A circle of protection

July 23, 2024 | 36 comments

God’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray.

~ Psalms 34:7, The Message

To pray, is to know God’s reality.  

When we know God’s reality of infinite Love and omnipresent goodness, our thought is impervious to suggestions of sin, disease, and death.  Evil beliefs cannot enter therein.  

A consciousness of God’s allness is a “circle of protection” that keeps us safe from suffering.

36 thoughts on “A circle of protection”

  1. Verse eight ads “blessed are you who run to him. “
    And Mrs. Eddy explains on page 203 that “God is at once the center and circumference of being. “. How blessed we are. Thank you.

  2. God’s angels.

    The definition of angels, as given in “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mrs. Eddy (p. 581), “God’s thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect,” is very helpful, especially at a time like the present where some on earth are hell bent on keep on creating disharmony /war/destruction/death. And are needing guidance and direction. Mrs. Eddy also says on page 174 of this textbook, “The angels of His presence—the spiritual intuitions that tell us when ‘the night is far spent, the day is at hand’—are our guardians in the gloom.”

  3. Thank you Evan and everyone for the angelic uplift today. God gives us the exact prayers to pray to honor Him/Her.

  4. As Mrs. Eddy’s hymn says: “His arm encircles me, and mine, and all!”

    Love is our refuge; only with mine eye
    Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:
    His habitation high is here, and nigh,
    His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 207:2)

  5. I always find the following passage from SH 282 helpful to ponder. I have copied it here, but there ismore of it following on from that, if anyone finds it helpful.

    “The real Life, or Mind, and its opposite, the so-called material life and mind, are figured by two geometrical symbols, a circle or sphere and a straight line. The circle represents the infinite without beginning or end; the straight line represents the finite, which has both beginning and end. The sphere represents good, the self-existent and eternal individuality or Mind; the straight line represents evil, a belief in a self-made and temporary material existence. Eternal Mind and temporary material existence never unite in figure or in fact.
    A straight line finds no abiding-place in a curve, and a curve finds no adjustment to a straight line”

    Also there is a hymn, which I am sure everyone knows and loves ‘
    :- Everlasting arms of Love, are around,, beneath, above…”
    Also one of Mrs. Eddy’s hymns includes the words = “His
    arm encircles me and mine and all”.

    We can feel safe and secure in those everlasting arms of
    Love, all us around every moment and encircling all of
    us dipping into SpiritView under Evan’s watchful care
    for us and all mankind.

    1. M that is a lovely thing to tell a child, or anyone, and it is true and very comforting. A bubble is a three dimensional circle, surrounding on all sides and in every direction with Love.

      Here is another translation of Psalms 34:7 from
      The Voice:
      “The messenger of the Eternal God surrounds everyone who walks with Him and is always there to protect and rescue us.”

  6. Todays SpiritView reminded me of
    this poem.
    We are encircled in God’s love.
    We can continue the circle of love to

    He drew a circle that shut me out-
    Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
    But love and I had the wit to win:
    We drew a circle and took him In!
    Edwin Markham

    Thanks Evan, and everyone

  7. The treasures shared here today are so needed and helpful in a world that
    Seems so much in turmoil of late (here in the US anyway). The peace and harmony
    of everything shared is so very comforting. A feeling of safety and dear Love is like
    being surrounded by the protection and security that the delightful graphic depicts
    above. How incredibly loved are we .. to be encircled in the arms of God’s protective
    care and compassion … We are included in this sheltered Love, no matter what evil
    forces are trying to harm our spiritual well being. It just can not happen with God/Love
    always with us and Spirit/God always being ever present, no matter what the mortal
    picture seems to be. No element of error/mortal mind thinking or action can deter
    our spiritual being from the shield of God’s Goodness and power.

  8. “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness. Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited.” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 210:2)

  9. I love angels and the thought of angels – and as Gita defined above from Mrs. Eddy’s
    definition: “God’s thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect”.
    I chose Angel as my handle because it keeps close in comfort a dear friend who
    has since passed to a different realm, but is still “with us”, I believe, in her love
    and spirit in thoughts such as those shared here.. She used to come to this site and
    altho she didn’t comment, I know that she gleaned a Lot from the messages and
    shared feeling of deep love that is expressed here, along with the inspiration of
    Goodness. She is very much still here in Spirit’s presence.

  10. Thank you so much for today’s Spirit view and great comments, I have been clinging t too the verse in psalms 34.7 for the last several hours and I’m feeling so much needed peace and progress,

  11. “You shall know the Truth and Truth shall make you free.” Truth is another name for God.. It’s therefore of paramount importance to Know God, When we truly understand our relationship with God as our Father and Mother, whose love is beyond measure, whose care is all pervading, who is all powerful and all present, then nothing can touch us, no error can creep in, because God good will not allow any harm to come upon His beloved children.
    “God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more?” “The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty and glory of infinite love fills all space. That is enough”

  12. I can absolutely attest to this circle of protection, Love! Thank you, Evan, because you always know what we need.
    ! I drove off this morning, well established in Love-Mind, God’s Day– “all prayed up,” as a dear Christian Scientist reminded us always to stay prayed up! A large SUV turned right in front of my car; I hit it, resulting in my car being totaled, yet I walked away unharmed. Everyone at the ”scene”, from the kind policemen, to the bystanders who cared so sweetly for me, were calm and tender. I know that all is well. I know there are no accidents in God’s kingdom. I know that nothing is changed in God’s kingdom.
    Thank you for this wonderful community of Thinkers.

    1. You were protected, dear Annie. All is well in God’s kingdom. You are so right.
      Lots of love to you with peaceful thoughts.

  13. What stood out for me from this verse was “…while we pray.” Prayer is not a daily ritual – morning or night for a given number of minutes or in a specific place. ..it is constant communion with God. Continual 24/7 communication with Him. God’s angel maintaining a circle of protection around us 24/7.

    1. Aussie I was having the same thought about the phrase “while we pray”. I thought of the Bible verse ‘pray without ceasing.’

      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (KJV)
      “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God…..”

      1. One more from S&H, “Spiritual sense is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God.” This means that because God gives us spiritual sense we are ALWAYS able to tune into Him, pray and be protected.from wrong thinking.

        1. Yes, Rose. spot on!!!!

          I love how the servant’s eyes were open to see the circle of protection (chariots of fire) when Elisha prayed. . (2 Kings 6).

  14. Thanks a lot, dear Evan; i love this unifying circle of love with the truth sentence “to pray is to know God’s reality” you state here in your uplifting SpiritView!♡

    I remember the following verse , also from Psalms, so in that sense: “From all sides you encircle me and holding your hands over me..” I always loved this verse of protection by the Christ and God’s angels.

    Dear SV friends, thank you all for your inspiring and loving comments.♡

  15. Met-a-phyician, music unheard
    eyes saw blindly til i saw
    the Rock turn now
    Spiritually sound all around
    Grace is freedom abounding
    along and Joy,..
    that forever Thing
    goes around and around
    Love all the friends on
    Mother Earth
    Thank you SpiritViewers.. heaven sent

  16. This has been such a healing post with beautiful comments. I keep coming back to revisit it and drink in its truth. Thank you, everyone!

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