The sun keeps shining

February 12, 2025 | 16 comments

Does life feel a bit dark?  If so, that can change for the better.

No matter how dark and gloomy life feels, the goodness of God is always present to break through the gloom and bring light. 

I explain how to find the Light that heals in this vlog filmed on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, in Arizona, September 2024.

16 thoughts on “The sun keeps shining”

  1. Since I found Christian Science my life has changed beyond measure. When I get dark days or weeks I know that there is ALWAYS Light ahead, even if that is the tiniest pin-prick in a black horizon. As I move towards the pin-prick through immersing myself in study, reading, and listening to hymns being sung, the pin-prick gets bigger and bigger and as it does I am increasingly bathed in the Light of Love, joy, happiness and a sense of worth. Whether my seeming sickness is mental or physical the Light of Love is here. Paul says “I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” KJV. i think to myself that “I press towards the pin-prick of light for the prize of knowing my Father and his endless eternal love and caring for me.”
    I am so grateful to have found Christian Science, to Evan for his wonderful inspiring daily blogs and to all you dear folk who share your love and experiences.
    Thank you

  2. Yes we all benefit from the uplifting comments posted and especially from Evan who posts his healing blogs in the first place. Truly grateful.

  3. Thanks Evan :
    Listening to you this morning gives me a different perception about christian science and its teachings. The matrrial senses comes to thought with doubts, discourgement and fear. But the spritual senses comes to us with the opposite; which is Love, encouragement, and Faith.
    Thetefore,i will always listen to “spiritual sense” for the solution.

    1. I lovewhat you say – it is so true that the dark feelings that sometimes assail us are only felt thru the false lying material senses . It is lifting thought to focus on spiritual sense that ‘dispels the clouds of grey ‘ we do this – not only for ourselves but for all mankind . Our collective turning to spiritual sense to listen only to what God is saying and seeing —- is what helps to heal the world and this is our real mission in this human experience . We are not alone – we are all of one Mind

  4. Thank you so much for this sunny outlook of such a scenic, beautiful Spiritual
    View!! Our perception depends on what we are focussing on. There are so
    many good things happening in the world today. It can be compared to the
    ecstatic hostage that was welcomed home last night after struggles he endured
    mortally, but always “kept the faith” in God that he would be released. Sometimes
    it seems we are kept hostage – in a mortal sense of gloom or despair, where
    things seem dark, permanent, dismal. But who are we listening to in times like this?
    But then we are released …. We are standing with brightness shining, snow falling
    beautifully and gently, pristine blankets of white snow on the surroundings, wrapped
    in the comfort of Love, smiling with gratitude for being in a heavenly place, like the
    awesome creation of the Grand Canyon. The sun is shining again and we bask in the
    freedom of God’s Spiritual Light …. we are at home in Peace, where we have truly
    always been.
    It all comes down to …. are we listening to the doom and gloom of negativity, or do
    we change the channel to see the sunshiney vision that, as Evan says, is always
    shining, even if we don’t seem to see it at the moment. Love is always with us.

  5. Thank you Evan for the message and the breath-taking scenery.

    “Christian Science: The Light by Which We See” Lecture by Noel D. Bryan-Jones, C.S., of Worthing, Sussex, England. (The lecturer listed above served in the years in which lectures were printed in The Christian Science Journal, The Christian Science Sentinel, and The Christian Science Monitor):

    (*It’s long and easier to read on a laptop. Very enlightening and fun to take a section at a time and ponder it.)

  6. Thankyou Evan , for THE SUN KEEPS SHINING, LOVE IT . SO INSPIRATIONAL, and Thankyou all for your inspiring Comments, I read them all everyday and feel the the the Love and inspiration, Thankyou for SPIRITVIEW , WHAT A WEALTH OF BLESSINGS.

  7. O, here are so many opportunities to be deeply thankful for!
    Thank you, dear Evan for your beautiful Vlog about “The Sun keeps shining”. Wonderful that you compare the Sun with God who steadily showers His bright and healing light over all His loved divine creation!♡
    And here we can see God as the most beautiful and loveliest builder and painter of the landscape!

    And thank you dear J and Cheryl for the lecture by Bryan Johns! It’s a valuable and inspiring lecture and I listen with much delight to it; but tomorrow because here it’s sleeping time.

    Thank you God and Evan and all so very much indeed for this healing and blessing SpiritView Blog! ❤️

  8. Thank you Evan and all for sharing!
    Started listening to the lecture by Mr. Bryan-Jones.
    Looking forward to listening to it all the way through!

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