Be open to a new path

September 25, 2024 | 26 comments

Have you ever felt like you’re standing in the middle of dense darkness, unable to see what lies before you, where to go, or what to do next?  

If so, take heart.  God knows a path forward and reveals it to you.  

God promises through the prophet Isaiah, “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known” (Isaiah 42:16, NKJV).

What we can’t see humanly, God sees spiritually and reveals it to us through spiritual sense.

As we pray, stay humble, and listen with spiritual sense, we know what to do next that works.  Divine Mind reveals it to us.

We also must heed the promise of “I will lead them in paths they have not known,” which means that what God reveals may be totally different than any plan we had ever humanly conceived.  

To hear God’s plans, be sure to put aside all human plans.  Be open!!  Be open to fresh, expansive, progressive ideas that take you to new and grand places.

Be open to a new path.

26 thoughts on “Be open to a new path”

  1. Thank you very much, Evan. I needed this message. And today it arrived. Thank you. Complete trust in God and his plan is all we need.

  2. oh yes. I am open with child like enthusiasm for the grand adventure our Father-Mother has given us! This is the day the Lord has made and He’s lighting the Way before us! love, Love, LOVE!!!

  3. Thank you Evan, just the encouragement I need today. I have really felt in a funk for awhile now, and just don’t know what to do or where to be. Listening, patience, humility are key.

  4. Just read God’s Law of Adjustment again yesterday and yes, we must put aside how we think things should turn out or be resolved. Not my will, but thine be done. ❣️

    1. Thank you Patty for mentioning this article; God’s Law of Adjustment

      I located it and have found a wonderful aid to my journey; the clarity of the author’s writing is wonderful,

      And thank you to Evan and all who comment, I find great wisdom in your sharings and experiences.

        1. Thank you dear Rose for the link to Adam Dicky’s wonderful article “God’s Law of adjustment”. Although one read it decades ago, it’s so importent and helpful to read it again. If one reads it another time one might read it more thoroughly and understand it deeper then. That’s what happened to me. And because it’s midnight here now I only read half and am looking forward to go on studying the second half on Thursday. ♡

          Dear Evan, I’m very very thankful for your today’s utmost comforting and uplifting spiritual views! It is so freeing as it lifts burdens of making our own human decisions. We can leave our decisions to God who cares for us and guides us aright lovingly the best path to health, satifaction and happyness and progress!♡

  5. What?
    I’m not “smarter than God??”


    (Just fer a chuckle to lighten my path…and
    perhaps yours!)

    1. Lol, SpiritView Fan. I like your sense of humor. We all need to lighted up and laugh more, it’s very healing. Many spiritual truths can be imparted through humor, laughter is one of the universal languages.

  6. Loving this inspiration and Thank you so much Evan and all. Sometimes with the
    world the way it is these days, with the economy and uncertainties with it seems
    almost everything – “mortally” feeling in a rut can be an easy trap to fall in to.
    But then I think of a dear friend years ago .. in her mid 70’s, who, always thought
    spiritually-mindedly and always prayed with her challenges. She had had a difficult
    life where she had been left alone to raise her 4 boys. She had never owned her own
    home and then for 20 years had been alone and could have easily thought negatively, but
    was always positive in her thinking. She and her new husband packed up and moved
    to a beautiful home her son had built for them, sight unseen, and they were both the
    happiest ever. She would appreciate and describe to me in detail, all of the wonderful
    things that were happening … proving that God’s plans for us are always so much better
    than we could even imagine, when we turn whole-heartedly to the never ending
    abundance of good and Love that is constantly being given to us. She would always say
    that “Jesus” was with her/them and their lovely home, but I liked to think of her spiritual
    treasures as coming from the Christ or God’s blessings that are with us all, regardless of
    who we are, where we are, what “age” we are. God’s goodness is always with us.

    1. Appreciated reading this demonstration Angel. This also exemplifies the unlimited possibilities of agelessness, something that the world is working on.

      1. Thank you, John C. They are both in more “heavenly” places now, but even
        here on earth, she always had a beatific glow about her and her loveliness
        appreciated every detail of things, which I was blessed to admire and learn
        from. Her faith always propelled her thought to higher places, so she was
        always inspiring and encouraging, as well as comforting. I imagine Mrs.Eddy
        having that same gentleness and sweetness. And yes, their “agelessness”
        had them doing things for each other, even after he had passed on and had
        hidden endearing messages here and there where he knew she would
        eventually find them. He also had a florist send flowers to her after he had
        passed. Love has no ending, but is eternal.

  7. I love this statement from Mrs. Eddy: “God had been graciously preparing me during many years for the reception of this final revelation of the absolute divine Principle of scientific mental healing.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 107:3)

    I love that she humbly listened to God for her direction. All mankind benefits from her action. Thank you Evan and all. May your day be filled with blessings.

  8. What a timely message today! We just sold our home of 24 years in preparation for the move back to our home state of Washington. Today’s message is a beautiful reminder to watch for the angel messages from God to guide us as exciting change!

  9. Thank you so much Evan, so inspiring and helpful yet again. I sent your message to someone who is struggling as to where they should be and what the next step is, you have given sound Spiritual thoughts to ponder on and pray about and in the nick of time for them. Trusting in Divine Mind and resting in the love and peace of Christ Jesus soothes the soul and releases the power of the Holy Spirit to tenderly guide and direct us onto the right path. Thank you and I pray for many blessing to be poured out upon you, yours and your wonderful Ministry. Amen

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