No missing out in Love

October 21, 2024 | 32 comments

Two dear friends accustomed to living near each other, sharing adventures together, laughing and playing and having a good time again and again, were parted when one of them moved to a distant city for a new job.  

Both were close to God and knew there is no separation in the one Mind of Love they had in common.  But the temptation to miss one another was strong, until one of them realized they had a choice to make.  

Were they going to spend their time missing their friend, or loving them?  They asked.

Love knows no distance, no parting, no passing.  Love is always Love they saw clearly.  And the love that she had for her friend was just as strong as ever.

Instead of consuming time with forlorn thoughts of missing her friend, she chose to keep showering her with love instead.

In their next conversation, she piped up, “I realized I love you more than I miss you,” and that has brought me peace!  It brought her friend peace too.

32 thoughts on “No missing out in Love”

  1. Expressing love doesn’t require a physical presence. What a wonderful example. Thank you for sharing Evan.

  2. Divine Love is the liberator and meets every need with perfect supply.

    Thank you Evan for this very timely message, you are such a gem and so appreciated!!!!!

  3. I’m reminded of a go to for me….we love because He first Loved us!
    Also , I feel this is a very healing thought to hold when bereaved.
    Beautiful message Evan..thank you❣️

  4. God being Love then love is never limited or sourced in a person…Love’s infinite nature keeps on providing no matter what friends, former spouses, adult children or anyone is doing..
    It’s all about what God ( the source ) is doing..

  5. Thank you Evan for this beautiful healing thought today. Filling our day with Love is always better in every way than allowing negativity to consume our thoughts. Your messages are so inspiring. Thank you.

  6. Thank you for this bright and brilliant realization of the woman in your story. It’s so applicable for so many areas of our lives! Thank you!

  7. I love this .. expression of Love always being with us. Recently with the two
    extreme hurricanes … has proven that our love – God’s Love – for dear ones is
    not limited, but is always with them/us, if we hear from them or not. It sure is
    a lot better hearing from them though! After not hearing for a week from the
    one friend in a hard-hit area, but Knowing she was/is in God’s care, no matter
    where she was, was wonderful when finding out that she was okay. Two dear
    ones in the second hurricane, whom I Thought had evacuated and were safe –
    turned out that they stayed and were actually within the storm, but they were
    protected also. But it just goes to show that our limited, false sense of physical,
    being with them or not, can be deceiving to their True identity.
    A dear friend who has “passed”, who lived in a distant state, where not actually
    “seen” for years, can be just as “with us” in Spirit, as always. Missing their mortal
    response is not always as easy, but knowing they are in God’s Love is very helpful
    and this spiritual view of them is always with us. That is very comforting. This
    topic is very helpful and love all of these thoughts. Thank you all.

  8. Beautiful message and truth …and not Easter our time in negative thoughts.
    Thank you Evan . To Love is better!!!

  9. Sounds like she acknowledged the presence of Divine Love. Feeling that presence gave her a right, uplifting, healing thought.which she was able to share with her friend so they could both feel more peace and trust that their relationship is in God’s care. Just like everything is in His care.

    Thank you Evan and all. Welcome to a new week of SV love and sharing.

  10. ” I realized I love you more than I miss you,” and that has brought me peace! That is so beautiful. Blessings and much love to all.

    1. Great Sentinel Radio chat with Susan Booth Mack Snipes! Thank you for sharing!
      Whenever I am tempted to feel lonely or hurt I pray to know that the source of all love is God. God is shining love on all of us and that love is recognized humanly in tangible ways such as friendship, companionship, the affection of a pet or whatever is needed at the time. Being grateful for the ever present love of God and knowing that God knows exactly how to meet every human need Frees me from any sense of loneliness or lack- which I rarely feel- even though I am divorced and retired. Looking outward to how to express that love, is the secret to happiness.

  11. I can hardly say how comforting this thought is: “…I love you more than I miss you.” As someone who has a beloved daughter living on the opposite coast of the US, two dear Christian Science friends who moved out of state, and a very dear sister who recently passed unexpectedly, I have struggled with feeling bereft at times. But this blog makes it clear I have a choice—I can be sad or I can love. Thank you, Evan, and all for today’s inspired Spiritview.

    1. Dear Joan, while reading your comment I just had the thought that if perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18), then perfect love also casts out sadness or bereftness (or anything unlike God, good). I like what you said about having a choice, to be sad or to love. Peace to you.

        1. Thank you Joan for the kind words, I agree with Carol that you are not being foolish or selfish. Though it seems easy to slip into judging or condemning ourselves for getting mesmerized by error at times, when we think we should know better. We’re all learning and growing, and as long as we stick with God we are fine..

    2. Dear Joan,
      Thank you for sharing your feelings. Even though sometimes you may feel that
      you are not loved, gratitude for your daughter and CS friends and for the love
      that your dear sister expressed – helps to realize how very blessed you really
      are. Love can be felt so preciously even if a person is not physically present and
      God’s compassion and love for you, lives on through your loved ones. This divine
      Love for you, as well as those you are missing is always existent, even in the times
      when it may seem it isn’t. Big Hug to you!

      1. Carol, I’m touched by your response, and I do feel blessed much of the time. Just sometimes the emptiness washes over me. It’s foolish and selfish, I know. Mrs. Eddy assures us that “…this seeming vacuum is already filled with divine Love.” (SH 266)
        So I just need more consistently to see that, be that expression of divine Love.

        1. Oh, Joan, I don’t think you are being “foolish and selfish”. I think we
          all have had thoughts of, as you wrote, “emptiness”. Even Mrs. Eddy,
          who had many challenges in her life, before her enlightened writings,
          with her son being taken away from her, having gone through a
          divorce – as spiritually minded as she was – probably had these same feelings, which is why she wrote about the seeming vacuum as being
          “filled with divine Love”. I think she understood. Even Jesus, too, felt
          the disciples had betrayed and abandoned him right before the
          experience he was mortally challenged with, where he was left alone.
          I think we all want to Share – to fill this empty feeling and sharing, in
          my humble opinion, anyway – I don’t believe is being selfish.
          When we share, the feeling of emptiness is diminished, so it really IS
          divine Love that fulfills and helps heal the sadness we sometimes
          seem to feel, when we seem alone, in missing a sense of family or
          friends who we love/d to share with, who are not “physically” there
          to be with us.

  12. Many thanks to all the contributors – it is easier to say I love you than I miss you since missing someone seems to be selfish, where saying I love you is more inclusive and heart warming. It expresses more joy and being closer to the individual because it is God’s love that is shared and it warms our heart and brings us closer to each other. Something to really share with each other, especially when distance separates us. It is certainly heart warming and joyful to hear always.

  13. Thank you Evan for this wonderful experience of real loving which leaves no room for lonelyness or missing, whereby today there are lots of opportunities to communicate. Here is midnight meanwhile and I just got the thought that missing somebody or something could mean it’s away forever. While when instead loving we express the Love God is, and that is felt in warming, healing effection for my friend. a n d. all over the World. The daily prayer says “and may your word enrich the effection of all mankind and govern them” ❤️

    Many .many thanks to All for your very inspiring and loving comments. I feel all your Love – loL to all!♡♡♡

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