Appreciate your God-given beauty

August 8, 2016 | 11 comments

“What is really beautiful needs no adorning. We do not grind down the pearl upon a polishing stone.”

~ Sataka

You are a pearl of God’s creating! Let your beauty shine.

11 thoughts on “Appreciate your God-given beauty”

  1. “…be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
    Rom 12:2

    Let us not be impressed or influenced by the world’s concept of beauty, all so surface and unreal. May our thoughts and lives be transformed by the truth, by what is truly beautiful and


    1. Good response SpiritViewFan. Romans 12:2 is one of my favorites too.

      Your saying “Let us not be impressed or influenced by the world’s concept of beauty,” might also include our not being impressed by the world’s sense of prosperity either.

  2. I do struggle with this. I always feel I fall short. I never feel really good about the way I look. But I do like the person that I am because I know I always try to reflect kindness, love, honesty, generousity and more. I am seldom happy with the way I look and work hard to achieve a better look. When I can achieve it I feel much better.

  3. Dear Patty, simplicity is the mark of true beauty. An anonymous quote states: “Simplicity is the mark of greatness.” Christ Jesus is the one who lived and demonstrated this truth, and still does and forever will in the hearts of man. We can find traces now in each one of us, right now. And we are able to continue beyond the belief as we now understand this Truth.

  4. One of the thoughts I often contemplate is this. “Now are we all the beautiful children God made us to be.”
    I make an effort to look through the mask of physicality and to perceive that because God is infinite His beautiful presence is right with me now and that’s all there is.It helps me to get away from material thinking.
    Thank you Evan for sending us these messages that help us to think deeply.

  5. A pearl is valued as a gem. Its beauty is innate, pure by its very nature and requires no polishing to look beautiful and good. Similarly God’s creation, in itself, by its very nature, is so beautiful and good and requires no adorning, no polishing.

    Evan you have chosen a very good quotation by Sataka to drive home your message. We are that precious pearl of God’s creating and we have that natural shine and beauty, So where is there any need of enhancing the beauty of an already wonderful creation?
    Beauty lies in the soul, in good deeds and as our deeds grow lovelier, the glow on our face becomes brighter and more beautiful. Beauty of soul is reflected on the face.

    Quote: God could not put Mind into matter nor infinite Spirit into finite form to dress it and keep it, – to make it beautiful or to cause it to live and grow. Man is God’s reflection, needing no cultivation, but ever beautiful and complete. Unquote
    By: Mary Baker Eddy from Science and Health with key to the Scriptures. 527:1-5

    Lovely selection of the picture Evan. What a simple face, lovely natural complexion, effervescent and sweet smile. No make up on face, no styling of hair yet so lovely and so elegant, so endearing and so good. Natural, God given beauty is the best and shines the most. Great. Truly good. Thanks.

  6. These are some of the definitions of beauty I have collected over the years: kindness; that which is agreeable; pleasant or dear; goodness; sweetness; loveliness; graciousness. And from Cedars “our continual spiritual insights make us radiant.”

    Whenever I’m feeling not so good about my looks these ideas about beauty are so helpful to me. They remind me that it doesn’t matter what you look like physically, it’s our innate goodness that is most attractive.

    There have been a handful of people in my life that to the material sense of things were not what the world would call attractive, even some having a little facial abnormalities, but they were some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever known…kind, compassionate, people that made ME feel worthy, of value, loved. Three were Sunday School teachers, so full of goodness and kindness.

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