I’ve been asked the question many times, how do you keep your thought in a positive place when there’s so much evil happening in the world?
I tell how in this vlog that was filmed on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, in Arizona, when my wife and I visited the area in September 2024.
That’s awesome Evan! Thank you for this – so beautifully explained against the magnificence of the Grand Canyon. Such a great example.
I could not view this vlog because I got a message that I had to sign in to prove I wasn’t a bot, but there was no indication of where/how to do that. Sorry to have missed this one; can you tell me how to access it?
Many thanks.
After I posted the above comment, it worked! Behold the massive goodness of God!
Thank you Evan,this was perfect for me. Your blogs are so uplifting!
Thank you so much for showing us “the wide horizons grander view” in thought and illustration. An outstanding vlog!!!
Thank you. The pics were beautiful and the thoughts you presented. Thank you again.
Wow! As Mrs. Eddy writes In Science and Health (p.264):” As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible.” We have so much to really SEE as we rely more and on spiritual sense as our lens. What an amazing vlog! Thanks, Evan!
Thank you, Evan – A beautiful panorama, and a beautifully explained and very helpful message.
Wonderful to think of the massive goodness of God’s Creation, and so beautiful.
That set me to thinking that the seeming massive immensity of the awful things that seem to be going on in the world are nothing but the immensity of nothingness. As Christ Jesus demonstrated, they disappear immediately with the understanding of God’s spiritual all presence and all power.
This led on to me to observing that if we blow up a balloon to as big as we can make it,
it has the ability to float upward into the sky. We have put our so-called material breath into it,
and blown it up. However, if we just simply prick that balloon, it totally collapses, and has no more ability to achieve anything.
So if we understand the spiritual reality of God’s true Creation, and realise it is infinite, filling all space and is complete and totally good. and no matter how many so-called mortals blow up a material sense of things, is just hot air, like when we blow up a balloon. It is just blown up out of all proportion, but it does seems so real and powerful.
But we can know, that just one true spiritual thought really understood, and shone on any evil
belief deflates it, just like the balloon when it is pricked,, and it collapses, because it has no substance or law to support it. It has no more seeming power over us once we realise its absolute nothingness.
The immensity and massive goodness of God’s beautiful Creation and everyone and
everything in it is spiritual and intact forever, whatever would
try and claim power against it.
I am just thinking of the beautiful view that Evan showed us over
the Grand Canyon, and pray that our consciousness may be
lifted up and remain with us, in order to continually see the bigger picture
that God is manifesting in all its glory. In fact, “all the glories of earth
and heaven and man”.
Your writing about immensity and massive goodness of God’s beautiful Creation caught me up in wanting every Sunday school teacher to share this explanation with each student, as they attend the Christian Science Sunday School, to learn how God is present, caring for us and watching over us with GOOD spiritually, without interruption, always present to show us LIFE, full of His Love, Principle, Truth, divine goodness, NO MATTER WHAT! Showing us there is never any separation from God. As we live “in the immensity and massive goodness of God’s beautiful Creation, with everyone and everything in it’s spiritual and intact forever.” The thought that evil, matter appearing real (even for a second) is collapsed and disappears by a mere prick of the material illusion, nothing touching “all the glories of earth and heaven and man.” Could be used as an example of a firm foundation using ideas at the start even with nursery students illustrating the Truth.
Thank you Evan, Maggie and Chilesands for your Perspectives on this beautiful vlog. I will share your ideas with a Sunday School teacher.
Our wedding trip almost 60 years ago took us to the rim of the Grand Canyon. It is unchangingly beautiful and inspiring as God’s Kingdom always is.
I really like your balloon analogy, and your comment about the rampant evil we see (humanly) in the world today, as “the immensity of nothingness.” Thank you for sharing.thisd ideas.
‘nothing but the immensity of nothingness’ . – yes – that’s it . When we realize that ‘nothingness ‘ thought disengages from that SEEMING nothingness and that immensity of good fills our experience —- so beautifully illustrated . Thank you Evan
Thank you Evan for the massive vision of good, God spiritview!
Thank you, Evan, for another very inspiriting SpiritView — and one that is so needed in today’s claims of evil going on in the world. No matter what the claim, whether it is disease, storms, corruption, God was and is there first as the omnipotent and only power. And that’s what we have to look forward to despite the many claims of evil.
