Acknowledge God’s government

September 9, 2024 | 15 comments

Whatever is governed by God, is never for an instant deprived of the light and might of intelligence and Life.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 215

When thought is governed by God, everything goes better.

God is an intelligent Mind that knows the best way to perform any task, the best words to say to others for happy relationships, the best steps to take for a good outcome.

When thought is governed by God, answers are sooner found, conflicts are more quickly resolved, and healing comes quicker.

For the best results in your life, acknowledge God’s presence.  Be aware of all the good things God is doing for you every moment.  Let Truth and Love reign in your outlook.

God always knows best.

To acknowledge God’s government, is to live God’s government.  Everything turns out better.

15 thoughts on “Acknowledge God’s government”

  1. Keep the conversation going with God. I listen to God all day.
    Even for the tiniest things I will say out loud, Father, I need your help. It may be to find something, to have clarity about a situation, to calm my thought, to pray for the world, to learn more about him. Isn’t Gos wonderful?

    1. Yess, Bebe, indeed, I agree fully. God is upsolutely wonderful -, and His Goodness has no end! I also ask God aloud, please help me what to say or to do next! And I make clear that God expresses Himself in His children with the divine qualities His creation or idea needs. Am very grateful that I can learn these truths in Christian Science.

      And I am very thankful to you, dear Evan for your healing and comforting spiritual views!♡

    2. Yes Bebe, I also talk to God throughout the day. I talk, but I need to get quieter and listen more. Sometimes I seem to get “busy” and “forget” to keep that conversation going, but it becomes clear that I need to turn back to Him when I see thought slipping into wrong, unhealthy or untrue channels.

      Someone commented last week on SV that we are Completely Dependent on God. That caught my attention because of the absoluteness of the statement and I’ve been pondering it. It leaves no room to be depending on anything else, like mortal ideas or human opinion or whatever would deny the Allness of our dear God.

  2. Dear struggler, trying hard to admit God’s Allness and Goodness::
    (If this applies) Take heart!! Even if you don’t fully understand (or accept
    the law of gravity or aerodynamics, these stilll operate, are true, scientific facts.
    Even so, Truth’s Law of love is always in operation, caring of you in every necessary way,and forever.
    Trust the Laws of Truth, apply them! Watch how they remove fears and false beliefs! Build on this firm foundation. So wonderful, this divine Science!!

    1. Thank you dear J for this wonderful article, explaining God’s unshakable divine Law, sustaining us all for iternity!
      I liked how Mark explained so clear and inspiring how to pray!!♡

  3. Here I ad a very lovely and holy hymn – # 151 which I think fits to today’s SpiritView:

    “I speachless prayer and reverence,
    Dear Lord, I come to Thee,
    My heart with love Thou fillest,
    Yea, with humility.
    My bread and wine Thou art,
    With Thee I hold communion;
    Thy presence healeth me,
    Thy presence healeth me.

    To do Thy will is greater
    Than sacrifice can be;
    O give me needed courage
    Sweet with sincerity.
    From earthly thought released,
    In speechless prayer and reverence,
    Dear Lord, I come to Thee.
    Dear Lotd, I come to Thee.

    Love to All!!♡

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