Government above politics

October 4, 2024 | 34 comments

Is it possible to participate in an election and not get all caught up in heated arguments, divisive debate and vitriol anger with other people’s opinions about who should get your vote?  

Mary Baker Eddy was asked, “What are your politics?”  She replied, “I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government; to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself” (Miscellany, p. 276).

Wow!  I thought.  Citizens need to think and pray about which candidates are the best fit for office and then cast votes accordingly.  That’s what makes a democracy work.  But the process of listening and considering who to vote for doesn’t have to be filled with anger, contempt, resentment and fear.  It can be calm, considerate, thoughtful and promotive of goodwill toward all.

Lifting elections above politics to supporting “righteous government.”  That’s an outcome that readily gets my vote!

34 thoughts on “Government above politics”

    1. Thanks Josef! Very interesting and true, if God is the field of play, then only God’s law is working in every aspect of Life, also in these elections!

      Thank you Evan – that’s it – “to love God supremely and my neighbor as myself”. That produces peaceful solutions! 🙂

  1. Thank you, Evan. Best to keep decisions about politics and government— like all other considerations — in the third degree Our Leader illustrates for us in the Textbook!

    1. Hi Carl, could you clarify what you mean by keeping our decisions in the third degree? Or if anyone else can clarify. Thanks.

        1. Thank you Kay and DKM for your kindness in recommending this article. I look forward to reading it, and I’m sure other readers here will benefit as well.

          1. Hi, DKM. Just read the article, thanks again. At the very bottom is a link to a question a reader had about what the writer meant when he said that “abiding under the shadow of the almighty” was Second Degree. I had wondered the same. Upon clicking that link we cannot read the whole answer to the question, if not a subscriber. If it is possible can you provide this? Much appreciated.

  2. God is the infinite Intelligence, the ultimate government. Thank you,Evan, for reminding us that our prayers and decisions
    focus and reflect on that “ righteous government. “
    Blessing to this precious day to all searchers of Truth in CS.

    1. Dear ones, I also wanted to share this quote from Mahatma Gandhi, a great leader of peace and justice:

      “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of Truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fail. Think of it — always.”

  3. Thank you, Evan.

    I have gone back to this statement by Mrs. Eddy many times over these past few years. She supported a “righteous government” not a self-righteous one. I am striving to understand better that Gods government is the only government, in reality. And if we are following Jesus’ teachings and the rule of loving God and our neighbor as ourselves and treating others the way we would want to be treated to the best of our abilities, we can never go wrong. Thanks again!

  4. Someone pointed out a statement in Miscellany, p. 278, 13-14, which I found very helpful. “The revered President and Congress of our favored land are in God’s hands.” Seems like such an important statement to hold to no matter who wins the election.

  5. A statement in Rudimental Divine Science I often go to is you must feel and know that God alone governs man, that His government is harmonious; that He is too pure to behold iniquity, and divides His power with nothing evil or material, that material laws are only human beliefs, which govern mortals wrongly. Rud. P. 10:5-9

    Thank you Evan and all.


    Pray for the prosperity of our country, and for her victory under arms; that justice, mercy, and peace continue to characterize her government, and that they shall rule all nations. Pray that the divine presence may still guide and bless our chief magistrate, those associated with his executive trust, and our national judiciary; give to our congress wisdom, and uphold our nation with the right arm of His righteousness. . .

    May our Father-Mother God, who in times past hath spread for us a table in the wilderness and “in the midst of our enemies,” establish us in the most holy faith, plant our feet firmly on Truth, the rock of Christ, the “substance of things hoped for” — and fill us with the life and understanding of God, and good will towards men.

    Mary Baker Eddy
    (Christian Science versus Pantheism, Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 14:10–11 (np))

  7. As Divine Science has revealed, and continues to reveal: infinite, omni-present, almighty Truth
    is governing All, impartially and universally.

    How this astounding Fact relates to the petty politics on one tiny dot: this planet—this beautiful idea in the cosmos of Mind, is … incomprehensible to me.

    Who has time to get upset and involved with the silly fray? I surely do not.

