Here’s a link to a 30 minute podcast I was included on as a guest speaker for the Christian Science Journal on how to balance a career along with the rest of your life.
How to balance work and the rest of your life
September 6, 2017 | 11 comments

September 6, 2017 | 11 comments
Here’s a link to a 30 minute podcast I was included on as a guest speaker for the Christian Science Journal on how to balance a career along with the rest of your life.
Can we have a link that you don’t have to subscribe to JSH online? I’m not able to get it at this time.
Thanks Melissa
Thank you Evan, very gorgeous to hear that interview with you.
Thank you awfully for showing us God as the only source of all our wanting and doing and planing and action. And thank you for showing us our oneness with Him, who is all Good and the Healer of everything.
And thank you so much for that wonderful testimony with your field workers at your father`s farm – very touching!
That´s what I felt, when listening to your answers to the posed questions 🙂
Beautiful. Boy, do I need this ♥️
Thanks, Melissa for providing another link to be able to listen to this valuable lesson.
Yours and Gillian Rees’ examples of following the two great commandments teach us to replace the challenges of time and money with love. I know that everyone who will expect my service of time or money today will be satisfied. And everyone from whom I expect anything today will have what they need to give it, and I will be satisfied. Joy and gratitude are our recognition of these exchanges presented and supplied by Divine Love. Our work, our life is Love, perfectly balanced for us and all. I thank you, Evan, for the link to the podcast and I thank God for Christ, our link to Truth and the good in us always.
Beautifully expressed Deb
I didn’t have time to listen to your interview yesterday, Evan, but it was just as informative and inspiring today. And it contained some valuable ideas I can share. Thanks so much for all you do.
Wonderful interview. Although I am retired, this is still applicable in so many ways. Thank you Evan.
I’m not a subscriber to JSH so I don’t seem to be able to read the articles they say I can in the Sentinels or this one of your. Have looked forward to it!! It seems you have to be a subscriber already to really to do what they say you can with these special one supposedly to non subscribers. Any help or information on this?? I love your Spirit view and can never thank you enough!