s lecture applies directly to our presidential election coming just next month. I am turning on this “light” of the presence of GOD, while the election is held, processed, then announced. Praying that the rancor be gone with LIGHT PUTTING OUT THE DARKNESS immediately. No matter the results of the election, rejoice so letting the LIGHT SHINE!

  6. Thank you all, for sharing your light. Sometimes my light seems so inconsequential,
    but we all have light within us to help dispel the darkness. A few quotes I’ve come
    across that I would like to share:

    “Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness”
    – Anne Frank

    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”
    – Desmond Tutu

    “It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness”
    – Elenor Roosevelt

  7. Thank you Evan, so true! Darkness and hate are error, and only light and Love, divine Truth can drive out error; because there is only one Power, namely Truth and Love.
    Wow, so many interesting comments, thanks to you all!♡

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