Category: children

The healing power of Love

May 20, 2008 | 6 comments

Two weeks ago, my daughter came home after school feeling very poorly. I didn’t know about the illness until I heard, “Mom, will you read to me from Science and Health?” Science and Health is a book all about spiritual

Who’s your daddy?

March 23, 2008 | 1 comment

A seminary professor was vacationing with his wife in Gatlinburg, TN. One morning, they were eating breakfast at a little restaurant, hoping to enjoy a quiet, family meal. While they were waiting for their food, they noticed a distinguished looking,

Divine Mind’s rescue

March 13, 2008 | 2 comments

Last weekend, my brother took my family out on a long adventure into the woods on our snowmobiles in the Blue Mountains of Oregon State. We had a grand time exploring new territory, improving our riding skills and enjoying the

All children are special

March 11, 2008 | No comments yet

“Each child is special and unique in their own individual way!” I frequently remind myself when working with children. In raising a son and a daughter with my wife, it has been a constant lesson for me to not see

Shooting in Illinois

February 15, 2008 | 7 comments

Oh, dismay, dismay…another horrible mass shooting yesterday, this time at Northern Illinois University, leaving 6 dead, and many more wounded. When will the mindless killing stop? When conversing about the tragedy with my wife this morning, she observed, “What an