Everything works together for good

October 16, 2024 | 10 comments

When life events turn against you, and prospects for success look dim, don’t lose hope.  There is a greater power than yourself at work on the scene that can turn the situation around and bring about a good outcome. 

I explain how something good can come out of something bad in this vlog that was filmed at the Cedar Breaks National Monument, in Utah, when my wife and I visited the area in September 2024.

10 thoughts on “Everything works together for good”

  1. This is a wonderful vlog, Evan! Woohoo! Our God is good! Thank you for telling us this amazing story. Yay! Just when you think you’re “done,” God says, “There’s more to the story.” Beautiful. Thank you!

  2. Evan, thank you for sharing this testimonial of God’s omnipresent Love. When we know how much God loves each one of us we are healed of our fear of any belief of separation of His ever presence of Good. Each year I read I read/study our textbook in addition to our Bible Lessons and periodicals. I am so grateful for knowing how much and how ever present God’s Love is in our lives.

  3. God IS a very present help in trouble.

    A CSP friend and I were traveling to Seneca Falls, NY to see the MBE display there. My van engine light came on, I started to worry, the CSP started praying, the engine light went off and never came back on the years I had it.

    Now that’s sure evidence that all things are possible to God when we turn to Father, Mother for solutions to any difficulties.
    Thanks Evan!!!!

  4. p s
    This healing/realization of what is true and normal to God only took minutes for the van to normalize, and never had to slow down our trip.
    Love to you all.

  5. God is always with us.

    A number of years ago, I came back from a CS camp with my young daughter. When all of a sudden it seemed as if my car was coughing, it would catch and go. I started praying about what to do. All of a sudden, I heard “Get off this exit, turn left, then right.” Definitely a God inspired message. I did as I was told and wound up at a gas station. They just opened up, the manager came to see me and said his mechanic was off that day. He went back to his office, I sat with my young daughter in the car praying.. Twenty minutes later the manger comes back to me and says, my mechanic who wasn’t supposed to be here is in. Pull your car in. The mechanic told me it was my spark plugs and one had gone bad. He searched the whole garage for that spark plug as he knew it was in there somewhere. My car was older, parts hard to find. That mechanic he found that spark plug, put it in and I was so, so grateful! I gave thanks all the way home!

  6. Thank you, Evan, for sharing this lovely testimony

    .This is a very useful law to acknowledge and use in so many different
    circumstances when things seem to be conflicting even in smaller ways.

    For instance, sometimes when I go out to brush up the fallen leaves from our
    big Foxglove tree in the front during Autumn, a wind sometimes whips up, which makes it veery difficult, and blowing the leave in different directions.
    I have been acknowledging this spiritual law to ascertain that God holds
    the wind in his fists, and everything works together for good to those who love God. I do find
    that the wind then helps me with the work, and it a much easier job.

  7. Beautiful vlog Evan with your testimony about Gods care for his children a constant , demonstrable comfort.
    I’m learning so much since my limited Sunday school years. ..ie of old I would think when this physical life is going well ..that’s good fortune and prayer was only an intervention when facing challenges. How wonderful it is that Christian Science teaches us to seek the spiritual instead of material sense at all times ..then it becomes so obvious that everything good is coming from God . No waiting for a spiritual outcome , just waking up to what IS.
    Lovely testimonies shared today. Thank you to all❣️

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