“Be careful that when you get on each other’s nerves you don’t snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out.”
Bring out the other’s good side
May 6, 2016 | 8 comments

May 6, 2016 | 8 comments
“Be careful that when you get on each other’s nerves you don’t snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out.”
Wow Evan! How do you always know what I need to be reminded of today? My husband has just informed me that he is busy most of the weekend and I was feeling somewhat aggrieved! Now I see lots of good things I can do in the garden as the weather forecast is great and my perspective has totally changed.
This is a wonderful message Evan. “Bring out the other’s good side”. It’s indeed a very noble virtue, to look for the good in others. Generally speaking, only the one drawback looms large and the so many good things are ignored.
As Evan says, when we are tempted to snap, we should hold back for a minute and realize that there are so many good things, good qualities to be grateful for in that person. If we truly and honestly look only for the good in everyone, and try to bring out those good qualities, then whatever is not good falls off, since it does not belong to that person, who in his/her spiritual reality is the innocent and pure reflection of God.
Thanks Evan ever so much.
Thank you, Evan, for using The Message to show us how really personal and practical The Bible can be! And I love your, comment, Dilys, re. all it takes is a change in OUR Perspective to have a Good Day……instead of playing the victim role and being at the effect of another’s thoughts or actions! We are always at the point of Choosing how we want to perceive Life! Happy Mother’s Day and Weekend to All!
Thank you Evan for this timely reminder. And thank you Bevi and “Happy Mother’s Day” to you too!!! (=
WOW is all I can say and ditto to the above! Mind is leading you to give us all what we need when we need it!!! These truths..unfolding in our true spiritual reality, yes, cause the error to dissolve right in front of us! They also remind us of the” Power of the Word” —that our Word is a force and with that force is Truth and love and it shatters as it is spoken. Hence, I need to really notice the words I choose, the thoughts I think and then the actions following will be harmonious!!! Thank you for your total alwyas dedication to God and healing. Love , and respect, Merri
Thank you Evan, for this reminder. Sometimes when a friend of mine says something a little bit more harder than normal, and what she said is not quite correct, I sometimes tend to reply even harder that she is not right in what she said. But later on I am very unhappy that I reacted like that. And than I can see all the good qualities in her and the kindness and love and joy she normally expresses – and then I can apologize for my wrong reaction. Sometimes she said “oh, forget it”. Than I am glad she said that kindly.
I find that as material process of getting older, I find I am a bit argumentative and shortness of interaction brings out a negative association. I need to keep our loving and spiritual thoughts at the foreground of our relationship. This is a most helpful reminder as we are going on a cruise next week which brings us closer to one another. Loving thoughts must be forever present.
Thanks for the information. We must not dwell on the material negative thoughts.
I really have to think about this when I want to explain to my son, a spiritual Truth to my son for he is very antagonistic toward me. It requires extreme patience.