Thank you for this awesome view of God’s creation and very helpful message, Evan.
Very appreciated.
Thank you for “Behold God’s massive Good.” This thought makes the narrow, dark, constricted view of mortal mind open up wide. It opens up the lens of our vision to BEHOLD what is truly there, all good, in abundance, if only we have the eyes to see it — and we do.
The Grand Canyon is a physical representation of the spiritual quality of expansive, vast good from God for all to experience.
Wonderful! Perspective helps.
The divinely spiritual view, perspective…
“above” (“meta”) the merely physical sense view….
is true metaphysics. How good is God to give us the wonders of The Grand Canyon to illustrate this lesson!
I think of Mrs. Eddy’s comment about the three monkeys…seeing no evil, hearing no evil, etc… as not the correct attitude to adopt, however. I can’t find the ref. on Concord. Do any of you know where it is?
Also, CSers are NOT “burying our heads in the sand!”
in denying evil! (Besides, Ostriches do not do this! Look it up!)
So many useful lessons to lift thought from the material views !
Thanks, Evan!
And Thank YOU, Truth!!
Thank you SpiritViewFan –
It is found inWe Knew Mary Baker Eddy Volume 1, page 269:
Mrs. Eddy abhorred all hypocrisy, self-justification, or any excusing of error. She once said she could not teach a person who excused error, who closed his eyes to evil, that that person was not teachable. Someone sent her a set of the three little brass monkeys—“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” That, said Mrs. Eddy in substance, is not Christian Science; it is heathen philosophy. Christian Scientists do not close their eyes to evil, but open them. They open their eyes, spiritual discernment, and awaken to the true nature of evil or sin, to its false claims, methods, subtlety, etc., and then realize its nothingness, its utter powerlessness to control or to harm.
When the balloon is too full it pops, Destroys itself. like the error destroying itself. Thanks for the analogy stated earlier and the MBE quote above, Maggie.. Thank Evan for Spirit View
thank you Maggie
What a wonderful message to start the day, thank you!
Evan, you provide each day so much to ponder and be grateful for. I’m asking myself: how may I increase my spiritual sense?
You don’t need to increase it because it all rests on the fact that you already have it. We all need to yield to that
What beautiful thoughts to start my day! Thank you Evan and All. Blessings to each of you!
Oh Evan! This message just put the biggest smile on my face!!! Thank you!
This is so inspiring, Evan. It reminds me of the Psalmist’s earnest petition, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” (Ps. 119:18). Thank you and our SpiritView family for feeding my soul, my spiritual sense, once again.
So wonderful. Here’s more of good – God with us!
Thanks Patty in TN. Attaching a version that will also open for non-subscribers.
“THE GREAT QUESTION”—WHERE ARE YOU? by PAUL STARK SEELEY From the December 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal:
Thank you so much for taking us along on your wonderful trip, Evan! The view is
so amazing and beautiful. It shows the breadth and depth of God’s loveliness
and power carved into such naturally incredible splendor. I can just imagine sitting
on that delightfully rustic bench, absorbing the awesome view. Kathy and your treasures
of perspective from such a lovely place depicts the majesty and eternality of the
mountains and sky captivating off into the distance. Thank you again for your
message and for sharing this most perfect spiritual view with us.
Thank you Evan for the good thoughts, Patty & J for the helpful article!
That’s powerfully said, that we shall and can behold God’s massive Good!
Thank you very much , dear Evan for this lovely and beautiful Vlog from the awesome and beautiful Grand Canyons in Arizona. It’s clearly said that it is a matter of the right perspective to behold God’s massive good in these times! Wow I’m thankful for all the beauty in the World, here the utmost majestic and huge Canyons. Thanks a lot, Evan that you during the years showed us several Vlogs with wonderful spiritual inspirations from The Grand Canyons, but always from a different beautiful place therein!
Thanks deeply for your lovely spiritual insights which are very needed and helpful and healing.
Thanks to All wonderful SpiritView friends for your so inspiring comments and links to the very helpful articles!!!♡♡♡
thank you, Evan 🙂
Beautifully said Evan! 🙂