It’s never too late…

October 17, 2024 | 14 comments

It’s never too late…to be spiritual!

If you ever feel like you’ve missed out on something special, and it’s too late to ever do it again, fear not.  It’s never too late to be spiritual!

Deadlines come and go.  Job openings appear and disappear.  Years flow by, and certain kinds of opportunities along with them.  But the goodness of God is ever-present.  It continues to unfold now and forever.  

There is no end to how much happiness, health, and joy one can have when living their eternal spiritual life.

To stay happy, its key to not tie one’s feeling of success to something of the temporal world.  That sets one up for feeling potential loss.  Any material sense of things is temporal and vanishes eventually.  But the goodness that comes from God is eternal.  It is never lost, stolen, or left behind.  It’s always with you.

Spiritual mindedness, wisdom, inspiration, health, life, joy, purpose, worth, value, fulfillment, are all spiritual gifts from divine Mind.  They are yours to enjoy to the fullest in any year, at any time, and in any place.

Be wise to not let mortal mind convince you that it’s too late to have the very best life God has for you to live.  It’s not!  Now is the perfect time to be living it.

It’s never too late…to be spiritual.

14 thoughts on “It’s never too late…”

  1. Yes Evan.. thanks so much for this reminder of true and lasting joy, peace, happiness, bliss and harmony which we can derive from being attuned with our spiritual source of being, our inseparable connection with our father mother God.

    “Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all absorbing spiritual love.” This pearl of truth comes from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

    The shine and glitter of material things and the joy they bring is fleeting and short lived. True and lasting happiness and bliss comes from Spirit another name for God.
    By imbibing spiritual values, doing the things which are honest and good, following the commandments of God, forsaking temporary dishonest gains for lasting wealth of honesty and righteousness, letting go of revenge and forgiving and loving as taught by Christ Jesus means we are leading a spiritual life.

    “Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living, is life divine, revealing spiritual understanding and the consciousness of mand dominion over all the earth.” Says Mrs Eddy in her text book Science and Health.

    Spiritual living to me means, we live in this world but are not touched by the material things, its fleeting joys, letting our thoughts rise above into spiritual consciousness, attuned to Gods guidance and fulfilling His will. Such living alone is true living. It blesses not only us but everyone.

  2. Thanks, great reminder of God’s ever-presence — hence the ever-presence to Truth, Life and Love, — and all of God’s attributes — regardless of age or Era or circumstance.

  3. Yes I agree…a truly wonderful message today…thank you Evan and Nergish and everyone for your comments. I am blessed by SV…thank you again.

  4. I love this boost of spiritual Truth, Evan, Nergish and all .. In times when things seem
    so uncertain and many things just don’t seem to make sense (mortally) … it is so
    refreshing to read this wisdom and feel a part of spiritual awakening that is with
    us always and never has been apart from us …. really. Our spiritual being is really
    all there is. Our mortal past is fleeting within the NOW of our spiritual existence.
    That frees us from whatever pangs of regret or angst or anything that might try to
    make us be anything we aren’t – God’s child that IS, always has been and always
    will be …. Perfect, whole and right now, so loved by divine Love.

  5. Thank you, Evan. Spirit and all things spiritual is the only reality. Mary Baker Eddy writes on page 277 of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” that matter is a “human concept, sometimes beautiful, always erroneous.”

  6. Evan thanks for: “There is no end to how much happiness, health, and joy one can have when living their eternal spiritual life.” And that the continuous Now is the perfect time to experience this infinite Good.

    This kind of right thinking dispels prevalent false beliefs we’re taught about aging and what one can or cannot expect to experience at different stages of life. What we are as God’s expression is never lost.

    It’s never too late….to be spiritual….because we are.

  7. thank you, for all the generous views of thought, the paths along Life as Spiritual,
    One on one, Immortal, IN endless joy…
    To refresh ourselves, impartially, as Perfect ideas of God,
    daily, moment each moment in thy Love, every day where ever with the Power above and beyond the mist..Christ understands..within us, nurturing, caring guiding..really does bend ones knee in meekness.
    Looking back to previous SpiritViews, ….
    May 28th, 2024…Persist With Truth to Clear the Mist…
    Gratitude, rings a lot of bells..Be-ing Spiritual because we (lower case) are…SHINING.

  8. Thank you very much for the Truth you give us with your today’s SpiritView! It’s such s wonderful treat! ♡
    I love the promissing words from the Bible: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding, so He will lead you aright.”
    This leading us aright means for me, leading us to understand God in all the 7 synonyms and us all as His perfect reflection! That says all!
    Lots of Love to you all.♡♡♡

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