A worthy New Year resolution

January 2, 2025 | 15 comments

Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
~ Eph 4:23,24, NLT

15 thoughts on “A worthy New Year resolution”

  1. Yes! We must keep our thoughts so full of love that error is brushed aside and only God’s voice is heard!
    Thank you!

    1. Marilyn your comment reminded me of the other day when I was “all prayed up” and then afterward error started trying to talk to me, and it just sounded like chatter, gibberish, noise and I realized, “I actually can’t hear that.” I could tell it was trying to lure me in but I just couldn’t hear it because God’s voice seemed so much clearer and more real. A cool experience.

  2. Thank you Evan for all your spiritual thoughts,
    that keeps focus on God during the year.
    Praying and knowing that this will a bleesing to all creation and just Love.
    Mary Baker Eddy writes: Love illlumies, designates and leads the way, THAT WAY IS SPIRIT.

  3. I know this may seem to be a play on words but I thought I would share it anyway.

    God is Life, life is Mind, Mind is Divine Principle, Divine Principle is Truth, Truth is Spirit, Spirit is Soul, Soul is Love.

    For me it really is that simple or complex depending on the way you look at it. God created all thing great and small.

    All is one and one is all.

    1. JOSEF, your work above is worth sending to be published, it IS that simple, and many of Evan’s readers aren’t the only ones who could use your piece TODAY!!!!!

  4. Bless you, Evan, for the inspiration all year long! It’s the best way to begin each day! Anticipating great spiritual growth this year and looking forward to the wonderful ideas shared on SpiritView!
    Absolutely beautiful, Josef! Thank you for posting your poetic idea of “all” ☺️

  5. Thank you Evan, for sharing this truth.

    It is comforting to know that we only need to “let Spirit” renew our thoughts, attitudes, affections. It’s not an act of human will, which new years’ resolutions are so often depicted to rely on. Today, and going forward, I resolve to let God do the renewing. ❤️

    1. Excellent point Nancy, human New Year’s resolutions are seen as deciding to force a new and better habit upon ourselves or to drop a bad one. That’s why we often joke about how we’ve lost our resolve shortly into the new year. The LETTING and trusting is key. Another translation of that verse says, “…to take a fresh breath and to let God renew your attitude and spirit…” (The Voice)

  6. Thank you Evan. Everything is thought and perspective. The picture of the typewriter is a reminder of an old worn-out concept of communication. Viewing the earth as flat was an old worn-out concept from centuries ago. It’s not that the earth changed from flat to round – just people’s perception of it had changed.

    “A major change of perspective” God answers our prayer through transformed thinking.
    by Mark Swinney, from the April 30, 2007 issues of The Christian Science Sentinel:

  7. “Open thou my eyes that I may behold wonderous things out of thy law” Psalms 119:18
    My prayer for 2025!

  8. An excellent article, J. But I puzzled and puzzled over what the
    picture is, and I couldn’t come up with any answer. I still can’t
    see this as a typewriter. Are you sure that is what it is?

    Does God see a typewriter anyway? I suppose whatever it is,
    by spiritualising our thoughts, we will look for its usefulness and
    practicality – its’ spiritual qualities as its reality.

    1. Hi Maggie. I “believe” it’s a typewriter. The clues for me were the ribbon and the print of “This year I will…” looks like it’s from an old font style used for typing. But I could be mistaken. Regardless, I love your higher, spiritual view…resolving “things into thoughts” by acknowledging what a typewriter represents. 🙂

  9. Good detective work, J. Yes, certainly the typing at the top
    looks like from an old style typewriter, I hadn’t really considered
    the ribbons that seem to be floating in the air, but that’s possibly
    what they could be.
    It certainly makes a bit more sense to me now. We didn’t have the
    typewriter keys to identify it, but we do have “the key to the
    Scriptures” (couldn’t resist that one) which helps us to
    understand how to change things into thoughts, and exchange
    the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul”.

  10. Thanks very much dear Evan! “This year I will …” That’s interesting because the Bible says “God is the willing and doing to His pleasure” so in that sense. So it’s good what Evan says here: “Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes”. Yesterday a friend wished me a good time. As I was not satisfied with that wish I replied that it will become a good time (year) when we let God guide our ways. My New Year’s wish is, to understand God more clear.
    I’m always thankful for “J’s” link to an inspiring article!
    Happy progress to all!♡

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