19 thoughts on “All things possible with God”

  1. I like this. It takes the word “impossible” and it’s hitting a brick wall meaning and drops that brick wall into a meadow to walk through.

  2. Thank you, Evan, for all you do.. This piece from Science and Health comes to mind: “When man is governed by God, the ever-present Mind who understands all things, man knows that with God all things are possible.” S&H p 180:25.

  3. Bom dia Professor Evan.!! Muito obrigada pelo que o Senhor posta diariamente e também sou grata a todos os que comentam suas publicaciones. Gosto muito de abrir e ler antes de fazer minha lição biblica todos os dias. Sou muito grata por sua dedicação à Ciencia Cristã. Que o Cristo permaneça no seu coração sempre!! Muito Obrigada!!!

    1. I copied Ramon’s comment (in Portuguese) into Google Translate and it translated it as this:

      Good day Professor Evan.!! Very grateful for what the Lord posts daily and he is also grateful to all who comment on his publications. I really like to open and read it before reading the Bible every day. I am very grateful for your dedication to Christian Science. May Christ remain in his heart forever!! Very Thank you!!!

      My mother-in-law is Portuguese and she taught me how to say “hello” as “Bom dia”, so Bom Dia to you today Ramona and thank you for your comment!

      1. I made a typo in my first reference to Ramona’s name and spelled it Ramon. My apologies Ramona. That was not intentional.

  4. Thankyou Dear Evan, This is Beautiful, I was thinking about this last night. Psalm 78- 19. Can GOD furnish a table in the wilderness? what cannot GOD do!. All things are possible to GOD. Thankyou also Spirit View family , much Love to all.

  5. Thank you to Maggie for your comment from yesterday which read in part:
    I just now remember reading that there is only one problem, and that is the belief that there is another mind or life separate from God, and opposed to God. All the problems are included in this falsity – or malicious sinful suggestions – as Evan has explained so clearly and simply – so we have only one problem to face down.
    That truth that we can never be separated from God nor separated from expressing all of God’s attributes (intelligence, patience, diligence, etc.) destroys the belief that anything is really “impossible”. Thank you Evan and Maggie and everyone that contributes their comments!

  6. Thank you very much, Evan for this powerful spiritual Truth! If one delves into the Holy Bible, starting with Moses and the Prophets and going to the New Testament, to Christ Jesus and his disciples and to St. Paul and the spiritual Vision of John in Revelation and also to Mrs. Eddy, you find lots of powerful testimonies that a l l things are possible with our omnipotent God, the divine Love!
    They all prayed and trusted God, and understood Him. And Mrs.Eddy is teaching us through her Church, and its grand organization, her main work Science and Health and her extensive other writings, to do the same. I’m working on it to do better and let God guide!
    Thank God for His everpresence!♡

  7. Thank you All. I just looked up the definition of “opinion” and it states:

    ” – a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact
    or knowledge.
    – the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing”.

    I like Evan’s statement that “all things [are] possible with God.” Taking the Spirit[ual]
    View of things may not be the most accustomed to, or familiar viewpoint of everyone
    in the world, but … it certainly IS the fact of God’s possibility of things, which is endless
    in it’s application of whatever our problems Seem to be. With God, all things are viewed
    as a Good possibility with it’s expansive and eternal, unlimited and vast potential and
    feasibility. It gives a whole new outlook of things spiritual.

    1. Thanks Carol for your interesting and inspiring comment!
      Interesting the definition of “opinion” you state – …not necessarily based on fact or knowlege.
      And how could it, when the opinions come solely from humans, and is not prayer-based.

      Yes, Carol, for me it’s just at the right time, Evan is giving us this spiritual Truth “all things possible with God” to ponder. This Truth is so so needed for the whole world, that Peace might dominate!!!

      1. So true, Uta. And what, there are about 8 billion (?) “humans”
        in the world, each with seemingly their own opinion and
        viewpoint, so that can Seem to get a bit messy when they
        all think their opinion is right. Peace (One Mind) or God,
        and all of the spiritual facts that Knowledge endows us
        with – is the true Peacemaker with Love being the core of
        understanding and getting along, without obstinate
        objections to this Truth.
        It is interesting, that one simple quote can inspire so many
        wonderful comments. Thank you Evan, for getting us to
        ponder it’s meaning and application.

  8. Annie’s comment reminded me of this poem:

    I AM Poem by Helen Mallicoat:
    I was regretting the past
    And fearing the future.
    Suddenly my Lord was speaking:
    “My name is I Am.” He paused.
    I waited. He continued,
    When you live in the past
    With its mistakes and regrets,
    It is hard. I am not there,
    My name is not I WAS”.
    When you live in the future
    With its problems and fears,
    It is hard. I am not there.
    My name is not I WILL BE.
    When you live in this moment,
    It is not hard. I am here.
    My name is I AM.

  9. Wow dear J, that’s utmost wonderful!
    That’s really really good and true and healing!
    Thank you very much indeed for it!♡

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