    Climbing out of the Dream of-apart-from-God
    as fast as I can….
    Thank you for your helpful insights on our Journey Spiritward, dear Evan and SpiritView Family.

  8. Thank you all for the powerful reminders that we live in Spirit,Mind, in Principle-the law of perfection, and nowhere else.
    God is everywhere, and nothing aparr from Him/Her, is present or has power.
    Wow!!! What a government! What a world order!!!
    Thank you, Evan, for ever reminding us of the power of ceaseless prayer❣️

  9. Heard this comment: “A vote is not a valentine… You aren’t confessing your love for the candidate. It’s a chess move for the world you want to live …” Despite what may appear to be going on in the world, there is no reality outside of what God knows. It’s not about “personalities”, because only God governs. We are the outcome of Mind, which intelligently reigns supreme over creation; and this sets us free from fear, political intrigue and divisiveness. And isn’t this what Christian Science is all about…choosing the right thoughts. It’s very comforting and reassuring to look at “the world I want to live in” from a spiritual vantage point/perspective.

    1. Thank you, J I agree.

      Mrs. Eddy cautions about being “naive”.
      “Personality is not individuality. A wicked man may have an attractive personality” S&H 491:25
      The Daily Prayer and a Rule for Motives and Acts are included in my thoughts about the Election.
      And if the election does not turn out the way I voted, I trust in Hymn # 82 “God is working His purpose out as year succeeds to year.”

  10. Looking up the word politics, I found : “the art and science of government.” Wow! I had previously considered myself as one who stays out of ” politics”, and yet I pray daily: “Thy kingdom come;” .Let the reign of divine Truth, Life and Love be established in me and rule out of me all sin and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind and govern them. ” Mrs. Eddy tells us the only true science is Christian Science,. Now THAT’S politcal and make me all in!

  11. Mrs. Eddy states, “Pray that the divine presence may still guide and bless our chief magistrate, those associated with his executive trust, and our national judiciary, give to our congress wisdom, and uphold our nation with the right arm of His righteousness”.
    The progress of our country and world depends on allowing the divine presence to guide and direct our lives and affairs through righteous leadership- God-like qualities such as unselfishness, brotherly kindness, honesty, intelligence. Purity. These are the qualities I want leading our country and will look for in the candidates I vote for- more than human policies. Fairness, justice, willingness to listen to both sides of an issue make a great leader.
    Mrs. Eddy did not ignore the politics of her day but actively prayed and wrote letters to the president and even took a stand on some of the issues of her day. She prayed for peace,, protection of our military and believed strongly in democratic government and the separation of church and state.

  12. I’m so grateful for this conversation today, and so many wonderful, helpful ways of putting politics into perspective, I pray this sets my thinking into the right realm, because I’ve beens struggling since Sunday, when someone wore a politically-charged item to church! It deeply affected me, so much so that I shook physically and tried to dismiss the picture (right in front of me for the entire service.) I immediately looked up this wonderful writing, one I have turned to dozens of times, trying to find that equanimity and peaceful sense again. I’ve pondered the statement ”undisturbed amid the jarring testimony…” and also have considered what it would really feel like to have the panoply of Love all around me, so that human hate cannot penetrate. I am really trying to know, as Josef wrote, ”GOD IS the field of play!”
    Many thanks, and love to all


    There is immense wisdom in the old proverb, “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty.” Hannah More said, “If I wished to punish my enemy, I should make him hate somebody.”

    To punish ourselves for others’ faults, is superlative folly. The mental arrow shot from another’s bow is practically harmless, unless our own thought barbs it. It is our pride that makes another’s criticism rankle, our self-will that makes another’s deed offensive, our egotism that feels hurt by another’s self-assertion. Well may we feel wounded by our own faults; but we can hardly afford to be miserable for the faults of others.

    A courtier told Constantine that a mob had broken the head of his statue with stones. The emperor lifted his hands to his head, saying: “It is very surprising, but I don’t feel hurt in the least.”

