Be governed by Mind

October 24, 2024 | 15 comments

Man, governed by immortal Mind, is always beautiful and grand.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 246

If you’d like to live a beautiful and grand life, be sure to know divine Mind’s government of your entire being.

Divine Mind is the Mind of God, a consciousness of Truth that is filled with wisdom, intelligence, creativity, joy, delight, and heavenly insight. 

When consciousness is filled with beautiful images of thought, it has a beautiful impact on everything it touches.

We are under no moral obligation to carry ugly images around in thinking.  As children of God, it is our natural disposition to welcome beautiful images from divine Mind and enjoy their benefit.

Recognize the government of divine Mind.  Welcome Mind’s government.  Embrace it, know it, live it, express it.  

The effect of inspired outlook will be beautiful and grand in everything you do.

15 thoughts on “Be governed by Mind”

  1. Why not carry around a vision of loviliness, truth, compassion, patience to surround us and all that we meet along the way? Personally, I’d rather have that thought surrounding me where i could be expressing the joy of God’s creating instead of any inferior thought. Thank you, Evan for this divinely inspired post.

  2. I just read “Government by Divine Principle” by Albert F. Gilmore. You can buy a little booklet at your Reading Room called “God Governs.” it’s the government of man and special ideas on choosing “righteous government” in election year.

    1. *Thank you Kathryn and Maggie for this article. It is such a down-to-earth depiction of how we can work with our (and others) views of government in the now of this election year and after. God must be seen as the overall Governor of the Universe to bring His law to the forefront.

      Thank you Evan for this topic. Very timely. Love and good government to all.

    2. Thank you Kathryn for this article. I am working in our reading room today and have printed copies for our “free” table.
      Also, I’m on the Outreach Committee and will share this timely article. Yes, we are reaching out to our community, which includes are country in prayers.
      And thank you Evan for this timely inspiration! It is so right on!

  3. A good way to judge if any thought or belief is true or false is to ask, Is that thought or belief in Divine Mind? If it is dark, dire, makes us feel limited or sad or fearful or constricted in any way, we know it can’t be in Divine Mind and we can reject it as no part of us as God’s expression, loved and safe and joyful.

  4. Thank you Kathrin and Maggie for the article about “Government”. It is very suitable for what’s going on just these days in the USA refering to the coming election.

    Thank you very much, Evan for today’s spiritusl views on Government. The only governing is God, the All-in-all. I love the following passage : “Divine Mind is the Mind of God, a consciousness of Truth that is filled with wisdom, intelligence, creativity, joy, delight and heavenly insight.” In CS we learn that all children of God express these divine qualities, also those who elect and those who are going to be elected. We can know in this situation that in God’s realm there is ONE grand harmonious family expressing their omnipotent and everpresent Father-Mother God, divine Love!!!♡

  5. With our understanding through Mind/God, we have the wisdom to be informed
    and make informed decisions as to what we feel is right and true in our elections.
    What will be the best choice for our country, state, our lives now and in the future – in
    honesty (Truth), respect for fellow countrymen, genuine empathy, innate wisdom in
    understanding of peace (Love) and how to resolve conflicts and keep us out of
    (mortal mind) wars, freedom (Soul) of religion (Spirit) and honoring law and order
    (Principle) – to name a few qualities that we should admire and look for in candidates,
    who are all rightfully children of God, just as we are, also.

    1. Thanks Angel, that is so very nicely and truely said!
      As I heard in our German news your election will be this weekend!? Will also pray and know that God elects his able candidates. So in that sense Mrs. Eddy üuts it in SH..
      Much Love to you dearest American brthers and Sisters. ❤️

      1. Thank you, Uta. The US election is on Tuesday, November 5th.
        Yes, prayer is much needed for our country and the world
        where God’s Love is proven in peaceful ways, where everyone
        is protected and precious in His care, (including the candidates
        themselves) – where Truth prevails and heated (mortal mind)
        rhetoric calms down and Goodly-Godly thoughts are
        demonstrable in healing unity that is so needed, but already true,
        in God’s Kingdom.

      2. Thank you Uta for your kind wishes and prayers for us in our U.S. elections. Early voting in advance of the Nov. 5 Election Day has already started in some states, here in NY we begin early voting this weekend.

        I love what Pat W said above, that we must see God as the overall Governor of the Universe, to bring His Law (L.A.W.-Love at Work) to the forefront. Very true.

  6. Thank you Rose for the interesting Info regarding your voting in the US and already in New York. In our TV news we hear from time to time about your election. Of course I like to pray for it, and the whole world ought to pray . In any case all thoughtful Christian Scientists do pray for righteousness and harmony as a result of divine Mind’s omnipotent government.

    Yes, a very good idea, Pad wrote: Law – Love at work!

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