A key to living happy

October 22, 2024 | 24 comments

If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, 

keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. 

Turn away from evil and do good. 

Search for peace, and work to maintain it.

~ I Peter 3:10,11, NLT

24 thoughts on “A key to living happy”

  1. Joy and gratitude are filling my thoughts after reading today’s SpiritView. As I woke up this morning, I had made up my mind that I was starting on a very special “life mission”. Today’s SpiritView is my “jump start “, it’s perfect! A year ago my wife (not a Christian Scientist but supportive) had a stroke. I am now her caregiver. Recently I found that I have a strain of Parkinsons. I am working with a practitioner both in support of my wife and myself. As I read today’s SpiritView I almost cried. I do want to enjoy many happy days for me and my wife and am working towards success, I think of the SpiritView family as my support team. I would welcome any sharing thoughts. Warm hugs and thank yous to all, And thank you Evan for SpiritView

    1. Dear Jim and Wife: Here is some information about the Principle Foundation located at Overland Park KS They have a Call Center PH 800-930-3797 It is a confidential one-to-one help over the phone which supports Christian Scientists looking for ways to meet practical needs in caring –you may find answers also online or on the phone the web sight is RiperYears.org. The phone calls are answered by experienced Christian Scientist, and voice mail messages are returned within 24 hours. They can assist you with practical ways in caring for your wife as well, such as making your home simpler to maintain. These two services are free and can provide you with helpful information. “His care doth e’er’ surround us.” CS Hymnal, No. 10

    2. Hi Jim…prayers and hugs are surrounding you both because the outcome of the Love of God is unstoppable , healing, infinite …all encompassing.
      Mrs Eddy says on page 258 in Science and Health…’ the human capacities are enlarged and perfected in proportion as humanity gains the TRUE conception of man and God”

    3. Dear Jim, you are right in seeing the SV community as a support team. When I’ve shared heartfelt issues or questions I always receive loving replies from the dear people here. My love and support to you and your wife.

      Your comment is filled with a sense of expectancy of God’s good, always a great place to begin. In Misc Writings, p. 307 Mrs. Eddy says to listen for the angel messages, wait on God, do not doubt, and you will have all you need every moment. That statement is a favorite of mine.

    4. Hi Jim,

      I just got on to read Spiritview for the day and saw your comment.

      I think you might enjoy “Healing” by Martha Wilcox. Just because the world puts a label of disease on you and your wife doesn’t make it true. People used to believe the world was flat because the eyes make it look so but through science we understand the reality that it is actually round. Now, can you question those disease labels and see yourselves as God sees you? And put disease in the realm of belief instead of reality?


      Much love to you and your wife.

  2. Hi Jim and wife,

    The entire Bible Lesson for October 7-13, 2024, “Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?” is apropos. This quote S&H 259:1 is especially poignant for me :

    “Man is not absorbed in Deity, and cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal life; nor is he an
    isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind,
    the sum of all substance”

    Chew on that one a bit, my friend.

    John B

    1. Thank you Grace. This link takes us to a preview of the discussion, just the first couple minutes. To hear the whole hour it seems one must be a subscriber. If anyone can offer the full link that would be great, and also helpful to Jim if he is not a subscriber.

  3. Such a peaceful message and lovely spiritually enlightened thoughts portrayed. In a
    world that seems to be swimming in lies, it is so good to always try to be honest and
    stay within our spiritual view of things .. that is, enjoying life and living and seeing
    happy days.
    Dear Jim … your kindness and sweetness will be rewarded. Your consistent knowing
    that challenges are not really part of the perfection that God knows ,,. I think is
    important to not accept that any dis – ease is a part of you or anyone. It is often stated
    when mortals label themselves with this or that sort of disease, claiming it as their own.
    “I have” or “my” – labeled false belief … It may appear to be, but it is not, really. The only
    True being that you and everyone has is God’s Truth and Peace. I love how you mention
    the support of the SpiritVeiw family. What a wonderful concept, as the Truth of our
    reflection of God is always shared here.

    1. Thanks Carol. Your comment about claiming disease as “I have” or “my” reminded me of someone on SV mentioning that they had an issue with impaired hearing. Another reader commented that they had an issue with sight and were healed by realizing that “Mind sees, Mind hears, etc. Not “me” or “my” but Mind.

      1. Oh, yes, J , I remember those comments. Thank you. To further
        elaborate on Mind being a healing agent, Mrs. Eddy’s definition
        in her Glossary in S&H, confirms that “ears”: “Not organs of the
        so-called corporeal senses, but spiritual understanding” [Mind]
        and she defines “eyes” as “Spiritual discernment, – not material
        but mental” … which would also refer to Mind/God – our divine

  4. Dear Jim- God has promised to be with us in trouble and to honor us with a long life!
    “He shall call upon Me, and I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him with long life. I will satisfy him and show him my salvation” psalms 91::15-16
    That means you are safe in God’s care!

  5. The first part of the scripture shared up top (keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies) made me think of Psalms 51:15, “Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.” Another translation says, “Help me to speak, Lord, and I will praise you.” We can rely on God to show us what to say or do in any situation. This will lead to happy outcomes and many reasons to praise Him.

  6. I Love the spiritual Truths shared here for Jim and his wife. You all are so
    endearing and helpful with your comments. The “lies” that anything apart from
    God can be manifested in anything that would disrupt enjoyable life and happy
    days, just can not take away Peace.

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