    We should remember that the world is wide; that there are a thousand million different human wills, opinions, ambitions, tastes, and loves; that each person has a different history, constitution, culture, character, from all the rest; that human life is the work, the play, the ceaseless action and reaction upon each other of these different atoms. Then, we should go forth into life with the smallest expectations, but with the largest patience; with a keen relish for and appreciation of everything beautiful, great, and good, but with a temper so genial that the friction of the world shall not wear upon our sensibilities; with an equanimity so settled that no passing breath nor accidental disturbance shall agitate or ruffle it; with a charity broad enough to cover the whole world’s evil, and sweet enough to neutralize what is bitter in it, — determined not to be offended when no wrong is meant, nor even when it is, unless the offense be against God.

    Nothing short of our own errors should offend us. He who can wilfully attempt to injure another, is an object of pity rather than of resentment; while it is a question in my mind, whether there is enough of a flatterer, a fool, or a liar, to offend a whole-souled woman.
    (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 223:24–32 (np))

  13. Evan,

    Thank you for addressing this. The truth is so simple and so true! 🙂 Why don’t people see it more often! There is big money in getting people all stirred up about politics. Democracy isn’t secured by big political donations. It is secured by small loving and honest decisions made daily. It is truly secured by Truth and Love. I appreciate the heads up to stop being mesmerized by all the political rhetoric. If we are truly divided as a nation, it is a call to be more loving in our daily interactions.

  14. This is for Rose in New York. You asked for an explanation of third degree and I don’t think anyone gave you one.
    If you look on page 115 in Science and Health you see the heading: Scientific Translation of Immortal Man. There are several lines called First Degree, Second Degree, and Third Degree. In line 4 on page 116 Mrs. Eddy wrote, “In the third degree mortal mind disappears, and man as God’s image appears.”
    I think this might be what you wish to read and learn.

    1. Kimberly thank you very kindly for the explanation and reference to p. 115-116 in S&H. I did go and read that section, very interesting. Mrs. Eddy states that mortal mind will progress from Depravity, to Evil Beliefs Disappearing, to finally Spiritual Understanding —wisdom, purity, spiritual power, love, holiness.

      So Carl above was saying that we should look at politics and government from our highest level of spiritual understanding. Agreed.

      The below verse is in section 3 of this week’s Bible Lesson on Unreality.
      Psalms 22:28 -For the kingdom is the Lord’s, and He is the governor among all the nations.

  15. Thank you Rose! That verse from Psams 22 is so wonderfully clear. And this Kingdom of the Lord, being.the only grand Kingdom there is, rules perfectly in peaceful harmony, Love and Yoy!♡

  16. ‘ Thy kingdom come, as it is in heaven’
    ‘Thy kingdom IS come, Thou art ever present” MBE
    Beautifully simple premise.❣️

  17. Very enlightened message and comments above. Thank you all. It really brings
    our True government and what we would like our future to be, into focus. The
    thought came to me that “Principle”, one of the synonyms Mrs. Eddy, (our leader of
    Truth) .. gives that can also be seen as “principal” -with some of the definitions as
    being … “main chief, primary, foremost, number one”.
    I think it is important to ask ourselves – Who are we electing to be delivering best
    these spiritual qualities? Is it someone who is honest, not afraid to stand up for what
    is right, healing and helpful to the local, immediate (hurricane relief comes to mind)
    someone who is caring, a leader, someone to step up, without hesitation, someone
    who has country and the good of all, at heart, and not for just a chosen selection,
    someone who cherishes freedom of speech, freedom of religion, to speak one’s
    mind for the betterment … for all mankind around the world.
    To me, all of these qualities are most essential in choosing leaders who will fulfill
    these policies in helping to heal, unite and strengthen the love and caring of a
    country and thus, the entire world.

  18. WONDERFUL comments today! I will also pray about the American elections using many of the above ideas, as, even though I am Australian, I am deeply concerned about this situation. Thank you all for building such a strong defence for freedom and Truth .

  19. Thank you Evan and all those who posted their comments. This was an excellent discussion today and one greatly needed. Bottom line is—know there is only ONE POWER. Also know there is only ONE GOVERNMENT . And that is, of course , the power of God, and the absolute government of God.. thank you.

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